Displaying 1 - 3659 of 3659
Aanei , Carmen Consultant University Hospital of Saint-Etienne France |
Abb, Ehsan Researcher Australia |
Abbam, Petra United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Abbas, Zain Data Scientist Canada |
Abbas, Ali Distinguished Architect Germany |
Abdelaziz, Yaser Teaching Assistant Helwan University Egypt |
Abdelouahab, Kamel Ph.D Student Institut Pascal - Université Clermont Auvergne France |
Abdibayev, Almas PhD student Dartmouth College United States of America (the) |
Abdulkader, Ahmad CTO Voicera United States of America (the) |
Abduvaliev, Said Researcher Westminster International University in Tashkent Uzbekistan |
Abel, David PhD Candidate Brown University United States of America (the) |
Abimbola , Tolulope Postgraduate Student /Computer Science University of Ibadan Nigeria |
Ablin, Pierre Ph.D. student INRIA France |
Abnar, Samira Phd candudate ib AI University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Aboutalebi, Hossein Machine Learning Researcher McGill Canada |
Abraham, Anson Eng United States of America (the) |
Abrams, Matt Seven Peaks Ventures United States of America (the) |
Abudu, Moyosore Software Engineer GRIT Systems Nigeria |
Acharya, Anirudh Software Developer AWS United States of America (the) |
Acosta, Diana Telecommunication engineer Universidad de Antioquia Colombia |
Adams, Roy PhD Student University of Massachusetts - Amherst United States of America (the) |
Adams, Ryan Professor of Computer Science Princeton University United States of America (the) |
Afrabandpey, Homayun PhD Student Aalto University Finland |
Aftab, Muhammad Yaseen ML Engineer NED University of Engineering and Tech Pakistan |
Afzal, Avid PostDoc University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Agarwal, Rishabh Research Scientist Google Canada |
Agarwal, Rishabh Student IIT Bombay India |
Agarwal, Pranjal India |
Agbodike, Kenechukwu Data Scientist Skye Bank Nigeria |
Aggarwal, Vaibhav Student Researcher UCLA United States of America (the) |
Aggarwal, Keshav Student IIT Indore India |
Aghaebrahimian, Ahmad Ph.D. Candidate Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Czech Republic (the) |
Aghagolzadeh, Mehdi United States of America (the) |
Agina, Abhijith India |
Aglietti, Virginia University of Warwick United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Agourakis, Dionisio PhD Student Deep Learning/Metaheuristics ITA Brazil |
Agrawal, Vibhor United States of America (the) |
Agrawal, Tanmay Undergraduate Student SRM Institute of Science and Technology India |
Agrawal, Shreya Software Engineer Google Inc. United States of America (the) |
Aharoni, Roee Phd student Bar Ilan University Israel |
Aharonian, Zadkiel Computer Science Student Epitech France |
Ahmad, Subutai VP Research United States of America (the) |
Ahmad, Naveed United Arab Emirates (the) |
Ahmadi, Zahra Research Scientist Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz Germany |
Ahmed, Naeem Data analyst / data scientist University of Pretoria South Africa |
Ahmed, Sumon PhD student United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Ahmed, Kashan Pakistan |
Ahmed, Salman Business Analytics Professional Indian Statistical Institute India |
Ahn, Sangmin Japan |
Ahn, Sungjin Research Scientist Element AI Canada |
Ahsan, Unaiza PhD student Georgia Tech United States of America (the) |
Ai, Qingyao Ph.D. student University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Aibin, Michal Assistant Professor British Columbia Institute of Technology Canada |
Ajallooeian, Mostafa Machine learning engineer Switzerland |
Ajallooeian, Mohammad Mahdi PhD candidate University of Alberta Canada |
Ajay, Anurag Graduate Student MIT India |
Ajit, Pankaj Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Akaho, Shotaro Group leader The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan |
Akhtar, Sheikh Waqas PhD Student INRIA France |
Akinwande, Victor Rwanda |
Akyol, Mehmet Ali Research Assistant/PhD Student Middle East Technical University Turkey |
Al Jeffery, Abdulelah Graduate Student (Bioinformatics) Concordia University Canada |
Al Orjany, Saad Eddin Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Al-Shedivat, Maruan PhD student in Machine Learning Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
alaaedi, hussain PH.D Student AUT Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Alam, Mansoor Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Alayrac, Jean-Baptiste Phd Student Inria France |
Alcantara, Jomar PhD Student Aston University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Aldayel, Abeer Saudi Arabia |
Aldayel, Abeer KSU Saudi Arabia |
Aldecoa, Marcel Brazil |
Aldegheri, Giacomo PhD Candidate Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior Netherlands (the) |
Aleksandrov, Aleksandar United States of America (the) |
Alekseenko, Andrey Assistant Innopolis University Russian Federation (the) |
Alexander, Roger United States of America (the) |
Alexander, Sean HCI Researcher UMD United States of America (the) |
Ali, Suvayu India |
Ali, Iftikhar Austria |
Aliansyah, Zulhaj Hiroshima University Japan |
Aliyu, Abdulrahman PhD Candidate KFUPM Saudi Arabia |
Aljundi, Rahaf PhD Student KU Leuven Belgium |
Alkmim, Mansour Research Siemens Belgium |
Allahdadian, Saeid Postdoctoral researcher University of British Columbia Canada |
Allamanis, Miltiadis Researcher Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Allan, Jon Neuroscience - research PhD just completed University of Glasgow Ireland |
Allen, Kelsey Student MIT United States of America (the) |
Almassy, Nikolaus AI SW integration Intel United States of America (the) |
Almeida, Celia Sênior researcher, health policy, health sistema organisation and reforms nas global health Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Brazil |
Almeida Cruz, Yudivián Professor, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Research Group Universidad de La Habana Cuba |
Almirall, Esteve Associate Professor ESADE Spain |
Alonso, Nestor Analytics Manager Admiral Group PLC Spain |
Alonso, Eduardo Reader in Computing, Head of Department City, University of London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Alonso Alemany, Laura Professor un Computer Science Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina |
Alonso Jr, Miguel Associate Professor (Visiting) Florida International University United States of America (the) |
Alqudah, Ali Research and teaching assistant Yarmouk university Jordan |
Alquier, Pierre Professor in Statistics ENSAE, Université Paris Saclay France |
Alstrøm, Tommy Sonne Senior Researcher Technical University of Denmark Denmark |
Alt, Fionnán Head of Data Science CurrencyFair Ireland |
Alvarez, Teresa Product Manager BigML Spain |
Alvarez, Mauricio University of Sheffield United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Alves, Thiago Msc Student Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Portugal |
Alyafeai, Zaid Master KFUPM Saudi Arabia |
Amasyali, Mehmet Fatih Assoc. Prof. Yildiz Technical University Turkey |
Amatriain, Xavier CTO Curai United States of America (the) |
Amblard, Maxime Maître de conférences Université de Lorraine France |
Ambrogioni, Luca PhD student Donders Institute Netherlands (the) |
Amechazurra, Sarah Student Queensborough Community College United States of America (the) |
Amenabar, Sebastian Computer Scientist Pontifical Catholic University Chile |
Ammar , Waleed Research scientist Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence United States of America (the) |
Amoah Nyame, Kenneth Student Calvin College United States of America (the) |
Amoh, Justice Ph.D. Student Dartmouth College United States of America (the) |
Amos, Brandon PhD Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Amoussou, Joel Founding Director Atlantic AI Labs Benin |
Amplayo, Reinald Kim PhD Student University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Amritansh, [none] Researcher Renaissance AI Labs India |
Amuda, Kamorudeen Akindele Masters student University of Ibadan Nigeria |
An, Gary Professor of Surgery University of Chicago United States of America (the) |
Anam, Iftekhar Assistant Professor, Computer Science University of Wisconsin - Green Bay United States of America (the) |
Anand, Ankit Ph.D Student Computer Science IIT Delhi India |
Anand, Nishanth Student McGill Canada |
Anand, Ankesh PhD Student MILA Canada |
Ananyev, Egor Post-doc Duke-NUS Singapore |
Anders, Ariel PhD Candidate MIT United States of America (the) |
Andersen, David Professor of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Anderson, Daniel Data Scientist Israel |
Anderson, Jeff United States of America (the) |
Andersson Naesseth, Christian Sweden |
Andozhskaya, Veronika Student spbgti_logo.png Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology Russian Federation (the) |
Andreas, Jacob UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Andrew, Barto Professor emeritus University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Ane, Cecile Professor University of Wisconsin - Madison United States of America (the) |
Angel, Sebastian Assistant professor University of Pennsylvania United States of America (the) |
Angeli, Gabor CTO Eloquent Labs United States of America (the) |
Angelopoulos, Anastasios Graduate Student UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Angelov, Boyan Data Scientist Germany |
Anishchenko, Ivan Postdoc University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Aniyan, Arun Postdoctoral Fellow SKA South Africa South Africa |
Ankan, Ankur Master's student Radboud University Netherlands (the) |
Annadani, Yashas India |
Annamaneni, Sriharsha Research Fellow IIIT India |
Annavarjula, Vaishnavi Student Sweden |
Anticoli, Linda PhD candidate University of Udine Italy |
Antillon, Andres Costa Rica |
Antoniou, Antreas PhD Student - Machine Learning University of Edinburghq United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Antonopoulos, Georgios PhD Student Uliege -GIGA Belgium |
Anumanchupallik, Phani Teja Machine Learning Engineer Layered Insight United States of America (the) |
Aolita, Leandro Associate Professor / Quantum Computing Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil |
Apostolopoulou, Ifigeneia PhD researcher Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Aragao, Marceli Senior advisor/PhD/Modeller and Forecaster Central Bank Brazil |
Aragon, David Graduate Student, EE University of Washington, Seattle United States of America (the) |
Arai, Sam Emerging Technologies Architect Glidewell Laboratories United States of America (the) |
Arandjelovic, Relja Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Arasanipalai, Ajay Student HLC International school India |
Arbour, David Research scientist Facebook United States of America (the) |
Archambeau, Cédric Principal Applied Scientist Amazon Germany |
Ardila, Diego Software Engineer Google United States of America (the) |
Ardulov, Victor Research Assistant University of Southern California United States of America (the) |
Arevalo, John PhD student Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia |
Arévalo, Juan Data Scientist, PhD BBVA Data & Analytics Spain |
Argamon , Shlomo Professor of Computer Science Illinois Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Arieshanti, Isye Indonesia |
Arino de la Rubia, Eduardo Data Science Facebook United States of America (the) |
Arnold, Séb PhD Student University of Southern California United States of America (the) |
Aroor, Anoop PhD candidate CUNY United States of America (the) |
Arora, Divansh CSE IIITD India |
Arora, Kushal Ph.D. student Reasoning and Learning Lab, McGill University Canada |
Arora, Akshit Graduate Student University of Colorado Boulder United States of America (the) |
Arora, Neha Data Scientist Bidgely India |
Arponen, Heikki Researcher MVision AI Finland |
Arpteg, Anders Principal Data Scientist Sweden |
Arrabochu, Anvesh India |
Arrieta Ramos, Jose Miguel Data Science Engineer Colombia |
Arrizabalaga, Ivan CTO Zapiens Technologies Spain |
Artemev, Artem Machine Learning Engineer PROWLER.io United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Artés , Antonio Professor, Signal Processing & Machine Learning Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spain |
Artinger, Florian Research Scientist Max Planck Institute for Human Development Germany |
Artzi, Yoav Assistant Professor Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Arumugam, Balachandar Data Science Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad India |
Arun, Abhishek Principal Scientist Microsoft United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Aryan, Abi United States of America (the) |
Ashenfelter, Adam Cheif Data Engineer BigML United States of America (the) |
Aspert, Nicolas EPFL Switzerland |
Assouline, Joseph Data scientist France |
Assouline, Lior Research Eng. Harmonic Israel |
Athar, ShahRukh Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology India |
Athreya, Arjun PhD Candidate University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States of America (the) |
Atkins, Edward Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Atkins, Kyle United States of America (the) |
Atkinson, Steven Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Notre Dame United States of America (the) |
Atmaja, Tinton Researcher Indonesian Institute of Sciences Indonesia |
Attia, Alexandre ENS France |
Audenaert, Serge head of strategy garage Belgium |
Audi, Clayton Moses United States of America (the) |
Augenstein, Isabelle Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen Denmark |
Auli, Michael Research Scientist Facebook AI Research United States of America (the) |
Aune, Erlend Director of Data Science Exabel Norway |
Aupetit, Michael Scientist Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU Qatar |
Ausri, Irfani University of Waterloo Canada |
Aydin, Galip Associate Professor Firat University Turkey |
Aytar, Yusuf Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Ayyubi, Hammad Software Engineer Software Robotics Corporation India |
Azad, Payam Machine Learning Engineer Insider Turkey |
Azarkhalili, Behrooz Researcher Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Azencott, Chloe-Agathe Assistant Professor Mines ParisTech France |
Azencott, Chloe-Agathe ML researcher MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University France |
Azizzadenesheli, Kamyar Post-Doc Caltech United States of America (the) |
B, Bhargav Software engineer Vellore institute of technology India |
B, Ilia Data Journalism United States of America (the) |
Baali, Ilyes Computer Engineering Antalya Bilim univesity Turkey |
Baba Yara, Fahiz Academic Researcher Nova SBE Portugal |
Babanezhad Harikandeh, Reza Canada |
Bach, Kerstin Associate Professor Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Norway |
Bach, Francis INRIA France |
Bacon, Pierre-Luc PhD McGill University Canada |
Badakhshan, Mazdak Data Science Practitioner Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Badrinarayanan, Vijay Principal Engineer Magic Leap United States of America (the) |
Bagare, Jayanth Chief architect SAP India |
Baghernejad, Danielle Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Baghudana, Ashish Virginia Tech United States of America (the) |
Bain, James PhD Candidate/ computational linguistics University of Missouri United States of America (the) |
Bakar, Gonca phd candidate Koc University Turkey |
Baker, Warren Data Analyst Province of British Columbia Canada |
Baker, Ian Software Engineer Dropbox United States of America (the) |
Bakiskan, Can PhD student UC Santa Barbara United States of America (the) |
Balaraju, Varun Simha Student UT Dallas United States of America (the) |
Baldassarre, Federico Student KTH Sweden |
Baldridge, Jason Research Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Baldrighi, Elisa Free lance marine biologist MAaR Italy |
Ballamudi, Bharath Student Missouri University of Science and Technology United States of America (the) |
Ballas, Nicolas Research Scientist Facebook Canada |
Ballew, Galen Research Engineer - Computer Perception & Robotics Georgia Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Baloch, Ahmer Researcher Qatar |
Balsubramani, Akshay Postdoctoral Researcher Stanford United States of America (the) |
Balusu, Murali Raghu Babu Graduate Student Georgia Tech United States of America (the) |
Banavar, Guru CTO Viome United States of America (the) |
Banerjee, Rahul Graduate Student Technical University of Munich Germany |
Banerjee, Subhashis Ph.D. Computer Science Indian Statistical Institute India |
Banino-Rokkones, Cyril Machine Lesening Practitioner Evry Norway |
Bankov, V Netherlands (the) |
Bapna, Ankur Google United States of America (the) |
Barak, Boaz Professor of Computer Science Harvard United States of America (the) |
Barash, Yoseph Associate Prof. University of Pennsylvania United States of America (the) |
Barber, Mariah Master in Urban Planning Candidate Harvard Graduate School of Design United States of America (the) |
Barber, David Machine Learning Researcher University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Barbieri, Sebastiano UNSW Australia |
Barbolo Lopes, Rafael Computer engineeer University of São Paulo Brazil |
Barker, Tom Research Engineer Cirrus Logic United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Barnaby, Jorge Medical Doctor Instituto Nacional de Salud/Ministerio de Salud Peru |
Barnes, Jeremy PhD Student Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain |
Barnes, Matt PhD Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Baron, Benjamin Postdoctoral Research Associate University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Baroni, Marco Associate Professor / Research Scientists University of Trento / Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research France |
Barragan, Patrick United States of America (the) |
Barrat, Robbie Researcher Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Barrat, A. D. Web Developer Industry United States of America (the) |
Barron, Jon Research Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Barros, José Portugal |
Barsce, Juan Cruz PhD. Student Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Argentina |
Barth, Erhardt Professor Computer Science Germany |
Barth-Maron, Gabriel DeepMind Afghanistan |
Basaeed, E United Arab Emirates (the) |
Basaldella, Marco Research Fellow Università degli Studi di Udine Italy |
Basiri, Anahid Lecturer in Spatial Data Science University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Baskota, Mohit Graduate Student in Computer Science Iowa State University United States of America (the) |
Bastien, Frédéric Team Lead MILA - Université de Montréal Canada |
Bastrakova, Ekaterina Russian Federation (the) |
Basu, Sumana Graduate Student McGill University Canada |
Bateman , Blaine Founder & Chief Data Engineer EAF LLC United States of America (the) |
Bateman, Daniel President InfoPlay.ai United States of America (the) |
Bates, Robert Research Scientist Georgia Tech United States of America (the) |
Bates, Colm Economic statistics Germany |
Batista, David Data Scientist @ Comtravo, Berlin 1981 Germany |
Batterbury, Simon Prof. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Baudis, Petr Chief AI Architect Rossum Czech Republic (the) |
Bauer, David Software Architect United States of America (the) |
Beaudoin, Philippe VP Research and Cofounder Element AI Canada |
Bebensee, Björn Research Engineer Samsung Research Korea (the Republic of) |
Bechard, Patrice Machine learning student Mila Canada |
Becigneul, Gary PhD student ETH Zurich Switzerland |
Beck, Daniel Research Fellow in NLP University of Melbourne Australia |
Becker, Bruce Researcher EGI Foundation Italy |
Beckham, Christopher Research associate Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms Canada |
Beekhuizen, Carl RL Researcher University of Twente Netherlands (the) |
Beguir, Karim CEO and Lead AI Researcher InstaDeep United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Behbahani, Feryal Research Scientist Morpheus Labs United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Bejček, Eduard researcher Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Bekhelifi, Okba PhD Student, Intelligent Systems Université des Sciences et Technologies d'Oran, USTO-MB Algeria |
Bektursun, Abay ML Developer DXC Technology United States of America (the) |
Belkhir, Nacim Research Scientist Safran France |
Bell, James Research Associate in Differential Privacy The Alan Turing Institute United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Bellec, Pierre Researcher CRIUGM/DIRO University of Montreal Canada |
Bellec, Guillaume Post doc EPFL Switzerland |
Bellemare, Marc Research Scientist Google Brain Canada |
Belongie, Serge Professor Cornell University & Cornell Tech United States of America (the) |
Beltramelli, Tony Co-founder, Machine Intelligence Lead, CEO Uizard Technologies Denmark |
Belyaeva, Vera Researcher Russian Federation (the) |
Ben Abdesslem, Fehmi RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Sweden |
Benbouzid, Djalel Research Scientist Volkswagen Group Germany |
Bendale, Abhijit Research Scientist Samsung Research America United States of America (the) |
Bendich, Paul Mathematics Duke University United States of America (the) |
Bengio, Yoshua Professor University of Montreal Canada |
Bengio, Samy Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Benjamins, Richard Data & AI BigML Spain |
Benmalek, Ryan Phd Student Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Benn, Jonas Student University of Tübingen Germany |
Bennani, Younes Full Professor Paris 13 University - LIPN/CNRS France |
Bennett, Brendan University of Alberta Canada |
Bennur, Sharath Sr. Data scientist United States of America (the) |
Benson, Courtney Digital Transformation AI Inneering United States of America (the) |
Bent, Oliver PhD Student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Berard, Hugo PhD student Machine Learning University of Montreal Canada |
Berder, Laurent Data scientist France |
Bergan, Peder Research Associate University of Duisburg-Essen Germany |
Bergan, Tom E Data Architect Norway |
Berger, Andrew HHMI Janelia United States of America (the) |
Bergh, Cameron ML Researcher United States of America (the) |
Berglund, C Magnus Computer science/Matematics/Statistiscs NaN Sweden |
Bergman, Bastiaan Data sientist Atomwise United States of America (the) |
Bergmann, Paul Chief Scientist Foresight Logic, Inc. United States of America (the) |
Bergstrom, Bo United States of America (the) |
Bergwerf, Herman BSc student Nanobiology TU Delft Netherlands (the) |
Bernardes, Joao Master's Student in sociology University of Porto Portugal |
Bernardo, Francisco PhD Candidate in Computer Science Goldsmiths University of London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Bernatskiy, Anton Graduate Research Assistant The University of Vermont United States of America (the) |
Bernlöhr, Jan Deep Learning Engineer Robert Bosch GmbH Germany |
Berthelot, David United States of America (the) |
Bertinetto , Luca Italy |
Bertsch, Fred Software Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Berwal, Paramjeet Singh Invited Lecture, Law and Technology Saba University Georgia |
Besain, Devansh Deep Learning Consultant India |
Bethard, Steven Assistant Professor University of Arizona United States of America (the) |
Bettie, Bettie Occupational health and safety technician Bettie Bettie Services Germany |
Beucher, Eric Infrastructure architect DGFIP France |
Beyranvand, Peyman PhD Candidate Istanbul Technical University Turkey |
Bezerra, Eduardo CEFET/RJ Brazil |
Bhadury, Arnab ML Engineer Flipboard Canada |
Bhagat, Ankoor Data Scientist/Deep Learning Engineer United States of America (the) |
Bharaj, Gaurav Senior Scientist United States of America (the) |
Bhardwaj, Anant Founder & CEO Instabase United States of America (the) |
Bhardwaj, Nikhil Student India |
Bhatia, Ravi Data Analyst India |
Bhatia, Kanwal Lead Data Scientist Visulytix United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Bhatt, Umang Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Bhattacharjee, Vikram Graduate Student,ECE Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Bhattacharya , Siddhartha United States of America (the) |
Bhattad, Anand Grad Student in Computer Vision and Machine Learning UIUC United States of America (the) |
Bhayana, Ashish Data scientist India |
Bhupatiraju, Surya Researcher Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Bifet, Albert Professor Telecom ParisTech France |
Biffani, Stefano Italy |
Bilicki, Maciej Leiden University Netherlands (the) |
Bilmes, Jeffrey Professor - Machine Learning University of Washington, Seattle United States of America (the) |
Binas, Jonathan Postdoc MILA, Montreal Canada |
Binol, Hamidullah Postdoctoral Research Associate United States of America (the) |
Bird, Steven Professor Charles Darwin University Australia |
Birdal, Tolga PhD Student Technical University of Munich Germany |
Bischl, Bernd Professor Computational Statistics LMU Germany |
Bischof, Horst Professor Computer Vision TU Graz Austria |
Bisk, Yonatan University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Biswas, Arnab India |
Biswas, Aditya Research Assistant Yale University United States of America (the) |
Blanchard, Gilles Professor, Statistics University of Potsdam Germany |
Blanchard, John N United States of America (the) |
Blanvillain, Adrien Data-scientist April Moto (insurance) France |
Blasco, Jaime Chief Scientist AlienVault United States of America (the) |
Blattner, Marcel Chief Data Scientist Tamedia Data Analytics Switzerland |
Bloem, Peter Postdoctoral researcher Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Blohm, Gunnar Assoc. Prof in Computational Neuroscience Queen's University Canada |
Bluemke, Emma PhD Student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Blum, Carter Master's Student University of Minnesota United States of America (the) |
Blum, Robert Affiliate Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Boboshko, Oxana Russian Federation (the) |
Bochman, Oren Data Scientist Israel |
Bodin, Kenneth Associate Scientist UMIT, Umeå University Sweden |
Bogatinovski, Jasmin Master student Institute Jožef Stefan Slovenia |
Bogdan, Christina Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Bohare, Rahul Master's student Technical University of Munich Germany |
Bohg , Jeannette Assistant professor Stanford United States of America (the) |
Boisard, Olivier Senior Data Scientist Germany |
Boisvert, Alain Manager Gouvernement du Québec Canada |
Bojchevski, Aleksandar PhD student Technical University of Munich Germany |
Boleda, Gemma Tenure-track researcher Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain |
Bolonkin, Maksim PhD Student Dartmouth College United States of America (the) |
Boman, Magnus Professor in Intelligent Software Services KTH Sweden |
Bommakanti, Krishna Chaitanya India |
Bonaccorso, Giuseppe Senior Machine Learning Lead Quandoo Germany |
Bono, Hidemasa Project Associate Professor Database Center for Life Science Japan |
Bontempi, Gianluca Full professor in Machine Learning Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium |
Booth, Leticia PathAI United States of America (the) |
Borboudakis, Giorgos PhD Candidate University of Crete Greece |
Bordes, Antoine Director Facebook AI Research France |
Bordes, Florian PhD Student Universite de Montreal Canada |
Boscoe, Bernadette PhD Candidate, Information Studies UCLA United States of America (the) |
Boswell, Samuel United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Bottou, Leon Research Director Facebook AI Research United States of America (the) |
Bouchafra, Anys Audiovisual University of Valenciennes France |
Bouchet, Francois Associate Professor Sorbonne University France |
Boudreau, Vincent Graduate Student UNC Chapel Hill United States of America (the) |
Boughorbel , Sabri Staff Scientist Sidra Qatar |
Boujemaa, Nozha Director of DATAIA Institute Inria France |
Boukhayma, Adnane Researcher Oxford Uni. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Boukhdhir, Amal PhD student CRIUGM Canada |
Boulanger-Lewandowski, Nicolas Google United States of America (the) |
Bounsiar, Abdenour Assistant professor King Faisal University Saudi Arabia |
Bourgeois, Dylan Student EPFL Switzerland |
Boutault, Maxime Student France |
Bouteldja, Nassim Germany |
Bouthillier, Xavier PhD Student - Machine learning MILA - Université de Montréal Canada |
Bowling, Michael Professor University of Alberta Canada |
Bowman, Samuel Assistant Professor New York University United States of America (the) |
Boyd-Graber, Jordan Associate Professor of Computer Science University of Maryland United States of America (the) |
Boytsov, Leonid Research Scientist United States of America (the) |
Bozelos, Panagiotis PhD Student - Computational Neuroscience University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Bradbury, James Senior Research Scientist Salesforce United States of America (the) |
Brady, Daniel Data scientist Orita LLC United States of America (the) |
Braga, Juliao PhD Candidate Mackenzie University Brazil |
Braga, Maria Senior research fellow UT-Austin United States of America (the) |
Brahma, Siddhartha Research Staff Member IBM Research United States of America (the) |
Brandi, Brandi Medical appliance technician Waterheater Orlando Loper Consulting Australia |
Bratières, Sébastien Director of AI Translated Italy |
Braverman, Sam College student/researcher UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Brefeld, Ulf Professor for Machine Learning Leuphana University of Lüneburg Germany |
Brenda, Brenda Loan underwriter Brenda criticaldecisions.es Finsch AG Brazil |
Bresson, Xavier Prof NTU, Singapore Singapore |
Bretheim, Sam Data Scientist Craigslist United States of America (the) |
Brichacek, Matthew Engineer Brichacek Research Labs, INC United States of America (the) |
Briggs, James Postgraduate Student Sheffield Hallam University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Briol , Francois-Xavier PhD Student University of Warwick United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Britz, Denny Research Scientist United States of America (the) |
Brochu, Francis Ph.D. Candidate Université Laval Canada |
Brock, Andrew PhD Student Edinburgh Centre for Robotics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Brockschmidt, Marc Senior Researcher Microsoft Research United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Broderick, Tamara Assistant Professor MIT United States of America (the) |
Broich, Mark Research Fellow University of New South Wales Australia |
Brooks, James CTO Drastic Technologies Canada |
Broomé, Sofia PhD student in machine learning KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden |
Brophy, Jonathan PhD Student University of Oregon United States of America (the) |
Brown, Peter PhD Mathematics University of York United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Brown, Sarah Postdoctoral Fellow University of California, Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Brown, Jed Asst. Professor University of Colorado Boulder United States of America (the) |
Brown, Tom B ML Security Research Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Brown, Gavin Professor of Machine Learning University of Manchester United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Broxton, Michael Research Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Brune, Christoph Netherlands (the) |
Bruni, Elia Postdoc University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Brynjolfsson, Erik Professor MIT United States of America (the) |
Buchanan, Michaela Student, Computer Science Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Buciumas, Sergiu Data Science Kennesaw State University United States of America (the) |
Buckland, Mia Software Engineer United States of America (the) |
Bucquet, Aries AI Software engineer Sweden |
Budd, Julian Researcher Sussex University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Budhkar, Akshay Masters Student University of Toronto Canada |
Budi Wibowo, Aris Student Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesia |
Bue, Brian Machine Learning Research Technologist NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory United States of America (the) |
Buehler, Erik Researcher Independent United States of America (the) |
Buelbuel, Erkan Researcher, Software Architect Austria |
Buffet, Olivier Researcher INRIA France |
Bugnon, Leandro researcher sinc(i) - UNL - CONICET Argentina |
Bunel, Rudy PhD Student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Burda, Yuri Researcher OpenAI United States of America (the) |
Buret, Johan Web Developer France |
Burnap, Alex Research Fellow MIT United States of America (the) |
Burns, Paul Data Scientist Barclays United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Bursuc, Andrei Research Scientist Safran France |
Burtsev, Alexander Assistant professor / urban studies Ural Federal University Russian Federation (the) |
Busbridge, Dan Machine learning researcher babylon health United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Busenburg, Chas Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Bussy, Simon LPMS France |
Butler, John Lecturer Dublin Institute of Technology Ireland |
Butler Monterde, Patrick Director Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Buxton, Charis United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
C R, Vinuthna India |
Caballero, Ethan ML Engineer Graphcore United States of America (the) |
Cabi, Serkan Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Cabrit, Sylvie France |
Caccia, Massimo PhD MILA Canada |
Caglayan, Ozan PhD Student Le Mans University France |
Caglayan , Ali Researcher, PhD Candidate Hacettepe University Turkey |
Cai, Diana Princeton University United States of America (the) |
Cai, Xun AI/ML researcher Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Cain, Nicholas Software Engineer Allen Institute for Brain Science United States of America (the) |
Cakir, Emre Researcher, machine hearing Tampere University of Technology Finland |
Calacci, Dan Graduate Researcher MIT Media Lab United States of America (the) |
Calauzenes, Clement Researcher in Machine Learning Criteo Research France |
Calkins, Jeff Instructor English Composition Tacoma Community College United States of America (the) |
Calvo, John PhD. Candidate UNSW Australia |
Çam, Barış Can Msc. Student Middle East Technical University Turkey |
Camacho, Jose Postdoc Cardiff University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Campbell, Trevor Postdoctoral Associate MIT United States of America (the) |
Campean, Mihai Machine Learning Software Engineer Romania |
Campomanes Alvarez, Blanca Rosario PhD Computer Science CTIC Technology Center Spain |
Camps-Valls, Gustau Professor in Electrical Engineering Spain |
Canchi, Tejas Research Fellow Nanyang Technological University Singapore |
Candel, Arno CTO H2O.ai United States of America (the) |
Canty, John Grad student/Biophysics UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Canziani, Alfredo PostDoc NYU United States of America (the) |
Cao, Wenchao PhD student KULeuven Belgium |
Cao, Minh Senior Bioinformatics Scientist United States of America (the) |
Capotă, Mihai Research Scientist Intel Labs United States of America (the) |
Cappé, Olivier Researcher CNRS France |
Carbone, Angelo Deep Learning Engineer Italy |
Carbonnelle, Simon PhD student Université catholique de Louvain Belgium |
Cardozo, Lucas MSc Student, Computational Biology University of São Paulo Brazil |
Cardozo, David Machine Learning Engineer Kiwi Campus United States of America (the) |
Carl, Carl Research psychologist Carl murciadivorcios.es Consulting United States Minor Outlying Islands (the) |
Carlos, Dillon Data Scientist UC Davis United States of America (the) |
Carlsson, Fredrik Researcher RISE SICS Sweden |
Carlton, Jonathan PhD Student & Research Scientist The University of Manchester & BBC Research and Development United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Carmezim, Adriano Brazil |
Carrasco, Javier Chile |
Carrascosa, Rafael Head of Machine Learning Machinalis Argentina |
Carreira, Jack Student University of Buenos Aires Argentina |
Carreira-Perpiñán, Miguel Á. Professor University of California, Merced United States of America (the) |
Carvajal, Nicolas Estudiante de licenciatura Universidad tecnológica metropolitana Chile |
Casalegno, Stefano Data science lead Italy |
Casey, Andy Lecturer Monash University Australia |
Castillo M, Juan Knowledge modeling Univetsidad del Rosario Colombia |
Castleton, Peter Managing Director DataRiver AI LLC United States of America (the) |
Castro, Pablo Research software developer Google Canada |
Castro Martinez, Angel Mario AI Engineer for speech technologies and NLU Deutsche Telekom AG Germany |
Catalina, Alejandro PhD student Universidad autónoma de Madrid Spain |
Catalina Feliú, Alejandro PhD student Spain |
Catanzaro, Bryan VP, Applied Deep Learning Research NVIDIA United States of America (the) |
Cater, Evan Researcher Brown University Robotics United States of America (the) |
Catharine, Catharine Ticket agent Moriarty https://gaco88-bonus.com Moriarty Ltd Germany |
Caven, Peter Canada |
Cazabet, Remy University of lyon France |
Cazzani, Dario ML Engineer United States of America (the) |
CB, Gokul krishnaa ML Developer SAP Singapore |
Celerier, Mathieu Student University France |
Çetiner, Beytullah Gültekin Professor Dr Marmara University Turkey |
ÇEVİK, Eda Research asisstant Science Turkey |
Cezar Miranda da Silva, Julio Information Engineer Universidade Federal do ABC Brazil |
Chagnaa, Altangerel Associate professor National University of Mongolia Mongolia |
Chai, Liquan PhD student University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Chai, Duo USTB China |
Chainais, Pierre Professor Centrale Lille France |
Chaitanya, Chinni Data scientist and an engineer Indian Institute of Technology Madras India |
Chakraborty, Rupak Machine Learning Engineer Adobe India |
Chalasani, Rakesh VP Technology nDimensional Inc United States of America (the) |
Chalkiadakis, Ioannis PhD Candidate Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Center for Robotics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Chamarti, Siva United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Chan, Bert Big Data Consultant ASL Hong Kong |
Chan, Su Ph.D. United States of America (the) |
Chan, William Research Scientist Google Brain Canada |
Chandak, Mayank India |
Chandra, Rohitash UniSyd Australia |
Chandra, Arjun Researcher Telenor Research and Telenor-NTNU AI Lab Norway |
Chandrasekaran, Muthu Kumar Student National University of Singapore Singapore |
Chang, Haw-Shiuan PhD student UMass Amherst United States of America (the) |
Chaovavanich, Korakot Senior AI Expert True Corporation Thailand |
Chaoxue, Wang Proffesor Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology China |
Chapados, Nicolas Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder Element AI & Imagia Canada |
Chapelle, Olivier Research scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Chaplot, Devendra Singh Ph.D. student Carnegie Mellon university United States of America (the) |
Charafi, Mohamed Anas Student Data science ENSEEIHT France |
Charalampous, Konstantinos Student of Computer Science University of Cyprus Cyprus |
Charisopoulos, Vasileios PhD Student Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Chassoul, Jean Researcher Nonsense Worlds Costa Rica |
Chatelain, Jean-Luc CTO Private United States of America (the) |
Chatham, Matthew Data Science Analyst Premise Data Corp. United States of America (the) |
Chatterjee, Soumyadeep Machine Learning Engineer Quora Inc. United States of America (the) |
Chatterjee, Amrit PhD Student IIIT Hyderabad India |
Chatzigeorgakidis, Georgios PhD Candidate University of Peloponnese Greece |
Chatzis, Sotirios Assistant Professor Cyprus University of Technology Cyprus |
Chaudhari, Pratik PhD candidate, Computer Science University of California Los Angeles United States of America (the) |
Chaudhuri, Kamalika Associate Professor, Computer Science University of California, San Diego United States of America (the) |
Chaudhuri, Debanjan University of Bonn Germany |
Chauhan, Vinod Senior Research Fellow Panjab University Chandigarh India |
Chauhan, Aneesh Scientist Wageningen University and Research Netherlands (the) |
Chavanne, Philippe Founder Scm France |
Che, Haoxuan China |
Cheb, Scott Software Engineer United States of America (the) |
Chechik, Gal Research scientist, machine intelligence Google AI United States of America (the) |
Chee, Cedric Software Engineer Singapore |
Chelaramani, Sahil Student IIIT India |
Chellali, Ryad Professor Nanjing forestry university China |
Chen, Tongfei PhD student Johns Hopkins University United States of America (the) |
Chen, Trista Chief Scientist of Machine Learning Inventec Corp Taiwan |
Chen, Justin Research Assistant Boston University United States of America (the) |
Chen, Shengjie China |
Chen, Mike Software Engineer China |
Chen, Shiunwen Shiun-labs China |
Chen, Chao Ph.D Student Southeast University China |
Chen, Andrew Computer Systems Engineering University of Auckland New Zealand |
Chen, Weikeng PhD Student UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Chen, Meihao Data Scientist Bombora Inc. United States of America (the) |
Chen, Tianqi PhD student University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Cheng , Qishang China |
Cheng, Aoran PhD student HKU Hong Kong |
Cherla, Srikanth Machine Learning Researcher Jukedeck Ltd. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Chess, Adam Data analyst Norwalk Community Health Center United States of America (the) |
Cheung, Brian Graduate Student UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Cheung, Matthew Medical Student Loyola Stritch School of Medicine United States of America (the) |
Chiappa, Silvia Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Chimana, Mahesh Data science United States of America (the) |
Chin Chee, Ho Malaysia |
Chintala, Soumith Research Engineer Facebook United States of America (the) |
Chintalapudi, Suresh United States of America (the) |
Chivers, Corey Data Scientist University of Pennsylvania Health System United States of America (the) |
Chmielewski, Zachery United States of America (the) |
Choe, Dokook Software Engineer Google United States of America (the) |
Choi, Heeyoul Assistant Professor Handong Global University Korea (the Republic of) |
Chokheli, Giga Data Analysis Georgia |
Chollampatt, Shamil PhD Candidate in Natural Language Processing National University of Singapore Singapore |
Chong, Long Hin Engineering University of Tokyo Hong Kong |
Chopin, Nicolas Professor of Statistics ENSAE France |
Chow, Nicholas Senior Software Engineer Jet.com United States of America (the) |
Chow, Yinlam United States of America (the) |
Chowdhury, F A Rezaur Rahman PhD Student Washington State University United States of America (the) |
Christensen, Anders Post Doctoral Researcher University of Basel Switzerland |
Christian, Blair Research Scientist Oak Ridge National Laboratory United States of America (the) |
Chukkapalli, Giri distinguished Engineer cavium Inc United States of America (the) |
Chung, Junyoung Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Ciaramita, Massimiliano Research Scientist Google Switzerland |
Ciliberto, Carlo University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Cimpoi, Mircea Postdoctoral Researcher Czech Technical University, Prague Czech Republic (the) |
Cinková, Silvie researcher Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Czech Republic (the) |
Cirik, Volkan PhD Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Cisneros, Hugo France |
Cisse, Moustapha Research Scientist Facebook AI Research France |
Citro, Craig Software Engineer Google United States of America (the) |
Claesen, Marc Postdoctoral Fellow KU Leuven Belgium |
Clark, Ian Data Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Clark, Jonathan Researcher Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Clark, Ronald Imperial College london United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Clarke, Bertrand Professor and Chair U. Nebraska-Lincoln United States of America (the) |
Clarke , Peter CEO Resurgo Genetics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Clarke, Jennifer Professor of Statistics University of Nebraska Lincoln United States of America (the) |
Claude, Michel Consulting econometrics ESID France |
Clausen Nielsen, René Denmark |
Clavet, Simon Game programmer Ubisoft Canada |
Clesio, Flavio Machine Learning and Big Data Professor UNIVERSIDADE PRESBITERIANA MACKENZIE Brazil |
Clos, Jeremie Research associate University of Nottingham United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Cnossen, Nicholas Physician United States of America (the) |
Çoban, Mustafa Istanbul Technical University Turkey |
Cochard , Alois Switzerland |
Coello, Christopher Data Scientist Thomson Reuters Norway |
Cohen, Joseph Paul Postdoctoral Fellow University of Montreal Canada |
Cohen, Andrew PhD student SUNY Binghamton United States of America (the) |
Cohen-Addad, Vincent CNRS France |
Cohenca, Jose Israel |
Colavizza, Giovanni Data Scientist The Alan Turing Institute United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Collamar, Christian Student Bicol University Philippines (the) |
Collins, Jennifer Research Scientist Recruiter Google United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Collins, Jessica Associate Professor of Philosophy Columbia University United States of America (the) |
Collins, Michael Professor/Research Scientist Columbia University/Google United States of America (the) |
Collins-Thompson, Kevyn Associate Professor of Information and Computer Science University of Michigan United States of America (the) |
Conaway, Nolan Data scientist United States of America (the) |
Cone, MD, MA, Libby retired physician; freelance science editor United States of America (the) |
Conroy, Ronan Director, Data Science Centre Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Ireland |
Considine, Breandan Student Mila Canada |
Contreras, Juan Manuel Head of Data Science Even United States of America (the) |
Conyngham, Paul ML Engineer Sydney Machine Learning Australia |
Cooke, Matthew MSc Candidate University of British Columbia Canada |
Coope, Sam Deep Learning, NLP Digital Genius United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Cooper, Christine Professor of Accounting Edinburgh University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Coors, Benjamin PhD Student Germany |
Cordova, Esther Developer United States of America (the) |
Cordova, Brad CTO TrueMotion United States of America (the) |
Cornebise, Julien Director of Research, Machine Learning Element AI United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Corneli, Joseph Research Associate University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Corney, David Data Scientist United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Corro, Caio Postdoctoral Researcher University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Cortés, Ulises Professor Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Spain |
Cortihal, Tiago Grad student in Computer Sciences Aix-Marseille University France |
Cosentino, Stefano Machine Learning Engineer Bosch United States of America (the) |
Cota, Wesley PhD Student Physics Universidade Federal de Viçosa Brazil |
Cote, Raphael RioTinto Canada |
Côté-Allard, Ulysse PhD Student Laval University Canada |
Cotterell, Ryan Johns Hopkins University United States of America (the) |
Coumans, Erwin Senior Research Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Courraud, Julie Researcher in metabolomics Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen Denmark |
Courtney, Joseph Postdoctoral Researcher National Institutes of Health United States of America (the) |
Courty, Nicolas Associate Professor University of Bretagne Sud France |
Cowling, Conner Machine learning research engineer Thomson Reuters United States of America (the) |
Cramer, Christopher Machine Learning Scientist United States of America (the) |
Cranmer, Kyle Professor New York University United States of America (the) |
Craven, Mark Professor University of Wisconsin United States of America (the) |
Crawford, Jack Founder and CEO Datalog.ai United States of America (the) |
Creed, Paidi Researcher BenevolentAI United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Cretu, Ana-Maria PhD in Computing Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Crisóstomo , Carlos M.Sc. student in Artificial Intelligence (AI) International University of La Rioja (UNIR) Spain |
Cristina, Trifu F G Romania |
Crosscombe, Michael Research associate University of Bristol United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Crosse, Harrison University of Mary Washington United States of America (the) |
Crowley, Jack CTO forge.ai United States of America (the) |
Crowley, Elliot Research Associate University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Cuccu, Giuseppe Senior Researcher, Machine Learning University of Fribourg Switzerland |
Cucuringu, Mihai Associate Professor University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Cui, Huan PhD Tsinghua University China |
Cui, Youtian United States of America (the) |
Cui, Yin PhD Candidate Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Cui, Jiangtao Professor Xidian University China |
Curiel, Alberto Mexico |
D, Brandon Sr. Software Developer United States of America (the) |
D'Amore, Mario Fellow Researcher DLR Germany |
D'Antoni, Loris Associate Professor University of Wisconsin-Madison United States of America (the) |
D'Haro, Luis Fernando Research Scientist Singapore |
Daee, Pedram PhD Student Aalto University Finland |
Dahiya, Anirudh Masters Student, Computational Linguistics IIIT Hyderabad India |
Dahl, George Senior Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Dai, Andrew Staff Software Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Dai, Peilun Grad Student MIT United States of America (the) |
Dai, Zhongxiang PhD in Machine Learning National University of Singapore Singapore |
Dal Ferro, Benoit Senior Expert AI Engie France |
Damani, Farhan PhD student Department of Computer Science Princeton University United States of America (the) |
Damar, Hakan CTO Quantum Space United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Damoulas, Theo Assistant Professor University of Warwick United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Dandekar, Nikhil Engineering Manager, Machine Learning Google United States of America (the) |
Daniele, Andrea PhD Student Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago United States of America (the) |
Dansereau, Christian CEO Perceiv research inc. Canada |
Dao, David PhD Student ETH Zurich Switzerland |
Dar, Zavain Lecturer Stanford United States of America (the) |
Darmetko, Tomasz Software Engineer KU Leuven Belgium |
Darmont, Jerome Full professor Université de Lyon France |
Das, Rajarshi Graduate Student UMass, Amherst United States of America (the) |
Dasgupta, Sakyasingha Chief Scientific Officer Ascent Robotics, Inc Japan |
Dassi, Nasser Alumni New York University United States of America (the) |
Datta, Kaustuv Masters student in Physics, HEPML researcher ETH Zürich Switzerland |
Daugherty, Aaron Manager, Discovery Software twoXAR, Inc United States of America (the) |
Dauidianus, Tycho Master of Philology, Classics Moscow State University, MSU Russian Federation (the) |
Davidson, Laura United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Davies, Vinny Research Biostatistician University of Leeds United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Davoine, Franck Researcher CNRS France |
Davudov, Daniil Economic Security SPBGASU Russian Federation (the) |
Day, Benjamin PhD Student University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
de Beer, Pieter Z ML / Data Analysis None South Africa |
de Boer , Carl Postdoctoral Fellow Broad institute United States of America (the) |
De Bortoli, Filippo Student Technische Universität Dresden Germany |
de Campos, Cassio Associate Professor Netherlands (the) |
De Cat, Broes Senior research engineer AI Flanders Make Belgium |
de Corn, Henri NLP MereMind United States of America (the) |
de Heide, Rianne PhD candidate CWI / Leiden University Netherlands (the) |
de Kervénoaël, Guillaume Quant Danske Commodities Denmark |
de la Iglesia, Diana Data Scientist Spanish National Cancer Research Centre Spain |
De Leener, Benjamin Post-doctoral fellow McGill University Canada |
de Montfalcon, Oliver Student King's College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
de Oliveira, Luke CEO & Visiting researcher Vai Technologies & Berkeley Lab United States of America (the) |
de Vitry, Louis Artificial Intelligence engineer Centrale Supelec France |
de Vries, Harm PhD Candidate University of Montreal Canada |
de Vries, Bert professor TU EIndhoven Netherlands (the) |
Dean, Jeff Google Senior Fellow, lead of Google AI and Google Brain Google, Inc. United States of America (the) |
Deb, Diptodip Georgia Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
DeBarmore, Bailey Epidemiology UNC Chapel Hill United States of America (the) |
Decloedt, Arthur Student KULeuven Belgium |
Deep, Harsh India |
Deez, Nuts hah goteem Bangladesh |
Defazio, Aaron Research Scientist Facebook United States of America (the) |
Defferrard, Michaël PhD student EPFL Switzerland |
Dehghani, Mostafa PhD Student University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Deisenroth, Marc Lecturer Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Dektyarev, Konstantin Selfemployed at Computer Vision field Israel |
Delalleau, Olivier Data scientist Ubisoft Canada |
Delamora, Angela Statistician, Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Delbracio, Mauricio Research Scientist Google Research United States of America (the) |
Delgado, Manuel Clinical Bioreagent Center Puerto Rico |
Della Cioppa, Antonio Associate Professor University of Salerno Italy |
Dellermann, Dominik Germany |
Demirag, Yigit MSc Student Bilkent University Turkey |
den Bakker, Indra Netherlands (the) |
den Hartog, Dave Netherlands (the) |
Deng, Zhen Ph.D. University of Hamburg Germany |
Deng, Jun China |
Deng, Wei United States of America (the) |
Derczynski, Leon Associate Professor of Computer Science ITU Copenhagen Denmark |
Derrac, Joaquin Senior Data Scientist Skimlinks Ltd. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Derrien, Allan PHD Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris France |
Desai, Shubhang Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Desai, Rahul Strategy Analyst Capgemini Group United States of America (the) |
DesArmo, Joel Information science None United States of America (the) |
Deshpande, Sameer United States of America (the) |
Deshwar, Amit PhD Student / Research Scientist University of Toronto / Deep Genomics Canada |
DeSilva, Tyrone United States of America (the) |
Desjardins, Guillaume Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Desprez, Thibault PhD student Inria France |
Dev, Nabarun PhD Student in particle physics University of Notre Dame United States of America (the) |
Dev, Gowri Software Engineer India |
Devalle, Federico PhD candidate Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain |
Devassy, Joan Robotics Uber ATG United States of America (the) |
Devinsky, Michael Student/Researcher University of California, Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Dhabal, Arnab PhD student University of Maryland College Park United States of America (the) |
Dhami, Devendra University of Texas at Dallas United States of America (the) |
Dharawat, Arkin Student University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign United States of America (the) |
Dhiman, Vikas Graduate Student University of Michigan United States of America (the) |
Dhuliawala, Shehzaad Student Umass Amherst United States of America (the) |
Dias Soares, João Pedro Student: Systems engineering Unimontes Brazil |
Diaz, Daniel Research Assistant Professor University of Miami United States of America (the) |
Diaz, Alvin International Law UVIC Canada |
Diaz, Manfred PhD Student Université de Montréal Canada |
Díaz, Michelle NLP Researcher AI Learners Mexico |
Diaz De la O, Alejandro Lecturer University of Liverpool United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Díaz Rodríguez, Natalia Ass. Prof. ENSTA ParisTech France |
Diaz Tejada, Celsa Data Scientist Germany |
Didericksen, Devin ML PhD Student University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Didwania, Himansu Information Technology IIIT Bhubaneswar India |
Dieng, Adji Bousso PhD Student Columbia University United States of America (the) |
Diep, Balthazar Driver Uber United States of America (the) |
Dietterich, Thomas Professor (Emeritus) Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Dimitriev, Aleksandar PhD student University of Texas at Austin United States of America (the) |
Dinesan, Deepth Australia |
Ding, Tianjiao Research Assistant ShanghaiTech University China |
Ding, Shuoyang PhD Student Johns Hopkins University United States of America (the) |
Dinu, Jonathan PhD Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Dinuzzo, Francesco Principal Scientist Expedia Group United States of America (the) |
Dirks, Matthew PhD Student University of British Columbia Canada |
Diuk, Carlos Data Scientist Facebook United States of America (the) |
Diwakar, Shyam Associate professor Amrita University India |
Djebali, Sarah France |
Do, Phuoc Software Engineer Vida Lab United States of America (the) |
Dodero, Alessandro PhD student IRIF France |
Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana Professor Chalmers University of Technology Sweden |
Doğan, Ufuk Software Engineer Turkey |
Dohare, Shibhansh Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur India |
Dokania, Shubham Engineering Head - ML Attentive.AI India |
Dolgikh, Konstantin Phisicist MSU Russian Federation (the) |
Dolinic, Patrick Germany |
Domke, Justin Assistant Professor University of Massachusetts, Amherst United States of America (the) |
Donahue, Jeff Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Dong, Zheng DL Research Harbin Institute of Technology China |
Donovan-Maiye, Rory Scientist, computational biology & machine learning Allen Institute for Cell Science United States of America (the) |
Doppa, Jana Assistant Professor Washington State University United States of America (the) |
Dorard, Louis Teaching Fellow University College London France |
Dorfer, Thomas PhD Student University of Queensland Australia |
Dorfer, Matthias PhD Student Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria |
Dou, Yongqiang Student China |
Douglas, Sholto Student Sydney University Australia |
Doulaty, Mortaza Applied Scientist Microsoft Germany |
Dowling, Jim Associate Prof KTH - Royal Institute of Technology Sweden |
Doyle, Andrew Software Developer Montreal Neurological Institute Canada |
Dräger, Andreas Bioinformatician University of Tübignen Germany |
Dropuljić, Daniel Netherlands (the) |
Dsouza , Kevin MASc student University of British Columbia Canada |
Du, Yupei Utrecht University Netherlands (the) |
Du Toit, Tiny Assistant Professor in Computer Science North-West University South Africa |
Dubba, Krishna Principal Researcher Nokia Bell Labs United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Dubé, Gabriel Grad Student Université Laval Canada |
Dubey, Mohnish Computer Science University of Bonn Germany |
Dubey, Rachit PhD student University of California, Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Dubin, Joel Canada |
Dubois, Yann Switzerland |
Dubrulle, Matthieu France |
Ducau, Felipe ML Engineer / Researcher Sophos United States of America (the) |
Duch, Wlodzislaw Prof Nicolaus Copernicus University Poland |
Ducharme, Brandon Mental Health United States of America (the) |
Dudekula, Rafi VP of Applications & Analytics AssetBuilder United States of America (the) |
Dugan, Jonathan Data Science Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Dulac-Arnold, Gabriel Researcher Blacksheep AI France |
Duma, Daniel PhD candidate, NLP & AI University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Dumankaya, Samet Software Development Specialist LOGO Turkey |
Dumont, Marco Independent researcher Netherlands (the) |
Dumoulin, Vincent Research Scientist Google Canada |
DUng, Pham broker hn Viet Nam |
Dunn, Matthew Director of Applied Machine Learning LivePerson / NYU United States of America (the) |
Duraimurugan, Shaktho Student Worcester Polytechnic Institute United States of America (the) |
Duran, Guillermo data analyst and visualization University of Costa Rica Costa Rica |
Durand, Audrey Postdoctoral Researcher McGill University Canada |
DURAND, Jean-Baptiste Assistant professor Grenoble INP France |
Durant, Jerry Chairman and Founder 3rdLAW International Philippines (the) |
Durrett, Greg Assistant Professor UT Austin United States of America (the) |
Dusek, Ondrej Research Associate, Natural Language Processing Heriot-Watt University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Dutt, Niladri CS student SRM Institute of tm Achieve and Technology India |
Dutta, Aritra Researcher—-CS, machine learning, applied mathematics KAUST Saudi Arabia |
Dutta, Aritra Researcher—-CS, machine learning, applied mathematics KAUST Saudi Arabia |
Dutta, Debojyoti United States of America (the) |
Dutta, Bhaskar Machine Learning Engineering Monsanto / Climate Corp United States of America (the) |
Duwal, Sagar Software Engineer Nepal |
Dwyer, Matt Student Iowa State United States of America (the) |
Eades III, Harley Assistant Professor of Computer Science Augusta University United States of America (the) |
Earle, Robert AI Researcher United States of America (the) |
Eccles, David Bioinformatician New Zealand |
Eck, Douglas Principal Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Eckard, Emmanuel France |
Ecker, Alexander Research Scientist University of Tübingen Germany |
Eckles, Dean Assistant professor MIT United States of America (the) |
Edward, Edward Mine cutting and channeling machine operator Stockmarket Slot Edward Ltd Austria |
Efros , Alexei Professor UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Eggert, Paul Senior Lecturer SOE, Computer Science UCLA United States of America (the) |
Eghbalzadeh, Hamid PhD student Johannes Kepler University Austria |
Eglen, Stephen Reader University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Eisenschlos, Julian Chief Scientist Botmaker Argentina |
Eisner, Jason Professor of Computer Science Johns Hopkins University United States of America (the) |
Eklind, Robin MSc student Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Sweden |
Eksioglu, Kubilay MSc Bilkent University Turkey |
El Asri, Layla Research Manager Canada |
El-Arini, Khalid Engineering Manager Facebook United States of America (the) |
El-Beltagy , Moihammed Associate Professor Cairo University Egypt |
Elagha, Alaa Engineering Dejero Labs Canada |
Elasmar, Rasmi Google United States of America (the) |
Elbasir, Abdurrahman PhD student Hamad Bin Khalifa University Qatar |
Eleftheriadis, Stefanos Senior machine learning researcher PROWLER.io United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Elezi , Ismail PhD student in ML Ca' Foscari Italy |
Elgamal, Mariam Electrical Engineering and Computer Science New York University Abu Dhabi Canada |
Elhoseiny, Mohamed Facebook United States of America (the) |
Eliassi-Rad, Tina Associate Professor of Computer Science Northeastern University United States of America (the) |
Elibol, Oguz Research Scientist Intel United States of America (the) |
Elisa, Elisa Tractor driver Imbuilding Kiev Elisa GbR Germany |
Elliott, Christopher Computer Programmer United States of America (the) |
Elmohamed, Saleh Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Elmore, Tim Physics United States of America (the) |
Elsen, Erich Senior Software Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Emery, Matthew Data Scientist Imbellus Canada |
Emmery, Chris PhD Student Tilburg University Netherlands (the) |
Engel, Jesse Senior Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Engheta, Bahman Data Scientist, Mathematician United States of America (the) |
Eraslan, Gokcen PhD student Helmholtz Center Munich Germany |
Ercegovac, Milos Professor UCLA United States of America (the) |
Erdem, Erkut Assistant Professor Hacettepe University Turkey |
Erdem, Muhammed Ebrar Undergraduate Student Researcher Bilkent University Turkey |
Erdem, Aykut Assistant Professor Hacettepe University Turkey |
Erdil, Ertunc Researcher Sabanci university Turkey |
Erdogan, Halil Turkey |
Erhan, Dumitru Senior Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Erlandson , Erik Principal Software Engineer Red Hat, Inc United States of America (the) |
Ermakova, Yulia Postdoc EMBL Germany |
Ernst, Florian Engineering student EFREI France |
Erraqabi, Akram PhD in AI Canada |
Escalante, Hugo Jair INAOE Mexico |
Eser, Umut Sr. Deep Learning Scientist 4Catalyzer United States of America (the) |
Etzioni, Oren CEO Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) United States of America (the) |
Evans, Richard Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Eysenbach, Benjamin Researcher Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Ezenkwu, Chinedu Pascal PhD student University of Aberdeen United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Ezenkwu, Chinedu Computer Engineering University of Uyi Nigeria |
Faal, Farshid Machine learning specialist Contextere Canada |
Faghmous, James Assistant professor United States of America (the) |
Fair, Gabriel Data Scientist UNC Charlotte United States of America (the) |
Fajtl, Jiri PhD Student Kingston University London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Fakoor, Rasool Research Scientist Amazon, Alexa United States of America (the) |
Falcon, William PhD student. Company Chief AI officer NYU. United States of America (the) |
Falk, Sayce VP Software Product Management United States of America (the) |
Fang, Zhuoran Tsinghua University China |
Fansi Tchango, Arsene Research scientist MILA Canada |
Farajtabar, Mehrdad Georgia tech United States of America (the) |
Fariello, Gabriele CIO, CDO, researcher, instructor Harvard, University of RI, Private Sector United States of America (the) |
Farnsworth, Michael Research Associate University of Sheffield United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Farooq, Faisal Principal Scientist IBM United States of America (the) |
Farrahi, Kate Lecturer University of Southampton United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Farrelly, Colleen Data Scientist Graham Holdings (KHPE) United States of America (the) |
Faruqui, Manaal Machine Learning Google United States of America (the) |
Farzaneh far, Ali PhD Student Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Farzaneh far, Ali PhD Student Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Fathony, Rizal PhD Student University of Illinois at Chicago United States of America (the) |
Fatras, Kilian Student ENSTA ParisTech France |
Fausti, Nicholas University of Pennsylvania United States of America (the) |
Fawcett, Tom Principal Data Scientist Apple Inc. United States of America (the) |
Fay, Kairsten Data Analyst Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation United States of America (the) |
Feddersen, Thade CS Student TU Berlin Germany |
Fedorov, Aleksandr PhD Intern Student Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms Canada |
Fedus, William PhD Student University of Montréal Canada |
Feldman, Sarah Public health resident Sorbonne Université France |
Feldman, Sergey Machine Learning Consultant Data Cowboys United States of America (the) |
Feng, Xinyu Student University of Science and Technology of China China |
Feng, P. D. ML Student JYU China |
Fenton, Aish Research Manager Netflix United States of America (the) |
Feragen, Aasa Associate Professor Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen Denmark |
Ferdowsi, Abolghasem Assistant Professor Payame Noor University of Mashhad Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Fern, Alan Professor of Computer Science Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Fern, Alan Professor Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Fernandes, Eraldo Associate Professor UFMS Brazil |
Fernandes, Jose Portugal |
Fernandez, Pau Assistant Professor UPC Spain |
Fernandez, Aaron Carl IT Consultant / MSc Student Mapua University Philippines (the) |
Fernandez Abrevaya, Victoria PhD student Inria France |
Fernandez Pradier, Melanie Spain |
Fernandez-Bes, Jesus Posdoc in Biomedical Signal Processing Universidad de Zaragoza Spain |
Ferrante, Eliseo KULeuven Belgium |
Ferrara, Emilio Research Professor University of Southern California United States of America (the) |
Ferrer, Luciana Researcher CONICET Argentina |
Ferriss, Elizabeth data science fellow Insight Data Science United States of America (the) |
Fetaya, Ethan Postdoctoral fellow University of Toronto Canada |
Fetherolf, Mark Author, data science consultant Unaffiliated United States of America (the) |
Figueira, Goncalo Signal Processing Engineer Silixa Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Figueiredo, Mario Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon Portugal |
Filip, René Student Technical University of Munich Germany |
Filippi, Sarah Lecturer Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Filippov, Andrey President Elphel United States of America (the) |
Filtenborg, Maximilian Student University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Finean, Mark PhD Student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Finkelstein, Noam Computer Science Johns Hopkins University United States of America (the) |
Finn, Chelsea PhD candidate UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Finnbogason, Gudlaugur Software Engineer / Researcher Iceland |
Finnegan, Megan Graduate Student, Neuroscience University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States of America (the) |
Fioravanti, Diego Ph.D. Student Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Germany |
Fire, Michael Postdoc University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Firlejczyk, Rafal Ms MBA Zebra Switzerland |
Firoozye, Nick Honorary Senior Lecturer, Computer Science UCL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Fisch, Adam Phd Student MIT United States of America (the) |
Fiser, Aris Postdoctoral researcher Switzerland |
Fitzgibbon, Andrew Scientist Microsoft United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Fitzpatrick, James Machine Learning Engineer Axial3D Ireland |
Fitzpatrick, Paxton Undergraduate Researcher – Computational Neuroscience Dartmouth College United States of America (the) |
Flament, Vincent PhD France |
Flammarion, Nicolas University of California, Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Fleuret, Francois Senior Researcher Idiap research institute Switzerland |
Fleury, Jean-Philippe Canada |
Fleury, Jean-Philippe Canada |
Florine, Florine Cadet Murciadivorcios AG Poland |
Foerster, Jakob PhD Student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Folkes, Tom AI/Search None United States of America (the) |
Folorunso, Sakinat DR Olabisi Onabanjo University Nigeria |
Fonville, Leon Research Fellow Dr United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Forbes, Evan United States of America (the) |
Forbes-Smith, Nicholas Student University of Tasmania Australia |
Foroughi, Hassan Bioinformatician Karolinska Institutet Sweden |
Forsati, Rana Researcher Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Förstner, Konrad Information Literacy and Bioinformatics ZB MED Germany |
Fort, Karen Associate prof. (natural language processing) Sorbonne université France |
Fortuin, Vincent PhD Student ETH Zürich Switzerland |
Foster, Dylan Phd Student Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Fouad, Hakiki Employe Mairie de Paris France |
Fouhey, David Postdoc UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Foulds, James Assistant professor University of Maryland, Baltimore County United States of America (the) |
Fox, Ryan Machine Learning Researcher Cookpad Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Francis, Xavier New Zealand |
Franiatte, Stephane Software engineer SES Tech Canada |
Fraser, Douglas Senior Researcher University of East Anglia United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Fratila, Robert CTO Aifred Health Canada |
Friend, Stephen President 4YouandMe United States of America (the) |
Friesen, Abram Machine learning Canada |
Fritzke, Bernd Finance IT/ML/DL Bank Germany |
Frome, Andrea Machine Learning Researcher, PhD United States of America (the) |
Frosst, Nicholas Research engineer Google Canada |
Fu, Audrey Assistant Professor of Statistics University of Idaho United States of America (the) |
Fu, Weixuan Bioinformatician University of Pennsylvania United States of America (the) |
Fujinaga, Ichiro Associate Professor McGill University’s Canada |
Fumanal Idocin, Javier Data Science Universidad of Granada Spain |
Funke, Joachim Psychology Heidelberg University Germany |
Furlanello, Tommaso Phd Candidate University of Southern California United States of America (the) |
Furmston, Thomas Lead Data Scientist Farfetch United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Fusting, Chris data scientist United States of America (the) |
G, Pranavathiyani PhD Student Pondicherry University India |
Gadde, Ravindra AI Research engineer LG IRISID United States of America (the) |
Gader, Paul Professor University of Florida United States of America (the) |
Gadicherla, Srikanth Research Assistant Aalto University Finland |
Gadotti, Andrea PhD student Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Gagnier, Dyllon Master of Computer Science University of Utah United States of America (the) |
Gagnon-Marchand, Jules NLP Université de Montréal Canada |
Gaim , Fitsum Ph.D. Student KAIST Korea (the Republic of) |
Gajjar, Vandit Researcher Computer Vision Group - L. D. College of Engineering India |
Galbo, Rick Data Scientist Maven Wave Consulting United States of America (the) |
Galbraith, Byron Chief Data Scientist Talla, Inc United States of America (the) |
Galdran, Adrian PostDoctoral Researcher INESC TEC Porto Portugal |
Galipeau, David UNDP Canada |
Gallardo, Antonio Private Gallardo Italy |
Galluzzi, Marco PhD Student Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain |
Galy-Fajou, Théo PhD Student Teknische Universität of Berlin Germany |
Gambardella, Andrew PhD Candidate University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Gambette, Philippe Associate professor (Computer Science) UPEM France |
Gamper, Jevgenij PhD student University of Warwick United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Ganguli, Surya Assistant Professor Stanford university United States of America (the) |
Ganin, Yaroslav PhD Candidate Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms Canada |
Gannamaneni, Avinash PhD Candidate MIT United States of America (the) |
Gansukh, Ben Software Developer EY United States of America (the) |
Ganti, Ravi Staff Software Engineer Walmart Labs United States of America (the) |
Gao, William Sr. TPM argo.ai United States of America (the) |
Gao, Yongqiang Student National University of Defense Technology China |
Gao, Alice Canada |
Gao, Lin Professor Xidian University China |
Gao, Ruiyang Ph.D student Peking University China |
Gao, Xinbo Professor Xidian University China |
Gaonkar, Mohit software engineer United States of America (the) |
Garcia, Nuno Researcher Instituto de Telecomunicações Portugal |
Garcia, Andres Spain |
Garcia Garcia, Dario Research Lead, Machine Learning Facebook United States of America (the) |
Gardner, Matt Research Scientist Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence United States of America (the) |
Gardot, Félix Student of Geography University of Franche-Comté France |
Garg, Pranav Student BITS Pilani India |
Garg, Siddharth Professor NYU United States of America (the) |
Garg, Animesh Postdoc Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Garg, Puranjai Student Manipal Institute of Technology India |
Gari, Clifford Chair, Professor of Biomedical Informatics Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Garrepalli, Risheek Graduate student Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Garrette, Dan Research Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Gärtner, Thomas Professor of Machine Learning TU Wien Austria |
Garza, Jorge Ph.D student University of California, San Diego United States of America (the) |
Gasso, Gilles Professor INSA Rouen Normandy France |
Gat, Michael Data Scientist GreyBridge Solutions United States of America (the) |
Gatto, Laurent Computational Biology University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Gauci Maistre , Gabriel Data Scientist Tipico Malta |
Gautam, Suyash Student Shri Ramswaroop memorial college of engineering and management India |
Gautier, Antoine PhD student Saarland University Germany |
Gavenčiak, Tomáš Researcher, TCS Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Gaylord, Clark Chief Information Officer Virginia Tech Transportation Institute United States of America (the) |
Geambasu, Roxana Associate Professor of Computer Science Columbia University United States of America (the) |
Gehler, Peter Senior Researcher Amazon Germany |
Gehrmann, Sebastian PhD candidate, NLP Harvard SEAS United States of America (the) |
Geiger , Andreas Professor of computer science Max Planck / University Tübingen Germany |
Geis, Raym MD FACR National Jewish Health United States of America (the) |
Geis MD, Raym Adjunct Assoc Professor National Jewish Health United States of America (the) |
Gella, Spandana Graduate Student University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Geluykens, Joppe Student KU Leuven Belgium |
Gemp, Ian CS PhD Candidate University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Gencoglu, Oguzhan Head of Data Science Top Data Science Finland |
Georgatzis, Konstantinos Principal (Jr) Data Scientist QuantumBlack United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
George, Paul China |
Gerard, Louis France |
Geras, Krzysztof Assistant Professor New York University United States of America (the) |
Gerdzhev, Martin PhD Student McGill University Canada |
Germain, Pascal Research Scientist Inria France |
Gershman, Samuel Assistant Professor Harvard University United States of America (the) |
Gessner, Alexandra PhD student MPI for Intelligent Systems Germany |
Geurts, Pierre Associate professor University of Liège Belgium |
Ghaboosi, Nejla Advanced Research Engineer Integrated Research Australia |
Ghadiri, Farnoosh PostDoc Polytechnique Montreal Canada |
Ghaffar, Abid PhD scholar University of engineering and technology lahore Pakistan |
Ghanem , Amer Data Scientist Johnson and Johnson United States of America (the) |
Ghasemipour, Kamyar Machine Learning Graduate Student University of Toronto Canada |
Ghavamzadeh, Mohammad Senior Researcher DeepMind United States of America (the) |
Gheewala, Akash Student University of Maryland Baltimore County United States of America (the) |
Ghifary, Muhammad AI Researcher Weta Digital New Zealand |
Ghose, Abhishek PhD candidate Indian Institute of Technology, Madras India |
Ghosh, Souvik PhD Indian Institute of Science India |
Ghosh, Samujjwal Graduate student IIT Hyderabad India |
Ghosh, Debashis Professor and Chair Colorado school of public health United States of America (the) |
Giagu, Stefano Professor / Physics Sapienza University of Rome Italy |
Giannakaki, Katerina MSc student / Neuroscience University of Crete Greece |
Gibiansky, Andrew Deep Learning Researcher United States of America (the) |
Gibson, Adam CTO Skymind United States of America (the) |
Gibson, Michael Software Architect United States of America (the) |
Gielen, Stan Biophysics and AI Radboud university Netherlands (the) |
Giffon, Luc PhD. Student in Machine Learning Aix-Marseille Université France |
Gigante, Scott PhD Student Yale University United States of America (the) |
Gilani, ALI Canada |
Gingras Harvey, Felix Ph.D. Candidate Polytechnique Montreal Canada |
Giordano, Ryan PhD student, Statistics UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Girard, Julien PhD Candidate CEA LIST/LVIC France |
Girdhar, Neil PhD student McGill University Canada |
Giro-i-Nieto, Xavier Associate Professor UPC Barcelona Spain |
Girolami, Mark Chair of Statistics Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Girshick, Ross Research Scientist Facebook United States of America (the) |
Glasmachers, Tobias Computer Science Ruhr-University Bochum Germany |
Glastonbury, Craig Postdoctoral Reaearcher University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Glazko, Eugene Eastern Studies High School of Economics Russian Federation (the) |
Glover, John Research Scientist Aylien Ireland |
Glukhova, Natalia Russian Federation (the) |
Godbout, Camron CTO Apteo United States of America (the) |
Goeckner-Wald, Claire Computer Science Student Caltech United States of America (the) |
Goel, Shubham Data Scientist Autodesk United States of America (the) |
Goertzel, Ben Chief Scientist and CEO SingularityNET Hong Kong |
Goldberg, Sean Researcher Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Goldberg, Yoav Senior Lecturer of Computer Science Bar Ilan University Israel |
Goldstein, Dan Researcher Microsoft Research United States of America (the) |
Golinski, Adam PhD student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Golub, Maximilian Graduate Student University of British Columbia Canada |
Gomes, Julia graduate student University College London United States of America (the) |
Gomez, Aidan Student University of Toronto Canada |
Gómez, Pablo PhD Student University Hospital Erlangen Germany |
Gómez, Juan Sebastián PhD Student Spain |
Gomez, Lluis Postdoctoral Researcher Computer Vision Center Spain |
Gomez, Darwin Profesor UNMSM Peru |
Gomez-Espinosa Martin, Roberto CTO hi-iberia.es Spain |
Gomez-Lievano, Andres PhD in Applied Math and Postdoctoral Researcher Harvard University United States of America (the) |
Gondara, Lovedeep PhD student Simon Fraser University Canada |
Gong, Zhitao PhD Auburn University China |
Gong, Boqing Research Scientist United States of America (the) |
Gong, Maoguo Professor Xidian University China |
Gontier, Nicolas Grad student MILA Canada |
Gontijo Lopes, Raphael United States of America (the) |
Gooden, Stephen Engineer Jamaica |
Goodfellow, Ian Staff Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Goodman, Allen Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard United States of America (the) |
Goodman, Daniel Research Fellow, Computational Biology UCSF United States of America (the) |
Goodman, Dan Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Goodman, Michael Ph.D. University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Gopinadhan, Jaganadh Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Goswami, Sayan Pursuing BE in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Jadavpur University India |
Goswami, Anjan Director Data Science Salesforce United States of America (the) |
Gottardo, Paolo Post-Doc Roslin Institute United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Gottipati, Sai Krishna Masters Student MILA Canada |
Gouk, Henry PhD Student University of Waikato New Zealand |
Goutte, Cyril Senior research officer National research council Canada Canada |
Goyal, Shryans Student Rice University India |
Goyal, Prashant Machine Learning Student IIT Varanasi India |
Goyal, Anirudh Machine Learning MILA, UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL Canada |
Goyal, Manish Graduate Student University of Connecticut United States of America (the) |
Graca, Joao CTO Unbabel Portugal |
Graham, Mark Data Scientist Visulytix United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Grainger, Christopher PhD candidate University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Gramme, Pierre Principal Analyst DNAlytics Belgium |
Grandvalet, Yves Senior Researcher CNRS France |
Granger, Brian Professor of Physics Cal Poly United States of America (the) |
Grangier, David Research Scientist Facebook AI Research United States of America (the) |
Grant, Peadar Ireland |
Graves, Eric University of Alberta Canada |
Gray, Dylan Software Engineering Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Gray, Jonathan Research Engineer Facebook AI Research United States of America (the) |
Gray, Scott Research Engineer OpenAI United States of America (the) |
Graybill, Jeremy Sr Manager of Data Science & Advanced Analytics Anadarko Petroleum Corporation United States of America (the) |
Grebenisan, Gavril Associate Prof. PhD University of Oradea Romania |
Green, Lisa United States of America (the) |
Greene, Joseph United States of America (the) |
Greene, Ryan Academic Researcher Illinois State University United States of America (the) |
Greenham, Jasper Hong Kong |
Grefenstette, Edward Staff Research Scientist / Honorary Associate Professor DeepMind / UCL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Gregorova, Magda PhD University of Geneva Switzerland |
Greiner, Russell Professor University of Alberta Canada |
Gretton, Arthur Professor Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Greydanus, Sam AI Resident Google United States of America (the) |
Gridach, Mourad Assistant Professor High Institute of Technology Morocco |
Grigalashvili, George Research Scientist | Computer Vision University of Basel Switzerland |
Grigorev, Kirill PhD student, Systems Biology Weill Cornell Medicine United States of America (the) |
Grimes, Matthew Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Grinberg, Tsur Data Scientist Israel |
Grinspun, Eitan Associate Professor of Computer Science Columbia University United States of America (the) |
Gris, João Marcos Msc candidate PUC-RJ Brazil |
Grisel, Olivier Engineer Inria France |
Grooteman, Bram Student TUe Netherlands (the) |
Grover, Mark Product Manager Lyft United States of America (the) |
Grüning, Björn PostDoc / Bioinformatician Uni-Freiburg Germany |
Grünwald, Peter head of machine learning group, professor CWI and Leiden University Netherlands (the) |
Grupen, Roderic A. Professor University of Massachusetts United States of America (the) |
Gruson, Aloïs Machine Learning Engineer Spotify United States of America (the) |
Gu, Shixiang PhD student University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Guan, Melody PhD Candidate Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Guardia, Leandro Systems Engineer Universidad Católica Boliviana Bolivia (Plurinational State of) |
Guedj, Benjamin Researcher / Machine learning Inria France |
Guerrero, Cristina Postdoc Unitn University of Trento Italy |
Guerry, Joris Research engineer EDF France |
Gueye, Ghislain Professor of Economics Louisiana Tech University United States of America (the) |
Guha, Shion Assistant Professor Marquette University United States of America (the) |
Guiroy, Simon Master's student in Machine Learning MILA - UdeM Canada |
GÜL, Mehmet Ali MSc. Istanbul Aydin University Turkey |
Gulati, Anmol ML Engineer Google India |
Gune, Aditya Software Engineer United States of America (the) |
Guney, Fatma Postdoc University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Guo, Xin Senior Lecturer The University of Queensland Australia |
Gupta, Shubham Data scientist AKGEC India |
Gupta, Ankur MSc Computer Science Johns Hopkins University United States of America (the) |
Gupta, Rajat Student IIT Dhanbad India |
Gupta, Rohit Research Engineer Conduent Labs India India |
Gupta, Ankur Senior Machine Learning Scientist United States of America (the) |
Gupta, NItish PhD Student University of Pennsylvania United States of America (the) |
Gupta, Ritwik Machine Learning Researcher Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Gupta, Apoorv Software Engineer Google United States of America (the) |
Gupta, Sonal Research scientist United States of America (the) |
Gupta, Niloy Machine Learning Engineer Yelp United States of America (the) |
Gupta, Shashank Data Scientist Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Gupta, Rishabh Master's Studnent The University of Tokyo Japan |
Gururangan, Suchin Graduate student in NLP University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Gustafsson, Andreas System Engineer Sweden |
Guttenberg, Nicholas Senior Data Scientist Araya Japan |
GV, Kranthi Kiran Student National Institute of Technology Warangal India |
Gyawali, Binod Research Engineer United States of America (the) |
Ha, David Senior Research Scientist Google Brain Japan |
Ha, Jung-Woo AI Research Director NAVER Corp. Korea (the Republic of) |
Habeck, Michael Max Planck Institute Germany |
Habib, Raza PhD Student UCL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Hadad, Yaron Chief science officer Nutrino Inc. and University of Arizona United States of America (the) |
Hadad, Omer Deep learning researcher Clair labs Israel |
Hadfield-Menell, Dylan Graduate Student UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Hadgu, Asmelash Teka PhD candidate L3S Research Center Germany |
Haffner, Patrick Lead Scientist Interactions Corp United States of America (the) |
Häfliger, Adan Student Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne Switzerland |
Hajic, Jan Professor, Computational Linguistics Charles University, Prague Czech Republic (the) |
Hajic jr., Jan PhD student Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Halder, Aritra Graduate Assistant University of Connecticut United States of America (the) |
Hall, Alexander Sales Engineer Thermo Fisher Scientific United States of America (the) |
Hall, Keith Research Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Hameed, Muhammad Zaid PhD student Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Hammerschmidt, Christian Research Associate University of Luxembourg Luxembourg |
Hampel, Zig Astrophysicist Universite Libre de Bruxelles Belgium |
Hamrick, Jessica Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Han, Ting PhD student Bielefeld University Germany |
Hana, Jiri researcher Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Handa, Ankur Senior Research Scientist NVIDIA Robotics Seattle United States of America (the) |
Hanif, Mohammad United States of America (the) |
Hansen, Lars Kai Professor Technical University of Denmark Denmark |
Hao, Yue Prof. Xidian University China |
Haq, Safian Student Habib University Pakistan |
Harakeh, Ali PhD Student University Of Toronto Canada |
Harb, Jean Ph.D Student McGill University Canada |
Hardt, Moritz Assistant Professor University of Berkeley, California United States of America (the) |
Hariharan, Bharath Assistant Professor Cornell United States of America (the) |
Haris, Muhammad Postdoctoral TTI Japan |
Harmsen, Jeremiah Engineer Google Switzerland |
Harpale, Abhay Machine Learning Researcher Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Harris, Edouard PhD Physics University of Toronto / SharpestMinds (YC W18) Canada |
Hartgerink, Chris PhD candidate in Applied Statistics Tilburg University Netherlands (the) |
Hartmann, Marcelo PhD student University of Helsinki Finland |
Hasenclever, Leonard Research Scientist Deepmind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Hashemi, Alireza Neuroscience Graduate Student McGill University Canada |
Hassan, Hany Research scientist Microsoft Research United States of America (the) |
Hatano, Kohei Associate Professor Kyushu University Japan |
Hattemer, Charles CMO Onerent, Inc. United States of America (the) |
Hauberg, Søren Associate professor Technical University of Denmark Denmark |
Hauck, Monika PhD Student WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management Germany |
Hausler, Chris ML researcher Australia |
Hausman, Karol PhD Student University of Southern California United States of America (the) |
Havaldar, Srinidhi Computational Neuroscientist Max-planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Germany |
Havlik, Tamás ML Hacker DiabTrend AI analytics Hungary |
Hayashi, Kohei Researcher AIST Japan |
Hayat, Hassan PhD FUUAST Pakistan |
Hayat, Munawar Assistant Professor University of Canberra Australia |
Hayes, Matthew Research Scientist University of Wyoming United States of America (the) |
Hazan, Tamir Assistant professor Technion Israel |
He, Ke Master student Guangzhou University China |
He, Luheng PhD Student University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Heafield, Kenneth Lecturer in Data Science University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Heaton, Ross Data Scientist Heaton Analytics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Heikkilä, Mikko PhD student University of Helsinki Finland |
Hein, Matthias Professor of Machine Learning University of Tuebingen Germany |
Heinrich, Stefan PostDoc Computer Science Universität Hamburg Germany |
Heins, Kevin United States of America (the) |
Helcl, Jindřich PhD student Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Helmbrecht, Joshua Software Engineer United States of America (the) |
Hemmati, Mahdi Senior Research Engineer Huawei Technologies Canada |
Henaff, Mikael Postdoctoral Researcher Microsoft Research United States of America (the) |
Henderson, Peter Research Scientist/MSc Student McGill University Canada |
hennaut, odile librarian biu montpellier France |
Hennenhoefer, Eric VP Research Arm United States of America (the) |
Hennig , Philipp Professor University of Tübingen Germany |
Henrys, Michael Computer Science Student Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand |
Hensman, James Researcher PROWLER.io United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Henter, Gustav Eje Post-doc, speech synthesis Sweden |
Herbert, Eugene Graphic Designer / Art Director United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Herbert-Voss, Ariel PhD student Harvard University United States of America (the) |
Heres, Daniël ML Engineer bol.com Netherlands (the) |
Hermann, Karl Moritz Researcher Deepmind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Hernandez, Mario Prof. in Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence ULPGC Spain |
Hernandez, Sergio Ceo Hcsoft Spain |
Hernández, Carlos Xavier PhD Student Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Hernandez, Miguel Director Penn EDS University of Pennsylvania United States of America (the) |
Hernández Lobato , José Miguel University Lecturer in Machine Learning University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Hernandez-Urbina, Victor Postdoc University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Herpson, Cédric Associate Professor Sorbonne University France |
Herranz, Luis Researcher Computer Visión Center Spain |
Heusser, Andrew Postdoctoral Scholar Dartmouth College United States of America (the) |
Hidasi, Balázs Head of Research Gravity R&D Hungary |
Hilaly, Amine Machine learning France |
Hill, Eric Computer Programmer United States of America (the) |
Himmelstein, Daniel Postdoctoral Fellow University of Pennsylvania United States of America (the) |
Hines, Andrew Assistant Professor, Computer Science University College Dublin Ireland |
Hinkle, Jacob Research Scientist Oak Ridge National Lab United States of America (the) |
Hinton, Geoffrey Engineering Fellow, Machine learning Google Canada |
Hirooka, Shinji Speech Recognition, Image Reconstruction Chiba University Japan |
Hisamoto, Sorami WAP Tokushima Laboratory of AI and NLP Japan |
Hladka, Barbora researcher Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Hller, Chris Engineer Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Ho, TsungYing Physician/medical imaging Chang Gung memorial hospital Taiwan |
Ho, Eric Assistant Professor Lafayette College United States of America (the) |
Hobin, Sean United States of America (the) |
Hochheiser, Harry Associate Professor, Biomedical Informatics University of Pittsburgh United States of America (the) |
Hodgdon, Kristina Psychology Student Capella University United States of America (the) |
Hodgdon, Kristina Psychology Student Capella University United States of America (the) |
Hodgkinson, Alec United States of America (the) |
Hoek, Matt United States of America (the) |
Hoffmann, Moritz PhD student ETH Zurich Switzerland |
Hofman, Jake Researcher Microsoft Research United States of America (the) |
Hofmann, David Postdoc Emory University United States of America (the) |
Hogan, Matt CEO Twin Tech Labs United States of America (the) |
Holladay, Rachel PhD Student Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Hollis, Victoria UCSC United States of America (the) |
Holmes, Susan Professor of Statistics Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Holmes, Adam Myra Labs United States of America (the) |
Holtzman, Ari Graduate Student University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Honari, Sina PhD student MILA - University of Montreal Canada |
Honavar, Vasant Professor Pennsylvania State University United States of America (the) |
Hong, Matt Computer Science Northwestern University United States of America (the) |
Hong, Juneki PhD Student Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Hong, Junsung University of Connecticut Korea (the Republic of) |
Honkela, Antti Assistant professor of statistics University of Helsinki Finland |
Honnibal, Matthew Founder Explosion AI Germany |
Honoré, Antoine Machine Learning Assistant Researcher France |
Hooge, Jens Machine Learning Engineer Bayer AG Germany |
Hooker, Giles Associate Professor Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Hooker, Sara ML Research Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Hopkins, Laurel PhD Student Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Hossain, Ayaan Graduate Student Penn State India |
Hosseini Jafari, Omid PhD student Heidelberg University Germany |
Hoteit, Tarek United States of America (the) |
Hou, Kangcheng China |
Howard, Jeremy Distinguished Research Scientist University of San Francisco United States of America (the) |
Howard, Matthew Senior lecturer King's College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Howell, Mark Intelligent control systems New Zealand |
Howell, Steven Data Science Test Engineer US Navy United States of America (the) |
Hsieh, Wen-Tai CIO Fundrich.com.tw Taiwan |
Hsu, Jane Professor National Taiwan University Taiwan |
Hsu, Daniel Associate Professor of Computer Science Columbia University United States of America (the) |
Hsu, Jasmine Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Hsu, Chunnan Associate Professor UC San Diego United States of America (the) |
Hsu, William Professor of Computer Science Kansas State University United States of America (the) |
Hu, Wenbo Ph.D. Student Tsinghua University China |
Hu, Wei PhD Student Princeton University United States of America (the) |
Hu, Ronghang Computer Science UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Hu, Zhiwen Professor Collaborative Innovation Center of Computational Social Science, Zhejiang Gongshang University China |
Huang, Jia-Bin Assistant Professor Virginia Tech United States of America (the) |
Huang, Gabriel PhD Student MILA Canada |
Huang, Zhi Discipline leader The University of Queensland Australia |
Huang, Yuanhua Postdoctoral fellow European Bioinformatic Institute United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Huang, Angus United States of America (the) |
Huang, Jianbin Professor Xidian University China |
Huang, Chin-Wei PhD student MILA Canada |
Huang, Bert Assistant Professor of Computer Science Virginia Tech United States of America (the) |
Hubmann, Beat Student ETH Zurich Switzerland |
Hübner, Marc Researcher DFKI Germany |
Huggins, Jonathan Postdoctoral Research Fellow Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health United States of America (the) |
Huijsmans, Maarten Software Engineer WebMonks Belgium |
Hukkelås, Håkon PhD Student Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway |
Humeau, Samuel Research Engineer Facebook AI Research France |
Hünermann, Jan Germany |
Hunter , Lawrence Professor University of Colorado United States of America (the) |
Huo, Zhuoqun China |
Huseein, Ali Research Scholar Ronin Institute Egypt |
Hushaam, Jareer Pakistan |
Hussain, Syed CTO SplineAI Tech Private Ltd India |
Hussein , Ahmed Computer vision engineer Navinfo europe Netherlands (the) |
Hütel, Michael PhD Student Medical Imaging University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Huusari, Riikka PhD Student Aix-Marseille University France |
Hwang, Seong Jae PhD Student University of Wisconsin - Madison United States of America (the) |
hwang, byunghun Korea (the Republic of) |
Ialongo, Alessandro Davide PhD Student in Machine Learning University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Iandola, Forrest CEO DeepScale United States of America (the) |
Iankovski, Hector Data Scientist Brazil |
Iba, Wayne Professor of Computer Science Westmont United States of America (the) |
Ibanez, Daniel Machine Learning Engineer Spain |
Ibarz, Julian ML Engineer Google Brain Robotics United States of America (the) |
Idelbayev, Yerlan PhD student UC Merced United States of America (the) |
Iglovikov, Vladimir United States of America (the) |
Ilic, Suzana NLP Japan |
Ilie, Mihai student / machine learning Politehnica University Bucharest Romania |
Ilmy, Adylan Roaffa Student Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia |
Inan, Hakan PhD student Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Indjic, Drago Managing Director Oxquant Consulting United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Indurthi, Vijayasaradhi India |
Iqbal, Asif Machine Learning Student Udacity United States of America (the) |
Irawan, Dasapta Erwin PhD Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia |
Iriondo, Roberto Engineering CMU United States of America (the) |
Irsch, Martin-Philipp PhD Candidate University of Stuttgart Germany |
Irving, Geoffrey Safety Researcher OpenAI United States of America (the) |
Isdahl, Steen COO Salling group Denmark |
Ishola, Babatunde Machine Analyst United States of America (the) |
Islam, Md Rakibul PhD Student Washington State University United States of America (the) |
Islam, Kazi Graduate Student UC Riverside United States of America (the) |
Isola, Phillip United States of America (the) |
Israelsen, Brett CU Boulder United States of America (the) |
Itkin, Igor Data Science Ariel university Israel |
Iuchi, Shinya Representative As-key Japan |
Iyer, Sriram Data Science Student University of Pittsburgh United States of America (the) |
Izadi, Mohammad rasool United States of America (the) |
Izatt, Gordon Computer Science PostGrad Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Izzan, Ahmad Student Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesia |
J. Thiagarajan , Jayaraman Computer scientist Lawrence Livermore national labs United States of America (the) |
Jablons, Zachary Data Scientist / Machine Learning Practitioner OkCupid United States of America (the) |
Jabri, Allan PhD student UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Jaccard, Nicolas CTO Visulytix United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Jacholke, Stefan North West University South Africa |
Jackson , Helen Physicist/Data Scientist Battelle United States of America (the) |
Jackson, Christopher Postdoctoral Researcher NYU Center for Data Science United States of America (the) |
Jackson, Ben PhD student Keele United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Jackson, Philip PhD Student Durham University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Jacques , Laurent Professor UCLouvain Belgium |
Jagannathan, Sridhar PhD student/ Neuroscience University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Jaggi, Martin Assistant Professor EPFL Switzerland |
Jähnichen, Patrick PostDoc in Machine Learning Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Germany |
Jain, Vidhi Canada |
Jain, Amit India |
Jain, Tushar Grad Student New York University United States of America (the) |
Jain, Tanuj Data Scientist idealo internet GmbH Germany |
Jain, Prateek Senior Researcher Microsoft Research India |
Jain, Yashvardhan Computer Science Engineer DIT University India |
Jaiswal, Bhavesh India |
Jalali, Adrin Data Scientist Ancud-IT Germany |
Jälkö, Joonas Research Assistant Aalto University Finland |
Jambor, Dora Applied Scientist Shopify/University of Amsterdam Canada |
James, Lee Machine Learning Engineer Axon United States of America (the) |
James, Barry PhD Student ADAPT Centre, DCU Ireland |
James, Stuart Postdoctoral Researcher Italian Institute of Technology Italy |
Jamieson, Kevin Assistant Professor University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Jamshy, Shahar Software Engineer Google AI United States of America (the) |
Jamthe, Shirish Software engineer United States of America (the) |
Janco, Andrew Digital Scholarship Librarian Haverford College United States of America (the) |
Janowski, Paul Data Scientist, PHD Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Janze, Christian PhD Student Goethe University Frankfurt Germany |
Jaroszewicz, Artur Bioinformatics UCLA United States of America (the) |
Jarutis, Jonas Data Scientist Platform Lunar Lithuania |
Jawanpuria, Pratik Machine learning scientist Microsoft India |
Jayasiri , Thiwanka Grad student University of Colombo Sri Lanka |
Jeannot, Emmanuel Senior researcher Inria France |
Jebara, Tony United States of America (the) |
Jegou , Hervé Research scientist in AI Facebook AI Research France |
Jehoul, Bert Open Knowledge Belgium Belgium |
Jelonek, Thomas Canada |
Jensen, Ulf Aslak PhD fellow University of Copenhagen Denmark |
Jensen, David Professor University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Jeon, Heewon Researcher SK Telecom Korea (the Republic of) |
Jeong, Hyun-Hwan Korea (the Republic of) |
Jetley, Saumya PhD Student, AI for Visual Perception University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Jha, Vikash Software Engineer Netherlands (the) |
Jha, Ananya Harsh Research Assistant IIIT Delhi India |
Jhalavadia, Pathik Manager - Data & Analytics Rang United States of America (the) |
Ji, Yangfeng Postdoc researcher University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Ji, Hongbing Prof. Xidian University China |
Jia, Haojie Iowa state university United States of America (the) |
Jia, Yangqing Director, Research Scientist Facebook United States of America (the) |
Jia, Yihao Northwestern University United States of America (the) |
Jiang, Minqi Product Manager United States of America (the) |
Jiang, Nan Assistant Professor of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States of America (the) |
Jiao, Licheng Professor Xidian University China |
Jimenez, Albert Researcher Triage Canada |
Jimenez Rezende, Danilo Senior Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Jin, Peter PhD student UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Joanis, Eric Research Council Officer, Science and Technology National Research Council Canada Canada |
Johansson, Richard Associate professor University of Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology Sweden |
Johns, Jeffrey Technical Director of Data Science FireEye United States of America (the) |
Johnson, Gregory Computational Biology United States of America (the) |
Johnson, Jeremiah Professor of Data Science University of New Hampshire United States of America (the) |
Johny, Francis Data Engineer India |
Jois, Adarsh Applied Scientist Amazon India |
Jones, Nathaniel Data Scientist California Resources Corp United States of America (the) |
Jordan, Michael Professor University of California, Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Jordan, Scott PhD student University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Joseph, Maxwell Data Scientist University of Colorado Boulder United States of America (the) |
Joshi, Ajay Software Engineer Waymo United States of America (the) |
Joshi, Narendra R. PhD Candidate, Neuroscience Harvard University Nepal |
Jost, James Applied Predictive Analytics Specialist Canada Revenue Agency Canada |
Jovanovic, Milos Z. Assistant Professor University of Belgrade Serbia |
Joy, Tinu Student Australia |
Joyce, Dan Academic Psychiatry Kings College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Jun, Kwang-Sung Postdoc / Computer Science University of Wisconsin-Madison United States of America (the) |
Junge, Alexander Postdoc University of Copenhagen Denmark |
Jurafsky, Dan Professor Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Justice, Chidi Software Engineer Andela Nigeria |
K, Navaneeth Data Science India |
K P, Soman Head - Center for Computational Engineering and Networking Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham India |
Kääriäinen, Matti Adjunct Professor (docent) University of Helsinki Finland |
Kabbara, Jad PhD Student McGill University / MILA Canada |
Kacprowski, Tim Post-Doc Technical University of Munich Germany |
Kadous, M Waleed Principal Engineer Uber Inc United States of America (the) |
Kadri, Hachem Associate Professor Aix-Marseille University France |
Kaelbling, Leslie Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Kaelbling, Leslie Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Kafsi, Mohamed Data Scientist EPFL Switzerland |
Kagan, Dima Researcher Ben-Gurion University Israel |
Kahn, Carson Applied Research, Natural Language Understanding ACM SIG Artificial Intelligence; UCSC Center for Excellence in Data Science Research; Volley.com United States of America (the) |
Kahwaji, Omar R&D Engineer United States of America (the) |
Kailkhura, Bhavya United States of America (the) |
Kajino, Hiroshi Researcher IBM Research - Tokyo Japan |
Kakar, Akshaan Machine Learning Engineer United States of America (the) |
Kakodkar, Mayank Doctoral Student Purdue University United States of America (the) |
Kalaitzis, Alfredo Data Scientist United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kalani, Yash Data Scientist Doolally India |
Kalavakonda, Niveditha PhD student University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Kalaydzhyan, Tigran Theoretical Physics Caltech United States of America (the) |
Kalchbrenner, Nal Staff Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kalousis, Alexandros Prof/Machine learning University of Applied Sciences, WS Switzerland |
Kalra, Manan Student UPES, Dehradun India |
Kalyan, Ashwin PhD student Georgia Tech United States of America (the) |
Kamath, Rahul India |
Kamath, Gautam Research Fellow Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing United States of America (the) |
Kamil, Alex Engineer United States of America (the) |
Kaminski, Jermain Germany |
Kamoliddinov, Elbek Senior software engineer Sap America inc. United States of America (the) |
Kanaev, Sergei Postgraduate student / Distributed systems Samara State Technological University Russian Federation (the) |
Kanagaraj, Stanley Data scientist Cognizant India |
Kanagawa, Motonobu Research Scientist Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Germany |
Kanani, Pallika Lead Data Scientist Oracle Labs United States of America (the) |
Kandoi, Gaurav PhD Candidate Iowa State University United States of America (the) |
Kandrov, Denis Russian Federation (the) |
Kanevsky, Ariel Canada |
Kanjani, Jeet Student The LNM Institute of Information Technology India |
Kann, Katharina NYU United States of America (the) |
Kant, Yash Undergraduate Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee India |
Kanthirao, Joshua India |
Kanwal, Maxinder Graduate Student Stanford United States of America (the) |
Kapoor, Amita Associate Professor University of Delhi India |
Kapoor, Sanyam Student New York University United States of America (the) |
Kar, Amlan PhD student University of Toronto Canada |
Karademir, Fikret engeneer puclic services Turkey |
Karagoz, Salih Graduate ITU Turkey |
Karakulak, Umut Data Scientist Japan |
Karaletsos, Theofanis Research Scientist Uber AI Labs United States of America (the) |
Karaman, Mesut Student Boğaziçi University Turkey |
Karatzoglou, Alexandros Scientific Director Telefonica Research Spain |
Karelin, Nikolay Machine Learning Belarus |
Kargaard, Joakim Masters student Leeds Beckett University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Karkada Ashok, Alekh India |
Karmali, Tejan Student, Computer Science NIT Goa India |
Kartal, Bilal Machine Learning Researcher Canada |
Karunamurthy, Vijay Director, Engineering Apple, Inc. United States of America (the) |
Kashani , Alireza Bioinformatics University of Copenhagen Denmark |
Kastner, Kyle PhD Student Universite de Montreal Canada |
Kasukurthi, Nikhil Researcher India |
Kateb, Faris King Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia |
Katevas, Kleomenis PhD Student Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kathan, Joe Mathematics United States of America (the) |
Katpally, Akhil Computer Science Usc Columbia United States of America (the) |
Kaur, Rishemjit Researcher CSIR-CSIO India |
Kaushik, Divyansh Graduate Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Kavicky, Radovan Principal Data Scientist & President GapData Institute Slovakia |
Kayzer, Elvira Doctor Gbuz Pkb 4 dzm Moscow Russian Federation (the) |
Kazemi, Vahid Software Engineer Waymo United States of America (the) |
Kazmi, Ali Data Scientist Freelance Saudi Arabia |
Keal, James Researcher University of Adelaide Australia |
Kearney, Stephen Medicine UCD Ireland |
Kedem, Shaul Israel |
Kelani, Eyas Machine Learning Student Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Kelcey, Matthew Machine Learning Engineer Australia |
Keller, Bryn Research Scientist Intel Labs United States of America (the) |
Kendall, Alex Research Fellow University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kenton, Zac Research Assistant University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kenton, Zachary Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kenyon-Dean, Kian Master's Computer Science McGill University Canada |
Kepler, Fabio Senior Research Scientist Unbabel Portugal |
Keriven , Nicolas Post doc École Normale Supérieure France |
Kern, Andrew Professor Rutgers University United States of America (the) |
Kersting, Hans PhD Studnet Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems Germany |
Kesava, Sameer PostDoc, Physics University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Keskin, Cem Research Scientist United States of America (the) |
Kestepe, Sedat Devops Etstur Turkey |
Ketter, Nicholas United States of America (the) |
Keyes, Os PhD Student University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Keys, Kevin Postdoc UCSF United States of America (the) |
Khabetdinov, Fannur Student Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University Russian Federation (the) |
Khalid, Muhammad Saif Ullah Postdoc Researcher Jiangsu University China |
Khalil, Elias PhD Student Georgia Tech United States of America (the) |
Khan, Imy PhD student University of Hertfordshire United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Khan, Aziz Postdoc University of Oslo Norway |
Khan, Hassan Aqeel Assistant Professor NUST SEECS Pakistan |
Khan, Izaan LSE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Khan, Shoaib Engineer United States of America (the) |
Khan, Salman Siddique Student National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India India |
Khandelwal, Kushal San Jose State University United States of America (the) |
Khanna, Raghav PhD Student ETH Zurich Switzerland |
Khanpour, Hamed Researcher United States of America (the) |
Khashabi, Daniel United States of America (the) |
Khatri, Mahesh Executive Director Kaytek Computer Services Put Ltd India |
Khaynyuk, Dmitry ophthalmologist OOO "Linzmasteer" Russian Federation (the) |
Khaynyuk, Dmitry Russian Federation (the) |
Kheirkhahan, Matin Doctoral student University of Florida United States of America (the) |
Khelifi, Yassine Escalation engineer Microsoft France |
Khirsariya, Karan Software engineer India |
Khlestov, Illarion Research Engineer Ukraine |
Khona, Mikail PhD student Massachusetts institute of technology United States of America (the) |
Kiar, Greg PhD Student in Biomedical Engineering McGill University Canada |
Kidziński, Łukasz Postdoctoral researcher Stanford United States of America (the) |
Kim, Robert Graduate Student UCSD/Salk Institute United States of America (the) |
Kim, Yong-gyu Director ApexSoft Korea (the Republic of) |
Kim, Younghyun Ph. D. Korea (the Republic of) |
Kim, Byoung-Hee CTO Surromind Robotics Korea (the Republic of) |
Kim, Dongwoo Postdoc ANU Australia |
Kim, Jin Hyung Head Artificial Intelligence Research Institute Korea (the Republic of) |
Kim, Adrian Korea (the Republic of) |
Kim, Beomsu Student Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korea (the Republic of) |
Kim, Hyungjun SKT Korea (the Republic of) |
Kim, Yoon PhD Student Harvard University United States of America (the) |
Kim, Dongsun Research Associate University of Luxembourg Luxembourg |
Kim, Junjyong Professor Univ.pennsylvania United States of America (the) |
Kim, Paul SKT Korea (the Republic of) |
Kimura, Kokoro Japan |
King, Davis Applied ML research United States of America (the) |
King, Samuel Student University of Rochester United States of America (the) |
Kipf, Thomas University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Kiragi, Hasan Robotics & Automation METU EEE Turkey |
Kirkedal, Andreas Søeborg Speech Research Scientist Interactions LLC Denmark |
Kirmemis, Ogun Electircal-Electronics Engineering Koc University Turkey |
Kirov, Georgi Algo Lead Tau Rho Capital Switzerland |
Kirschbaum, Michael Software Engineer United States of America (the) |
Kitchen, Andy Researcher Private Australia |
KK, Thiru Chief Technical Architect India |
Klaassen, Benjamin Computer Science Student Austria |
Klachko, Michael PhD candidate UCSB United States of America (the) |
Klein, Stanley Professor UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Klein, Ron Advisor Klein Admonition Canada |
Klinger, Roman Senior Lecturer, Computational Linguistics University of Stuttgart Germany |
Klissarov, Martin Student McGill Canada |
Klum, Scott Chief Engineer Rank One Computing United States of America (the) |
Klusacek, David speech recognition UFAL, Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Knight, V. Bleu Senior Research Scientist New Mexico State University United States of America (the) |
Knoblauch, Jeremias PhD candidate statistics Warwick University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kobeleva, Xenia Germany |
Kober, Thomas Postoc, NLP University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kobren, Ari Graduate Student University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Kocabas, Muhammed Graduate Student Middle East Technical University Turkey |
Kochetkova, Daria Czech Republic (the) |
Kocmi, Tom PhD student Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Czech Republic (the) |
Koelewijn, Henri senior software engeneer Netherlands (the) |
Kohlbacher, Oliver Professor University of Tübingen Germany |
Kokorin, Vyacheslav Deep Learning Engineer SkyMind AI Canada |
Kolar, Mladen Associate Professor University of Chicago United States of America (the) |
Kolesnichenko, Alexey consultant Baical research centre Russian Federation (the) |
Kolesnikov, Alexander Russian Federation (the) |
Kolluru, Chaitanya Graduate Student Case Western Reserve University United States of America (the) |
Kolosova, Evgeniia Russian Federation (the) |
Kolupaeva, Liudmila Russian Federation (the) |
Komini, Vangjush Machine Learning PhD Student KTH, Sweden Sweden |
Kompella, Srikrishna Grad student University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Komzin, Sergei Physics MSU Russian Federation (the) |
Kondor, Risi Associate Professor, Computer Science and Statistics University of Chicago United States of America (the) |
Konduru, Dhanraj Konduru United States of America (the) |
Koneva, Olga Laboratory assistant, Molecular biology Institute of Cytology and Genetics Russian Federation (the) |
Kontogiorgos, Dimosthenis PhD Student KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden |
Konwar, Arunav Researcher INRIA France |
Konya, Andrew CEO remesh.ai United States of America (the) |
Kooi, Thijs Researcher Merantix GmbH Germany |
Korbar, Bruno Researcher Facebook AI Research Croatia |
Koren, Jonathan Machine Learning for Pocket Mozilla United States of America (the) |
Korfiatis , Nikolaos Associate Professor of Business Analytics University of East Anglia United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Körner, Marco PostDoc, Deputy Head Technical University of Munich Germany |
Koryakovskiy, Ivan Reinforcement learning PhD Delft University of Technology Netherlands (the) |
Koskela, Antti Postdoc University of Helsinki Finland |
Kosta, Katerina Machine Learning Researcher United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kotikalapudi, Raghavendra Software engineer Google United States of America (the) |
Kottapalli, Siva Data Scientist Dell Emc United States of America (the) |
Kotthoff, Lars Assistant Professor of Computer Science University of Wyoming United States of America (the) |
Koushik, Jayanth PhD Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Kouw, Wouter PhD Student, Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning Delft University of Technology Netherlands (the) |
Kovacs, Tim Computer Science United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kovář, Miroslav Student CTU Czech Republic (the) |
Krasko, Dmytro Student Physics Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Ukraine |
Krasner, Nate United States of America (the) |
Kratzer, Gilles PhD student in biostatistics UZH Switzerland |
Krauß, Lucas Student Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany |
Krause, Oswin Postdoc University of Copenhagen Denmark |
Krause, Jonathan Google United States of America (the) |
Krauth, Karl PhD Student UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Krautwald, Tino PHD Student for Computer Science Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Sweden |
Kreimerman, Max IT Engineer Xentric Chile |
Kremenchugskaya, Tatiana student Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian Federation (the) |
Krevenets, Ievgenii Software Engineer Internet Archive Ukraine |
Krieger, Arthur Software Engineer Germany |
Krishna, Tarun Student University of Amsterdam India |
Krishna, C S Head of Data Science Group Impetus Technologies India |
Krishna, Satyapriya Masters Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Krishnamurthy, Jayant Research Scientist Semantic Machines United States of America (the) |
Krishnamurthy, Akshay Professor UMass Amherst United States of America (the) |
Krishnamurthy, Jayant Research Scientist Semantic Machines United States of America (the) |
Krishnan, Arjun Assistant Professor Michigan State University United States of America (the) |
Krismer, Konstantin Graduate Student MIT United States of America (the) |
Kroeger, Nicholas PhD Student University of Florida United States of America (the) |
Kroeger, Nicholas PhD Student University of Florida United States of America (the) |
Krohn, Jon Chief Data Scientist untapt United States of America (the) |
Kruijswijk, Jules PhD Student Tilburg University Netherlands (the) |
Kubilius, Jonas Postdoctoral Fellow MIT / KU Leuven United States of America (the) |
Kuchibhotla, Viswanath Software Engineer India |
Kudugunta, Sneha AI Resident Google United States of America (the) |
Kukacka, Jan PhD student Helmholtz Center Munich Germany |
Kukkonen, Kaisa PhD student, economics Turku School of Economics Finland |
Kulkarni, Vaibhav PhD Student University of Lausanne Switzerland |
Kulkarni, Tejas DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kumar, Rahul Chief AI Scientist Denmark |
Kumar, Ajay PhD University of Antwerpen Belgium |
Kumar, Arvind Ph.D. student Sant longowal institute of engineering and technology India |
Kumar, Amara India |
Kumar, Raunak Student Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Kumar, Rahul Chief AI Scientist Denmark |
Kumar, Devinder Canada |
Kumar, Raghunath India |
Kumar, Anjishnu Applied Scientist Amazon Alexa United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kumar, Mayank www.tangent.ai India |
Kumar, Akhil Machine learning scientist Amazon United States of America (the) |
Kumaraswamy, Sivathanu Data Scientist India |
Kundaje, Anshul Assistant Professor Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Kundu, Souvik Student National University of Singapore Singapore |
Kunth, Daniel Senior researcher Astrophysicist CNRS - France France |
Kurakin, Alexey Research Software Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Kurama, Venkata Ramana Professor JNUTK India |
Kurama, Vamsi Research Director Caravel Labs India |
Kurama, Vihar Backend Engineer Caravel Tech India |
Kurenkov, Andrey PhD Candidate Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Kusa, Wojciech Machine Learning Engineer Poland |
Kusek, Christopher CTO Xiologix, LLC United States of America (the) |
Kushman, Nate Researcher Microsoft Research United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Kuti, István Researcher BIG FISH Internet-Technology Ltd. Hungary |
Kutuzov, Andrey PhD student, NLP University of Oslo Norway |
Kuwahara, Micke Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Information Science Technology, Hokkaido University Japan |
Kuznetsov, Phillipa President Machine Learning at Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Kwan, Kenny Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Kyaw, Aye Thazin Process Assistant Engineer/Manufacturing Micron Semiconductor Pte Lt Singapore |
Kyte, Alexander Software Engineer / ML developer Microsoft United States of America (the) |
LaCombe, Kent PhD, MLS University of California, Irvine United States of America (the) |
Lacoste-Julien, Simon Assistant Professor University of Montreal Canada |
Lade, Prasanth Sr Data Scientist Robert Bosch United States of America (the) |
Lagnier, Cedric Researcher Skopai France |
Lahlou, Salem PhD student MILA - UDEM Canada |
Lahti, Leo Adjunct Professor University of Turku Finland |
Lai, Tuan PhD Student Purdue University United States of America (the) |
Laird, John Professor University of Michigan United States of America (the) |
Lakova, Iuliia engineer of facade of buildings The University of Architecture ang Building Russian Federation (the) |
Lalkovski, Ilija CEO, AI researcher Web Factory Macedonia, Republic of (the former Yugoslavia) |
Lalkovski, Ilija AI Engineer Pendulibrium Macedonia, Republic of (the former Yugoslavia) |
Lambert, Alex Ph.D. student Telecom ParisTech France |
Lambeth, William Biology United States of America (the) |
Lamblin, Pascal Université de Montréal Canada |
Lamichhane, Aayush Nepal |
Lamont, Andres Netherlands (the) |
Lampos, Vasileios Senior Research Fellow University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Lancaster, Shaun United States of America (the) |
Landay, James Professor, Computer Science Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Landes, Zachary Software Engineer Gracenote, INC. United States of America (the) |
Landgraf, Andrew BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE United States of America (the) |
Lane, Terran Architect of Data Science athenahealth United States of America (the) |
Lange, Rense Chief Scientist Global Psytech Malaysia |
Langford, John Researcher Microsoft Research United States of America (the) |
Lansky, Jan Head of Department of Computer Science and Mathematics University of Finance and Administration Czech Republic (the) |
Laradji, Issam PhD Candidate University of British Columbia (UBC) Canada |
Larochelle, Hugo Research scientist Google Brain Canada |
Larsen, Rasmus PhD student DTU Denmark |
Lascu , Aurelian Engineer United States of America (the) |
Laturnus, Sophie PhD student, Computational Neuroscience Institute of Ophthalmic Research Germany |
Latvaitis, Nathan United States of America (the) |
Lau, Thomas Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Lau, Tim Tsz Kit PhD Student Northwestern University United States of America (the) |
Laugel, Thibault PhD Candidate Sorbonne Universités France |
Laurent, César PhD Student MILA / Universite de Montreal Canada |
Laurenzo, Tomas Assistant Professor City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong |
Lauritzen, Thomas Head of data science Proteus digital health United States of America (the) |
Lavigueur, Philippe Librarian Collège Montmorency Canada |
Lavoie-Marchildon, Samuel Master Student Université de Montréal Canada |
Lawal, Abdulmuizz Graduate Engineer Nigeria |
Lawrence, Katharine Tiffany Jr. Software Engineer The Slipstream United States of America (the) |
Lawrence, Neil Professor of Machine Learning and Director of Machine Learning Sheffield and Amazon United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Lazaric, Alessandro Research scientist Inria France |
Lazzaro, Jordan United States of America (the) |
Lazzaro, John Research Specialist/Lecturer (retired) UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Le Pennec, Erwan Professor Ecole Polytechnique France |
Le Priol, Rémi PhD student Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms Canada |
Le Quilleuc, Adrien Fellow student in IA France |
Le Roux, Nicolas Google Brain Canada |
Le Tilly, Paul Software Engineer IBM Watson France |
Leach, Steven Software ENGINEER U.C. Davis United States of America (the) |
Leathart, Tim PhD Student University of Waikato New Zealand |
Lecumberry, Federico Associate Professor Universidad de la República Uruguay |
LeCun, Yann Professor / Director NYU / Facebook AI Research United States of America (the) |
LeCun, Isabelle LeCun United States of America (the) |
LeDell, Erin Chief Machine Learning Scientist H2O.ai United States of America (the) |
Lederer, Simone Machine Learning Radboud University Netherlands (the) |
Lee, Donald University of Science and Technology of China China |
Lee, Hyunwoo Professional Junta Korea (the Republic of) |
Lee, Hyeogjin Korea (the Republic of) |
Lee, Jovia Singapore |
Lee, Lisa Machine Learning PhD student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Legault, Kamil Universite de Montreal Canada |
Legrand, Joël Postdoctoral researcher Inria France |
Lehtinen, Jaakko Associate professor of computer science Aalto University Finland |
Leisher, Zimri United States of America (the) |
Leishman, Scott Principal engineer Intel United States of America (the) |
Leissler, Martin Professor (Game Development) Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences Germany |
Lekkala, Vikash Automotive engineer GM United States of America (the) |
Lelarge, Marc INRIA France |
Lemaire, Carl Master’s Student Université de Sherbrooke Canada |
Lemaitre, Guillaume Post-Doc Inria France |
Leng, Chenlei Professor University of Warwick United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Lengerich, Chris United States of America (the) |
Lenka, Pabitra Undergraduate Researcher IIIT Bhubaneswar India |
Lenz, Daniel Postdoc NASA JPL/Caltech United States of America (the) |
Leong, Wei Ji PhD Student in Glaciology/Physical Geography Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand |
Leplus, Olivier NA NA France |
Leppänen, Marko Dr. Tech. Finland |
Levine, Sergey Assistant Professor UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Levy, Roger Associate Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences MIT United States of America (the) |
Levy, Omer United States of America (the) |
Lewis, Justin Interactive Intelligence Private United States of America (the) |
Lewis, David Chief Data Scientist Brainspace United States of America (the) |
Leylani, Ali AI Scientist Atea Sweden |
Leylani, Ali Machine Learning Engineer Atea Sweden |
Lgov, Nikita Student Russian Federation (the) |
Lguensat, Redouane Postdoctoral researcher Institut des geosciences de l'environnement France |
Li, Liang Chemistry National Chung Hsing University Taiwan |
Li, Shitao Graduate student University of Wisconsin Madison China |
li, zhimin Student university of utah United States of America (the) |
Li, Yiming MSc Student Tsinghua University China |
Li, Yangyan Professor Shandong University China |
Li, Weiyang Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Li, Mufan PhD Student University of Toronto Canada |
Li, Xue Professor The University of Queensland Australia |
Li, Yuxi Founder attain.ai Canada |
Li, Yurong China |
Li, Zhuoren Peking University China |
Li, Fuxin Assistant Professor Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Li, Jianchao China |
Li, Wenye Assistant Professor The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) China |
Li, Qingshan Professor Xidian University China |
Li, Ying Prof. Northwestern Polytechnical University China |
Li, Mingxing PhD Student China |
Li, Yanni Prof. Xidian University China |
Liakata, Maria Associate Professor in Natural Language Processing University of Warwick United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Liang, Davis Machine Learning United States of America (the) |
Liang, Jacky Graduate Student CMU United States of America (the) |
Liang, Zhiwei Arizona State University United States of America (the) |
Liang, Haotong Student University of Maryland United States of America (the) |
Libovický, Jindřich PhD student Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Liebman, Elad Graduate Research Assistant The University of Texas at Austin United States of America (the) |
Lienart, Thibaut Postdoc Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Lilius, Johan Professor Åbo Akademi University Finland |
Lim, Sungbin PhD Kakao Brain Korea (the Republic of) |
Lima, Leandro Bioinformatics software engineer Gladstone Institutes United States of America (the) |
Lin, Scott ML None China |
Lin, Zeming Machine learning Facebook United States of America (the) |
Lin, Junyuan Lin United States of America (the) |
Lin, Mou PhD student École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland |
Lin, Lucy PhD student University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Lin, Min Postdoc MILA Canada |
Lin, Shih-Min Mechanical eng. National Taiwan Uni. Taiwan |
Lin, Dahua Assistant Professor CUHK Hong Kong |
Lindahl, Erik Professor of Biophysics Stockholm University Sweden |
Linder-Norén, Erik AI reasearcher Signality Sweden |
Lioutas, Vasileios Graduate Student Carleton University Canada |
Lippert, Christoph Group Leader/Statistical Genomics Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Germany |
Lipton, Zachary Assistant Professor Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Listgarten, Jennifer Professor UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Liu, Bin undergraduate Tsinghua University China |
Liu, John Electrical engineering United States of America (the) |
LIU, Xinwang Dr National University of Defense Technology Australia |
Liu, Wei machine learning researcher ExxonMobil United States of America (the) |
Liu, Weijie Ph.D student Zhejiang University China |
Liu, Ming-Yu principal research scientist NVIDIA United States of America (the) |
Liu, Siqi DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Liu, Shengnan China |
Liu, Zheng Computer science UIC United States of America (the) |
Liu, Liping Assistant Professor Tufts University United States of America (the) |
Liu, Sulin Princeton United States of America (the) |
Liu, Can PhD candidate Rutgers University United States of America (the) |
Liu, Timothy Undergraduate Researcher Singapore University of Technology and Design Singapore |
Liu, Tianlin University of Basel Switzerland |
Liu, Peter J. Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Liu, Jiajia Professor Xidian University China |
Liuzzi, frankie research scientist United States of America (the) |
Llanque, Brandon Germany |
Llorens Ripollès, José Manuel Student UPV - Polytechnic University of Valencia Spain |
Llovet, Pol Research Cyberinfrastructure United States of America (the) |
Lobos, Patricio Economist / Analyst Eika Gruppen AS Norway |
Locatello , Francesco PhD Student ETH Zurich - MPI for Intelligent Systems Switzerland |
Lodder, Robert Professor University of Kentucky United States of America (the) |
Lomelí , Maria Postdoctoral researcher University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Londenberg, Kai AI Engineer Volkswagen Group Germany |
Loosli, Gaëlle Assistant professor Uca France |
Lopatkova, Marketa associate professor Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Loper, Jackson Postdoctoral fellow Columbia University United States of America (the) |
López, Daniela Estudiante licenciatura UNAM Mexico |
Lopez de Mantaras, Ramon Director Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Barcelona Spain |
López Vidal, Alejandro Developer and Dara Scientist Gapps Oy Finland |
Lopez-Paz, David Research Scientist Facebook AI Research France |
Lopukhin, Konstantin Machine Learning Engineer Russian Federation (the) |
Loret, Romaric France |
Lott, Benjamin Data Scientist NBCUniversal LLC. United States of America (the) |
Lougheed, Bryan Researcher Uppsala University Sweden |
Louppe, Gilles Associate Professor University of Liège Belgium |
Lovato, Michelle United States of America (the) |
Lowd, Daniel Associate Professor, Computer Science University of Oregon United States of America (the) |
Lowe, Ryan PhD student in machine learning McGill University Canada |
Lowell, Nate United States of America (the) |
Lu, Chenrong Student Otago University New Zealand |
Lu, Xing Han Student McGill Canada |
Lu, Yuchen M.S. in Computer Science University of Montreal Canada |
Lu, Haiping Lecturer in Machine Learning University of Sheffield United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Luaces, Oscar Associate professor Artificial Intelligence Center/University of Oviedo at Gijón Spain |
Luan, Tu Researcher Norwegian University of Life Sciences Norway |
Lucchi, Aurelien ETH Zürich Switzerland |
Luccioni, Sasha Research scientist Canada |
Lucic, Mario Research Scientist Google Brain Switzerland |
Lück, Stefanie Germany |
Luckicheva, Nadezhda Biologist SSC RF-IBMP RAS Russian Federation (the) |
Ludicrum, Kate CEO Island in Space, Inc. United States of America (the) |
Luna, Timothy Operations Research Analyst DOD United States of America (the) |
Luo, Minmin China |
Luo, Zhiming Postdoc Xiamen University China |
Luong, Thanh Research Engineer Axon Viet Nam |
Luoo, Epsilon China |
Luque, Franco Martín Professor, Researcher Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and CONICET Argentina |
Ly, Alexander Post-Doc CWI, UvA Netherlands (the) |
Lydia, Lydia Web developer Tournamentcheck Wordpress & Lydia Solutions Brazil |
Lynch, Gerard Data Scientist Ireland |
Lyon, Robert Research Associate in Machine Learning University of Manchester United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Lyutoev, Ivan Russian Federation (the) |
M S, Sriharsha United States of America (the) |
M. Kermani, Ehsan Machine Learning Research/Engineer Huawei Technologies Canada |
Ma, Jiyong Principal Research Scientist Kofax Inc United States of America (the) |
Ma, Chao PhD student Oregon State University China |
Ma, Jerry Research Engineer Facebook AI Research United States of America (the) |
Ma, Zhenhua United States of America (the) |
Mabaso, Bongani Executive Research Director Transnet Engineering South Africa |
Mac Namee, Brian Lecturer, Computer Science University College Dublin Ireland |
Macías, Martín Statistician Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia |
Mackworth, Alan Professor, Computer Science University of BC Canada |
Maddamsetti, Pavan United States of America (the) |
Madhawa, Kaushalya PhD student, Computer Science Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan |
Madhyastha, Pranava Research Fellow in Machine Learning University of Sheffield United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Madry, Aleksander Associate Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Magangane, Luyolo MSc. Applied Mathematics University of Stellenbosch South Africa |
Mager, Manuel NLP UNAM Mexico |
Mahajan, Akshay Data Scientist Branch Metrics United States of America (the) |
Mahalingam, Aparna Student, Computer Networking and Deep Learning San Jose State University United States of America (the) |
Mahalunkar, Abhijit PhD Student Dublin Institute of Technology India |
Maharaj, Tegan PhD candidate, deep learning Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms Canada |
Mahdavi, Mehrdad Researcher The Voleon Group United States of America (the) |
Mahdavi, Shaudi MIT, xd labs United States of America (the) |
Mahdi, Mohammad PhD Student Tarbiat Modares University Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Mahdi, Mohammad PhD Student Tarbiat Modares University Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Mahdi, Ghulam Research Scientist Thales Research & Technology Canada |
Mahé, Pierre bioMérieux France |
Maheshwari, Gaurav Masters in Computer Science University of Bonn Germany |
Mahmoud, Sherine Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Mahmoudi, Abdelhak Researcher in Machine Learning Mohammed V University Morocco |
Mahmoudi, Issam Algeria |
Mahsereci, Maren PhD student Max Planck Institute Germany |
Mai, Vincent PhD Student MILA - Université de Montréal Canada |
Maiers, Martin VP, Biomedical Informatics NMDP United States of America (the) |
Maillard, Odalric-ambrym Inria France |
Maillo, Jesus PhD Studend University of Granada Spain |
Mainye, Ben Life science Kenya |
Mairal, Julien Researcher Inria France |
Maiti, Abhradeep Assistant Professor of Economics Indian Institute of Management Kashipur India |
Maji, Subhransu Professor University of Massachusetts, Amherst United States of America (the) |
Malah, Said Technical Architect Bouygues Telecom France |
Malatesta, Roberto Researcher on Machine Intelligence, Simulations and Big Data Analysis Exedra Open Systems United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Malbran, Nicolas Software Developer Engineer Amazon Chile |
Maldonado, Josue Mexico |
Malik, Jitendra Professor UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Malinowski, Mateusz Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Malmaud, Jonathan PhD candidate MIT United States of America (the) |
Mam, Hélios Infirmière CSAPA France |
Man, Jason Data Engineer Hong Kong |
Mancone, Stefano Student Italy |
Mancuso, Jason United States of America (the) |
Mangalathu, Sujith Postdoc University of California, Los Angeles United States of America (the) |
Mangipudi, Ravi Research Scientist Indian Institute of Science India |
Manipatruni, Sasikanth Scientist Intel Corporation United States of America (the) |
Mann, Richard University Academic Fellow in Data Analytics Department of Statistics, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Mann, Carla PhD Candidate Iowa State University United States of America (the) |
Manning, Jeremy Assistant Professor Dartmouth College United States of America (the) |
Manousakas, Dionysis PhD student U. of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Mansoor, Saquib Software Engineer R&D India |
Manzour, Hasan PhD student University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Marafino, Ben PhD Student Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Maranhao, Ana Institutional Repository Coordinator Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Brazil |
Marblestone, Adam United States of America (the) |
Marchand, Mario Professor Laval University Canada |
Marcich, Anthony Student Michigan Technological University United States of America (the) |
Marcus, David Sr VP - computing PandoLogic United States of America (the) |
Marcus, Gary Psychology and Neural Science NYU United States of America (the) |
Marecek, David researcher Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Mariet, Zelda Graduate Student Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Marinelli, Federico Researcher University of Trento Italy |
Maringanti, Krishnamacharyulu President, Research and Development Colabs Pharma Pvt Ltd India |
Marino, Kenneth PhD Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Markov, Konstantin Associate Professor The University of Aizu Japan |
Markovikj, Dejan PhD student / computer science Colorado State University United States of America (the) |
Marquette, Jean-Baptiste Astrophysicist CNRS/LAB France |
Marshall, Liam Undergraduate Researcher University of Wisconsin-Madison United States of America (the) |
Marshall, Luke PhD Candidate UNSW Australia |
Marthi, Suneel United States of America (the) |
Martí Juan, Gerard PhD student Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain |
Martinetz, Thomas Professor Computer Science University of Lübeck Germany |
Martinez, Alfredo Engineering UAM AZCAPOTZALCO Mexico |
Martinez, Julieta PhD Student University of British Columbia Canada |
Martinez, Robert Policy Analyst Trinidad and Tobago |
Martinez, Luis Felipe Student CETYS Universidad, Campus Mexicali Mexico |
Martínez de Lecea, David COO Narrativa United Arab Emirates (the) |
Martinez Olmos, Pablo Associate Professor University Carlos III Madrid Spain |
Marxer, Ricard Asst. Professor Université de Toulon France |
Mascaro, Massimo Technical Director, Applied AI Google United States of America (the) |
Masoudnia, Saeed PhD Candidate Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Masrani, Vaden PhD student University of British Columbia Canada |
Massias, Mathurin PhD student INRIA France |
Mateo, Juan L. Assistant professor in Computet Science University of Oviedo Spain |
Mathew, Alwyn Research scholar, computer vision IIT Patna India |
Mathew, Issac Sr. Data Scientist IITM India |
Mathieu, Emile PhD student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Mathisen, Bjørn Magnus PhD Student and researcher NTNU Norway |
Mathur, Keshav Computer Science United States of America (the) |
Matkowski, Wojciech PhD student NTU Singapore |
Matos, Hamilton Machine learning engineer Totvs SA Brazil |
Matsubara, Yoshitomo Applied Scientist Amazon Alexa AI United States of America (the) |
MATSUDA, Yuko Researcher Symbolic Systems, Inc. Japan |
Matsui, Tasuku Japan |
Matsumura Araujo, Ricardo Professor Federal University of Pelotas Brazil |
Matten, Omeid CEO DOPLEX Australia |
Maurya, Shivam Student Otto von Guericke University Germany |
May, Madison Machine Learning Architect Indico Data Solutions United States of America (the) |
Mayaluru, Hemanth Kumar Reddy Student - Master's in Intelligent Systems University of Bonn Germany |
Mayer, Joe FPGA Design Engineer United States of America (the) |
Mayhew, Michael Senior Bioinformatics Scientist Inflammatix, Inc. United States of America (the) |
Mc CRACKEN, Henry Joy Astronomer Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris France |
McAllester, David Professor TTI-Chicago United States of America (the) |
McAllister, Rowan Postdoc UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
McCaffary, David DPhil Student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
McCallum, Andrew Professor UMass Amherst United States of America (the) |
Mccartney, Riomar Designer Japan |
McClelland, Richard Professor of Philosophy (retired) Gonzaga University (formerly) Canada |
McDonagh, Steven Postdoc Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
McDonald, Ryan Research Scientist Google AI United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
McDonald, John Senior Lecturer Maynooth University Ireland |
McDonald, Gordon Data Science Research Engineer University of Sydney Australia |
McDonald, James Professor for English and Intercultural Communication Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Germany |
Mcdowell, Alan Project mgr Financial United States of America (the) |
McFee, Brian NYU United States of America (the) |
McIlroy, Kyle Biomedical Engineering Penn State University United States of America (the) |
McMahan, Brian Grad student / Research Scientist Rutgers University United States of America (the) |
McVearry, Kelly Neuroscience and Cognition The Hypatia Project United States of America (the) |
Medina, Anibal Visiting assistant professor university of notre dame du lac United States of America (the) |
Mehra, Akash Machine Learning Engineer United States of America (the) |
Mehta, Nishant Assistant Professor University of Victoria Canada |
Mehta, Ashish Graduate Student University of Pennsylvania United States of America (the) |
Mehta, Ronak PhD Student University of Wisconsin-Madison United States of America (the) |
Mehta, Pankaj Associate Professor Boston University United States of America (the) |
Mehta, Bhairav MILA United States of America (the) |
Mei, Jie PhD Candidate Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Germany |
Meicler, Antoine France |
Meinhardt, Tim PhD candidate TU Munich Germany |
Melis, Gábor Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Melli, Gabor Senior Director of Engineering (ML&AI) Sony Interactive Entertainment United States of America (the) |
Meng, Hong Founder QbitAI China |
Menghani, Gaurav Google United States of America (the) |
Mensch, Arthur France |
Mensink, Thomas Assistant Professor University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Mercado, Pedro PhD Student Saarland University Germany |
Merchant, NIrav Dir. Data Science University of Arizona United States of America (the) |
Merity, Stephen Founder / Researcher Songbird Labs United States of America (the) |
Merlet, Jean-Pierre Researcher,robotics INRIA France |
Merz, Frederik Germany |
Mesquita, Diego Assistant Professor Getulio Vargas Foundation Brazil |
Meurs, Marie-Jean Professor University of Quebec in Montreal Canada |
Meyer, Jesse United States of America (the) |
Meyer, Jonathan Machine Learning MSc Student Heriot Watt University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Meza Ruiz, Ivan Vladimir Research Associate Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico |
Mi, Suo nothin offing Albania |
Miah, Mehdi Student France |
Miao, Qiguang Professor Xidian University China |
Michael, Jeffrey Student researcher University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Michael, Julian PhD Student University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Michalski, Vincent Ph.D. candidate Universite de Montreal Canada |
Michel, Guillaume Data scientist Netatmo France |
Michelucci, Umberto Head of innovation BICC Helsana Switzerland |
Milani, Stephanie Student, Computer Science University of Maryland, Baltimore County United States of America (the) |
Miles, Luke Graduate Student University of Kentucky United States of America (the) |
Miljkovic, Nadica Assistant Professor University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering Serbia |
Millane, Athon Machine Learning and Research Lead Max Kelsen Australia |
Miller, Daniel Data Scientist Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Milli, Smitha Postdoc Cornell Tech United States of America (the) |
Milli, Smitha PhD Candidate UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Mimaroğlu, Alparslan Student Boğaziçi University Turkey |
Min, Fang Proffesor Xidian University China |
Min, Stella Graduate Student Florida State University United States of America (the) |
Min, Martin Renqiang Research Staff Member NEC Labs, Princeton United States of America (the) |
Minda, Minda Medical records technician Minda Consulting France |
Minervini, Pasquale Research Associate UCL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Mingle, Damian Chief Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Minhas, Raj Palo Alto Research Center United States of America (the) |
Mir, Irfan Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Willomy United States of America (the) |
Mirjalili, Vahid PhD Michigan State University United States of America (the) |
Mirkin, Shachar Researcher Israel |
Mirza, Mehdi Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Mirza, Arshiah PhD student UCONN United States of America (the) |
Mirzadeh, Iman Student University of Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Mishra, Himadri Master's candidate IIT BHU, Varanasi India |
Mishra, Salil Student LNMIIT, Jaipur, India India |
Mishra, Sourav Graduate Student University of Tokyo Japan |
Mishra, Sangeet Student Indian Institute of Technology India |
Mishra , Sourav Senior ML Engineer theAstate Japan |
Miskell, Daniel MSc Artificial Intelligence University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Misra, Diganta Student KIIT Institute India |
Misur, Marin R&D software engineer Visage Technologies AB Croatia |
Mital, Anant Student Tampere University of Technology Finland |
Mitchell, Nicholas PhD Student / Research Scientist Germany |
Mitchell, Melanie Professor, Computer Science Portland State University United States of America (the) |
Mitre, Andres Engineering Center of investigation in mathematics Mexico |
Mittal, Shriyaa United States of America (the) |
Mitzkus, Benjamin M.Sc. Student Computer Science University of Tübingen Germany |
MJ, Joice India |
Mnih, Andriy Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Mnih, Volodymyr Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Mo, Alice United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Modhugu, Raghava Student IIITH India |
Modi, Aditya PhD Candidate, Machine Learning/Reinforcement Learning University of Michigan United States of America (the) |
Moeini Feizabadi, Mazeyar Student Habib University Pakistan |
Moerman, Kevin Research Scientist MIT United States of America (the) |
Moghimi, Pejvak PhD student in deep neural networks and genomics University of Birkbeck United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Mogren, Olof Research scientist RISE SICS Sweden |
Mohammed, Omar PhD student University of Grenoble Alpes - CNRS France |
Mohanty , Tapas Consultant Capgemini pvr. Ltd. India |
Molinari, Thomas Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Mollaysa, Amina PhD student University of Geneva Switzerland |
Molnar, Christoph PhD candidate Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Germany |
Mompó Alepuz, Adrià MSc Electrical Engineering DTU Spain |
Monard, Maria-Carolina Professor University of São Paulo Brazil |
Monath, Nicholas Graduate Student University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Moncecchi, Guillermo Researcher Universidad de la República Uruguay |
Mondal, Riktim Student JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY India |
Mondria, Daniel Software Engineer in Test Spain |
Monett, Dagmar Prof. of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence AGISI.org Germany |
Monga, Rajat United States of America (the) |
Moni, Arabinda Researcher Samsung R&D Institute India, Bangalore India |
Monn, Dominic Switzerland |
Montague, Brett Geoscientist Canada |
Montenegro, Alejandro Engineer Google Denmark |
Montero Ramirez, Julián Bachelors degree in finance BUAP Mexico |
Monti, Ricardo Pio Postdoc Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Moore, Robert Staff Research Scientist Google AI United States of America (the) |
Moraitis, Dimitris CTO Mist.io Inc Greece |
Morales, Eduardo Full-time Researcher INAOE Mexico |
Moran, Oisín Machine Learning Research Assistant University of Glasgow United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Moran, Sean Research Scientist Huawei United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Morani, Rasikh CTO Arcadia Media Group Inc. United States of America (the) |
Moreau, Clara PhD Student University of Montreal Canada |
Morichetta, Andrea Austria |
Morikawa, Chamin Human-Machine Interaction Designer Yubi Japan |
Mormont, Romain PhD student ULiège Belgium |
Morrill, Dustin Graduate student in computing science University of Alberta Canada |
Morrill, Todd Data Scientist PwC United States of America (the) |
Morris, Aaron Core Developer Method Studios Canada |
Morris, Quaid Professor University of Toronto Canada |
Morris, James Researcher AwokeKnowing United States of America (the) |
Morsy, Ahmed Egypt |
Mortazavi, Majid PostDoctoral Researcher Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society Germany |
Moser, Michael PhD Student University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Germany |
Moses, Caris PhD Candidate Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Mota, Santiago Spain |
Mourya, Atul Student NIPER India |
MOUZON, Thomas student UPMC Paris France |
Moyen, Christophe Lecturer Ethics & Algorithms RTE France |
Mrabah, Nairouz Ph.D. Student National School of Engineering of Tunis Tunisia |
Muddu, Swamy United States of America (the) |
Mudigonda, Mayur PhD Student, Theoretical Neuroscience and Machine Learning UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Mueller, Shane Associate Professor Michigan Technological University United States of America (the) |
Mueller, Andreas Lecturer in Discipline Columbia University United States of America (the) |
Muhia, Brian Software Engineer Savannah Informatics Ltd. Kenya |
Muiños, Ferran Postdoctoral researcher IRB Barcelona Spain |
Muir, William Professor Genetics Purdue University United States of America (the) |
Mukherjee, Sayantan Technology Analyst PRM Fincon India |
Mukkamala, Mahesh Chandra Phd Student in Machine Learning Saarland University Germany |
Muldrey, Barry Electrical Engineering United States of America (the) |
Müller, Mathias Neural Machine Translation Researcher University of Zurich Switzerland |
Müller, Alex PhD ETH Zürich Switzerland |
Munoz, Emir PhD Student National University of Galway, Ireland Ireland |
Munoz, Alberto VP Innovation Plenum Group Mexico |
Munoz, Jorge Assistant Professor The University of Texas at El Paso United States of America (the) |
Munoz de Cote, Enrique Head of Multi-Agent Systems PROWLER.io United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Munshi, Sarthak Software Engineer HackerRank India |
Mupparaju, Prannoy India |
Murdoch, William PhD student UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Murgatroyd, David Machine Learning Chapter Lead Spotify United States of America (the) |
Murphy, Kevin Research scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Murphy, David Principle Engineer HP Labs United States of America (the) |
Murray, Gabriel Associate Professor, CS/CIS University of the Fraser Valley Canada |
Murray, Iain Reader University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Murray-Rust, Peter Reader Emeritus in Molecular Informatics University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Murthy, Varun United States of America (the) |
Musa, Mwinyimkandi Student Xidian University China |
Musa, Mutaz Physician New York Presbyterian/WCMC United States of America (the) |
Musat, Claudiu AI Research director Swisscom Switzerland |
Muthiah, Sathappan Student Virginia tech United States of America (the) |
Mutnuri, Srikar India |
Mutschler, Maximus Germany |
Muzellec, Boris PhD Candidate ENSAE ParisTech France |
Myers, Michael Software Engineer- (Grad Student) United States of America (the) |
Mysore, Sheshera Graduate Student, Computer Science University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Mønsted, Bjarke Ph.D. student Technical University of Denmark Denmark |
Nabhan Homsi, Masun Associate Professor Simon Bolivar University Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
Nacsa, Lucas CEO Neovision France |
Nafizh, Nafizh PhD Judge Hacket News Albania |
Nagaraj, Arvind Technology Architect Infosys United States of America (the) |
Nagy, Istvan Chief Architect and Data Scientist Minero IT Hungary |
Naik, Chetan Machine Learning Scientist India |
Nair, Jayaram United States of America (the) |
Nakhleh, Khaled PhD student Texas A&M University United States of America (the) |
Nanduri, Vishnu Head of Data Science Major Reinsurance firm Singapore |
Naqvi, Al Professor American Institute of Artificial Intelligence United States of America (the) |
Nardelli, Nantas PhD Student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Nascimento, Jorge Luiz Environmental Analist ICMBio - PARNASO Brazil |
Nasir, Anis Research Scientist KTH Sweden |
Nassar, Kareem Software Engineer Voicera United States of America (the) |
Natarajan, Sriraam Associate Professor University of Texas Dallas United States of America (the) |
Nategholeslam, Mostafa Postdoc/data scientist University of Guelph Canada |
Navarrete Michelini, Pablo Researcher BOE Technology Group Co, Ltd. China |
Navarro-Alarcon, David Assistant Professor of Robotics Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong |
Navarro-Guerrero, Nicolas Aarhus University Denmark |
Nayak, Pragyansmita Principal Research Engineer Apogee Research LLC United States of America (the) |
Ndlovu, Nathi MSc Student University of the Witwatersrand South Africa |
Neal, Brady Machine Learning Graduate Student MILA Canada |
Neal, Radford Professor, Statistics and CS University of Toronto Canada |
Nedoluzhko, Anna senior researcher / linguistics Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Neelakantan, Arvind Research Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Negrete Flores, Juan Mario Prefessional Developer Avaxis Sistemas Mexico |
Negrinho, Renato PhD Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Neighbors, Robert Researcher Self employed United States of America (the) |
Neiswanger, Willie Student CMU United States of America (the) |
Nelanuthula, Satish India |
Nelson, Mitch Applied Physics United States of America (the) |
Neruda, Roman researcher Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences Czech Republic (the) |
Nesby, Aaron United States of America (the) |
Neuberg, Brad Software Engineer, Machine Learning Team Dropbox United States of America (the) |
Nevado-Holgado, Alejo Lead of bioinformatics, Machine learning University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Neverova, Natalia Research Scientist Facebook AI Research France |
Neville, François Computer Science Bemidji State University United States of America (the) |
Newell, Edward PhD Computer Science McGill University Canada |
Newling, James Software engineer United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Ng, Yin Cheng PhD Student University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Ngo, Vien Assistant Professor Queen's University Belfast United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Ngo, Gia PhD Candidate in Machine Learninf Cornell University Viet Nam |
Ngo, Thanh Tung Singapore |
Nguyen, Dong Hai Phuong Italian Institution of Technology Italy |
Nguyen, Sao Mai Associate Professor IMT Atlantique France |
Nguyen, Dinh-Phong Junior Doctor APHP France |
Nguyen, Hang-Tuan Researcher Axon Viet Nam |
Nguyen, Vu Associate Research Fellow Deakin University Australia |
Nguyen, Tuan PhD student, Civil and Construction Technologies University of Melbourne Australia |
Nguyen, Hung Tuan Ph.D. candidate Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Japan |
Nguyen, Dung Researcher Axon Viet Nam |
Nguyen, Thanh PhD Student Iowa State University United States of America (the) |
Nguyen, Thong PhD student California Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Nguyend, Chi Nhan Data scientist Germany |
Ni, James CTO Irvine Sensors Corporation United States of America (the) |
Nica, Andrei-Cristian PhD Student University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Romania |
Nicholson, David postdoctoral fellow, neuroscience Emory University United States of America (the) |
Nicholson, David postdoctoral fellow, artificial intelligence Emory United States of America (the) |
Nickerson, Ken CTO iBinary LLC Canada |
Niekum, Scott Assistant Professor of Computer Science University of Texas at Austin United States of America (the) |
Nielsen, Per Kaer Head of AI Denmark |
Nielsen, Michael Research Fellow Y Combinator Research United States of America (the) |
Nielsen, Christian Heider Denmark |
Nieto, Oriol Senior Scientist Pandora Media, Inc. United States of America (the) |
Nieuwenhuis, Kees Technology Manager Thales Nederland Netherlands (the) |
Nik, Syen J. Machine Learning Jade Software Corp. New Zealand |
Nikhil, Nishant Student Indian institute of Technology Kharagpur India |
Nikolic, Mladen Assistant professor University of Belgrade Serbia |
Nikovski, Daniel Group Manager, Data Analytics MERL United States of America (the) |
Nikumbh, Sarvesh PhD Student, Computational Biology MPI for Informatics Germany |
Nilda, Nilda Beautician McGovern Consulting Netherlands (the) |
Nilsson, Mårten Student KTH Sweden |
Nishal, Sachita Student BITS Pilani India |
Nishe, Voy Autodidact Switzerland |
Nishihara, Robert PhD Student UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Nissim, Raz AI researcher General Motors Israel |
Niu, Gang Research Scientist RIKEN Japan |
Niu, Peisong China |
Nixalo, Wayne United States of America (the) |
Nixon, Jeremy Research Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Noah, Philip D.Sc. Information Systems United States of America (the) |
Nogueira, Rodrigo Ph.D. Student/Computer Science New York University United States of America (the) |
Nollert, Peter Structural Biology United States of America (the) |
Norambuena, Tomas Senior Bioinformatician PUC Chile |
Norberg, Jon Professor Stockholm resilience centre Sweden |
Nordstrom, Scotty Computer Engineer United States of America (the) |
Norvig, Peter Director of Research Google United States of America (the) |
Norvig, Peter Director of Research Google United States of America (the) |
Nosov, Nikolai Russian Federation (the) |
Noury, Erfan PhD Student University of Maryland at Baltimore County United States of America (the) |
Nova, Bryan ML software engineer United States of America (the) |
Novak, Roman Research Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Novikov, Alexander PhD student in machine learning Higher school of economics Russian Federation (the) |
Nowozin, Sebastian Principal Researcher Microsoft Research United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Nozawa, Kento PhD student The university of Tokyo Japan |
NS, Devaraj Director Bharathidasan university India |
Ntryvan, Erin Researcher LO:: Research Labs Indonesia |
Nuan, Vita CTO China |
Nugaliyadde, Anupiya Ph.D. student Murdoch University Australia |
Nugent, Tim Senior Research Scientist Thomson Reuters United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Nugent, Alex CEO/Inventor Knowm Inc United States of America (the) |
Nuhn, Malte Director Oxford Council on Good Governance United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
NUMANO, Taro Senior Researcher NIER Japan |
Nunes, Davide University of Lisbon Portugal |
Nurgoho, Agustinus Data Scientist The Hub Indonesia |
Nyikosa, Favour Mandanji Doctoral Researcher University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
O'Boyle, Don EE Graduate University of Connecticur United States of America (the) |
O'Connor, Brendan Assistant Professor College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
O'Hara, Keith Associate Professor of Computer Science Bard College United States of America (the) |
O'Neill, James PhD Student University of Liverpool United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
O'Sullivan , Shane Postdoc astronomy University of Hamburg Germany |
Oates, Chris Senior Lecturer Newcastle University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Obare, Obadiah Machine Learning Engineer Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology Kenya |
Obst, Oliver Assoc Prof / Data Science Western Sydney University Australia |
Obuah, Chika Machine Intelligence Czoid Research Nigeria |
Ocampo, Rodolfo Computer Science student ITAM Mexico |
Oda, Shigekazu postdoc National Institute for Basic Biology Japan |
Odattu, Jithin Senior Engineer QBurst Technologies India |
Odeneye, Adeyemi Nigeria |
Odintsov, Konstantin Computational chemistry Moscow State University Russian Federation (the) |
Odoemene, Kachi Machine Learning Data Scientist Booz Allen Hamilton United States of America (the) |
Odumas, Ibrahim Academic Michigan Technological University United States of America (the) |
Oertel, Elisa master student JLU Giessen Germany |
Oglietti, Marcelo Space Systems Development and Operations CONAE - Arg. Space Agency Argentina |
Öğretir, Mine Machine Learning Boğaziçi University Turkey |
Ogunmolu, Olalekan PhD Student University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center United States of America (the) |
Oh, Alice Associate Professor, Computer Science KAIST Korea (the Republic of) |
Oiwa, Hidekazu Software Engineer (Machine Learning) Google Japan |
Ok, Avinash Data Analyst EY India |
Okal, Billy Senior Researcher (Robotics) Voyage United States of America (the) |
Okray, Austin Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Olanrewaju, Ahmed Systems Analyst / Machine Learning University of ibadan Nigeria |
Oliehoek, Frans Associate Professor Delft University of Technology Netherlands (the) |
Oliver, Avital Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Olivetti, Emanuele Researcher in Machine Learning for Neuroscience Fondazione Bruno Kessler Italy |
Olivier, Yohann Student St Remi private high school France |
Olivier, Nick United States of America (the) |
Olson, Randal Lead Data Scientist Life Epigenetics United States of America (the) |
Olsson, Catherine ML Research Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Oluwo, Richard Software Developer Aptech Nigeria |
Oman, Stephen Ireland |
Omane-Kodie, Ernest United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Omolaye, Chioma Head of Operations Data Science Accelerators Nigeria |
Omont, Alain France |
Ong, Yuya Undergraduate Student - Data Sciences Penn State University United States of America (the) |
Ong, Cheng Soon Principal Research Scientist Data61, CSIRO Australia |
Onishchenko, Andrei senior researcher JINR Russian Federation (the) |
Onu, Charles Graduate student McGill University Canada |
Opoku, David Data Scientist adooreLABS Ghana |
Oppenheimer, Steve Brazil |
Orhan, Emin Postdoc Rice University United States of America (the) |
Ortiz de Zárate, Cristian Electrical Engineering Universidad de Chile Chile |
Osband, Ian Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Osborne, Michael Dyson Associate Professor in Machine Learning University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Osindero, Simon Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Osman, Ahmed PhD Student Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Germany |
Osokin, Anton Researcher National Research University Higher School of Economics Russian Federation (the) |
Osowski, Maciej Data Scientist Poland |
Otles, Erkin MD-PhD Student University of Michigan United States of America (the) |
Ouqza, Ayoub Student ISITT Morocco |
Oxley, Brylie Christopher Senior Developer MaaS Global Finland |
Oyebiyi, Farouq Nigeria |
Ozair, Sherjil Graduate Student University of Montreal Canada |
Ozdemir , Onur Machine Intelligence Scientist Draper United States of America (the) |
Ozer, Caner Research Assistant Istanbul Technical University Turkey |
Özkan, Özgüt Msc Student in Computer Science Istanbul University Turkey |
Özkural, Eray Founder, PhD, Computer Science Gök Us Sibernetik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Ltd. Şti. Turkey |
Ozzan, Sol Systems Architect Mercadolibre.com Argentina |
O’Brien, Larry Sr. Content Production Mgr. Microsoft United States of America (the) |
P Xochicale, Miguel Research Scientist University of Birmingham United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Padakandla, Sindhu India |
Padarian, José The University of Sydney Australia |
Padhi, Inkit United States of America (the) |
Padhi, Alok Kumar Student Silicon Institute Of Technology India |
Paduraru, Cosmin DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Paes, Aline Assistant professor / AI Universidade Federal Fluminense Brazil |
Pagan, James Georgia Tech United States of America (the) |
Paganini, Michela PhD Student Yale University United States of America (the) |
Pagels, Max Machine Learning Partner Fourkind Finland |
Pahuja , Jayant India |
Pahuja, Vardaan MSc Student MILA, University de Montreal Canada |
Painter, Zachary Librarian Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Pal, Vivek Software Engineer India |
Palmer, Alexis Assistant Professor University of North Texas United States of America (the) |
Pan, Fei Ph.D University of Toronto Canada |
Panagopoulos, Georgios Research Assistant, Computer Science University of Houston United States of America (the) |
Panahi, Maziyar Big Data engineer CNRS France |
Panda, Ankit Undergrad Student/Researcher IIIT Bhubaneswar India |
Pandey, Gaurav Assistant Professor Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai United States of America (the) |
Pang, Richard University of Chicago United States of America (the) |
Pang, Aaron Student Yale-NUS COllege Singapore |
Panizza, Andrea Data Scientist BHGE Italy |
Panizza, Andrea Italy |
Panno, Andrea Bioengineering University of Pavia Italy |
Papasarantopoulos, Nikos PhD student University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Papernot, Nicolas Google PhD Fellow in Security Pennsylvania State University United States of America (the) |
Paquet, Ulrich Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Paradis, Frédérik PhD student Université Laval Canada |
Paraiso, Emerson Professor Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná Brazil |
Paraschas, Dimitrios Bioinformatics & Machine Learning student University of Thessaly Greece |
Paratte, Johan PhD in Electrical Engineering EPFL Switzerland |
Paredes, Miguel PhD candidate Applied Machine Learning MIT United States of America (the) |
Parisot, Sarah Machine Learning Researcher AimBrain United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Park, Kunil United States of America (the) |
Park, Yoonsik Canada |
Park, Keunsoo PhD NTNU Norway |
Park, Memming Assistant Professor Stony Brook University United States of America (the) |
Parka, David PhD Student UCSC United States of America (the) |
Parke, Ernest Undergraduate Researcher WSU United States of America (the) |
Parmar , Niki Research engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Parra-Royón, Manuel Ph.D. Student University of Granada Spain |
Parslow, Pat Lecturer University of Reading United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Pascanu, Razvan Researcher DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Passi, Sudhanshu AI developer Cowrks India |
Patel, Snehal ML Engineer United States of America (the) |
Patel, Purav Graduate Student in Educational Psychology University of Wisconsin - Madison United States of America (the) |
Patil, Aishwary Graduate student/ Researcher Michigan Technological University United States of America (the) |
Patiño, Sebastian Student EAFIT University Colombia |
Patrini, Giorgio University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Pattanaik, Anay PhD Student, Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States of America (the) |
Paul, Kuriakose Lead Data Analyst United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Paull, Liam Assistant Professor Université de Montréal Canada |
Pausch, Trinity Algeria |
Paván, Carlos Pharmacist Conicet Argentina |
Pavlov, Pavel Russian Federation (the) |
Pavlov, Ivan Chief Solutions Architect Adastra Corp. Bulgaria |
Payne, Christine Research Scholar OpenAI United States of America (the) |
Peach , Ryan Masters Level Machine Learning Researcher Keysight Technologies United States of America (the) |
Pearlmutter, Barak Professor of Computer Science Maynooth University Ireland |
Pearre, Ben AI / neuroscience Boston University United States of America (the) |
Pedersoli, Marco Assistant Professor ETS Montreal Canada |
Pedroso, Marcel Public Health Researcher Icict / Fiocruz Brazil |
Pedulla', Francesco Adjunct Professor LUISS Business School Italy |
Peel, Leto Postdoc Universite catholique de Louvain Belgium |
Peillon, Cyril Data scientist Netherlands (the) |
Peixoto, Tiago Assistant Professor, Physics University of Bath United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Pekkanem, Jami PhD student, Cognitive Science University of Helsinki Finland |
Penfold, Christopher Research associate Wellcome/CRUK Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Pennachin, Cassio Chief AI Officer SingularityNET Foundation Brazil |
Pensia, Ankit PhD Student University of Wisconsin-Madison United States of America (the) |
Pereira, Roberto PhD Candidate University of the Witwatersrand South Africa |
Pereira, Fernando VP, Engineering Fellow Google United States of America (the) |
Pereira, Arvind CTO Markov corporation United States of America (the) |
Perez, Yaxel some dumbass none United States of America (the) |
Perez, Hugo PhD Candidate Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Spain |
Perez-Cruz, Fernando Chief Data Scientisit Swiss Data Science Center (ETH Zurich and EPFL) Switzerland |
Pérez-Suay, Adrian Phd. Image Processing Laboratory Spain |
Periyasamy, Arul Selvam PhD student University of Bonn Germany |
Perkins, Theodore Senior Scientist Ottawa Hospital Research Institute Canada |
Perkins, Alex Software developer AccelerateRPA United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Perret, Jérémy Research Lead Hubware France |
Perrie, Jonathan Master's student University of Waterloo Canada |
Perrot, Matthieu Head of AI L'Oréal France |
Person, Michael United States of America (the) |
Perumal , Karthick Physicist Germany |
Pesonen, Saara Student Finland |
Peters, Jeff Investor Autotech Ventures United States of America (the) |
Peterson, Thomas KTH Sweden |
Petkevičius, Linas PhD Student, Computer Science Vilnius University Lithuania |
Petrak, Johann Research Fellow University of Sheffield United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Petrov, Slav Principal Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Pettenuzzo, Davide Associate professor of economics Brandeis University United States of America (the) |
Petukhov, Yevgeny Frontend Developer Russian Federation (the) |
Pfaff, Tobias Research scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Pfau, David Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Phaedrus, Yuds Student Researcher University of Massachusetts United States of America (the) |
Pham, Hieu PhD Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Pham, Minh AI Researcher Alt Vietnam Viet Nam |
Pham, Huy Hieu Ph.D. student Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research (IRIT) France |
Phan, Raymond Computer Vision and Machine Learning Zebra Technologies Corporation Canada |
Pherwani, Harsh Computer Engineering Diploma Student Parul Polytechnic Institute India |
Philius, Jean Data Scientist HXG United States of America (the) |
Phillips, William Data Scientist AECOM United States of America (the) |
Phillips, Jeff M Associate professor University of Utah United States of America (the) |
Philpott, Ethan United States of America (the) |
Phoo, Cheng Perng PhD Student Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Piche, Alexandre PhD student MILA Canada |
Pichotta, Karl Software Engineer Google United States of America (the) |
Pichottka, Elias Germany |
Pielawski, Nicolas PhD in computerized Image Analysis with focus on Deep Learning Uppsala University Sweden |
Pietsch, Maximlian King's College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Pilato, Giovanni Research Scientist CNR - Italian National Research Council Italy |
Pilault, Jonathan student Polytechnique de Montreal Canada |
Pillai, Vipin PhD Student University of Maryland, Baltimore County United States of America (the) |
Pineau, Joelle Associate Professor / Researcher McGill University / Facebook AI Research Canada |
Pineda, Luis PhD Candidate University of Massachusetts - Amherst United States of America (the) |
Ping, Wei Research Scientist Baidu Silicon Valley AI Lab United States of America (the) |
Pinotsis, Dimitris Assistant Professor and Research Affiliate University of London--City and MIT United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Pinto, Rafael Professor IFRS Brazil |
Pinto, Alexandre Machine Learning Engineer Portugal |
Pinto, Alexandre Machine Learning Engineer Portugal |
Piotrowski , Michael Professor of Digital Humanities University of Lausanne Switzerland |
Pitis, Silviu PhD Student University of Toronto Canada |
Pitt, Joel Machine Learning Engineer New Zealand |
Pitts, Seth Clinical date manager United States of America (the) |
Plante, Pier-Luc Student Université Laval Canada |
Plasencia, Yenisel Machine Learning team lead blueoceantech Cuba |
Platanios, Emmanouil Antonios Graduate Researcher Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Platt, Edward PhD Student University of Michigan United States of America (the) |
Plebani, Emanuele Research Engineer STMicroelectronics Italy |
Podda, Rachele PhD Università degli studi di Verona Italy |
Poh, Andrew QUALCOMM United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Polat, Aydın Machine Learning METU Turkey |
Poline, JB Prof McGill Canada |
Polozov, Alex Researcher Microsoft Research United States of America (the) |
Polson, Rob Librarian HHSL/UHI United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Polvara, Riccardo PhD student Plymouth University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Polyak, Adam FAIR Israel |
Polygalov, Denis Technical Staff RIKEN Center for Brain Science Japan |
Ponce, Cristian Software Engineer Cogswell Polytechnical College United States of America (the) |
Pondenkandath, Vinaychandran PhD Candidate University of Fribourg Switzerland |
Poole, David Professor of Computer Science University of British Columbia Canada |
Pope, Adrian AI Engineer United States of America (the) |
Popel, Martin PhD student Computational Linguistics Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Poptic, Christopher United States of America (the) |
Porr, Bernd Lecturer University of Glasgow United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Posada, Alejandro MILA Canada |
Pospelov, Jenya student Chemistry MSU Russian Federation (the) |
Pot, Etienne SWE Google France |
Poulson, Jack Research Scientist Google Canada |
Poulton, Isaac Robotics AI SEC Japan |
Pourhadi, Daniel Software Engineer United States of America (the) |
Prabhu, Vinay Principal Machine Learning Scientist UnifyID United States of America (the) |
Prajapati, Sudhanshu Student University of Lucknow India |
Prakash, Kirti Senior Imaging Technical Officer University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Prasetyo, Philips Kokoh Principal Research Engineer Living Analytics Research Centre Singapore |
Pratama, Yusuf Rahmat Student Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia |
Precup, Doina Associate Professor McGill University Canada |
Preda, Irina Laura MSc Student, Artificial Intelligence University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Preising, Carlos Computer Science SCSU United States of America (the) |
Preiswerk, Frank Instructor in Radiology Harvard Medical School United States of America (the) |
Pretty, Thomas PhD Student Oxford University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Preux, Philippe Professor Université de Lille France |
Price, Will PhD, Visual Information Laboratory University of Bristol United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Price, Matthew Founder / CRO RealityScience, LLC United States of America (the) |
Price, Megan Executive Director Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG) United States of America (the) |
Priego, Ernesto Lecturer, Human Computer Interaction Design City, University of London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Prifti, Edi Dept Dir, Integromics ICAN France |
Pronovost, Sylvain Chief AI Officer Uni3T Canada |
Prosselkov, Pavel cognitive genetics RIKEN Japan |
Prost, Jean-Philippe Senior Lecturer in Computer Science Université de Montpellier France |
Prothero, John United States of America (the) |
Prouvost, Antoine Ph.D. Student MILA Canada |
Prüher, Jakub Research Assistant University of West Bohemia Czech Republic (the) |
Prymostka, Andrii Ukraine |
Pu, Weimeng San Jose State University China |
Pushpanathan, Jackson Software Developer United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Putra, Prasetia Student Yokohama National University Japan |
Putta, Sudeep Raja Phd Student University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Qian, Xin China |
Queguiner, Jean-louis Head of AI OVH GROUP France |
Queirós, Pedro Bioinformatics Uminho Portugal |
Quere, Gabriel Continual learning for robotics DLR - RMC Germany |
Quevedo Condorchua, Micaela Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Peru |
Quigley, Jennifer Development & Strategy to Give Patients Access PathAI, Inc. United States of America (the) |
Quinlan, Michael X (Google X) United States of America (the) |
Quintana, Thomas Director of R&D United States of America (the) |
Quintero, Sebastian Head of Data Science Radicle United States of America (the) |
R, Roshan India |
R, Dinesh India |
Ra, Stephen Research Scientist Pfizer R&D United States of America (the) |
Raamana, Pradeep Refdy Postdoc, Neuroscience and ML Baycrest Health Sciences Canada |
Rabinovich, Andrew Director of deep learning MAGIC LEAP United States of America (the) |
Rabusseau, Guillaume Postdoc McGill University Canada |
Racaniere, Sebastien Staff Research Engineer DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Rademaker, Thomas Graduate Student McGill University Canada |
Radford, Will Australia |
Raffel, Colin Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Rafipoor, Hossein Researcher- ML and neuroscience University of Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan Assistant Professor, Computer Science UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Raghavan, Balaji Engineering Director Lyft Inc. United States of America (the) |
Raghavan, TSV Author Independant India |
Raghu, Maithra PhD Student Cornell/Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Rago, Alfredo Sweden |
Ragusa, Sam Mathematics Rochester Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Rahaman, Riaz United Arab Emirates (the) |
Rahimi, Afshin Research Fellow The University of Melbourne Australia |
Rahman, Md Mustafizur Graduate Research Assistant The University of Texas at Austin United States of America (the) |
Rai, Ankit Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Rai, Ankit Data Scientist ShopRunner United States of America (the) |
Raimundo, Felix PhD student LIX France |
Rajagopal, Dheeraj Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Rajaram, Nikhil Student University of Colorado Boulder United States of America (the) |
Rajaram, Subburam Research engineer Technical univ of munich Germany |
Rajaram Reddy, Dheeraj CS Undergraduate Student Manipal Institute of Technology India |
Raji, Hameed Nigeria |
Rakotomamonjy, Alain Professor Université de Rouen Normandie France |
Ralaivola, Liva Professor, Machine Learning Aix-Marseille University France |
Ramabadran, Vasant VP Engineering Cadence United States of America (the) |
Ramachandra, Gautam Research Assistant Indian Institute of Science India |
Ramachandran, Prajit Researcher Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Ramakrishnan, Naren Professor of Computer Science Virginia Tech United States of America (the) |
Ramamonjison, Rindra Canada |
Ramamoorthy, Subramanian Reader (Associate Professor) University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Raman, Vinod Ph.D. Student in Statistics University of Michigan United States of America (the) |
Ramasamy, Karthik Machine Learning Engineer Uber United States of America (the) |
Ramazanov, Ruslan Customer Value Management analyst Saudi Telecom Company Saudi Arabia |
Ramirez, Ignacio Professor Universidad de la República Uruguay |
Ramírez, Sergio PhD Researcher University of Granada Spain |
Ramírez Rivera, Adín Assistant Professor University of Campinas Brazil |
Ramisa, Arnau Research Scientist Wide Eyes Tech Spain |
Rana, Akash Software engineer InVideo India |
Rana, Chhavi Assistant Professor UIET, MDU, Rohtak India |
Rangapuram, Syama Sundar Scientist Amazon Germany |
Ranjan, Rajeev AI Researcher HP Enterprise India |
Rankin, Summer Data scientist Booz Allen Hamilton United States of America (the) |
Rankin, Sascha Teacher Adastra Education Australia |
Rao, Guru Deep learning engineer AssemblyAI United States of America (the) |
Rao, Vinay Senior Research Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Rao, Dushyant United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Rao, Siddharth Prakash Doctoral researcher Aalto University Finland |
Rao, Delip Researcher Joostware AI Research Corp. United States of America (the) |
Raschka, Sebastian Assistant Professor University of Wisconsin-Madison United States of America (the) |
Rashad, Moataz Founder & CTO DeepVu United States of America (the) |
Rasheed, Danyal Engineer Wood Australia |
Rath, Anand Scientist ABB India |
Rath, Bhavtosh phd student United States of America (the) |
Rätsch , Gunnar Professor, Computer Science Eth Zurich Switzerland |
Rattray, Magnus Professor of Computational and Systems Biology University of Manchester United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Ratzlaff, Neale PhD Student Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Rauber, Jonas PhD student University of Tübingen Germany |
Ravi, Sathya Phd student UW Madison United States of America (the) |
Ravi, Kamalakkannan Researcher IIT Madras India |
Ray, Abhik Sr. Engineer - Data Mining United States of America (the) |
Ray, Sudipta Research Scholar Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur India |
Ray Choudhury, Sagnik AI Engineer Pennsylvania State University United States of America (the) |
Raza, Ali Python Developer Developers Inn Pakistan |
Reade, Jon Phd Researcher, Machine Learning University of Dundee United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Recht, Benjamin Associate Professor University of California, Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Reddy, Siva Postdoc Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Reddy, Mohan CTO The Hive United States of America (the) |
Redmon, Joseph University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Rees-Jones, Mitch Computer Scientist NC State University United States of America (the) |
Reggie, Reggie Environmental protection officer Reggie Tournamentcheck.Wordpress.com GmbH France |
Rehn, Erik Sweden |
Reichman, Daniel Assistant Professor WPI United States of America (the) |
Reiman, David Physics graduate student University of California, Santa Cruz United States of America (the) |
Reinaudi, Gael physicist / data scientist United States of America (the) |
Relyea, David Head of Data Science OpenX United States of America (the) |
Rematas, Konstantinos Postdoc in Computer Vision and Graphics University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Remediakis, Michael Student Berkeley City College United States of America (the) |
Ren, Shaogang Postdoc Researcher Baidu United States of America (the) |
Rencsok, Wade R&D Systems Engineer Self (not representing my employer of Sandia National Labs) United States of America (the) |
Rens, Natalie Australia |
Reschke, Michael - - Germany |
Revsbech, Clara Massage Therapy Freelance Denmark |
Rey, Melanie Researcher BenevolentAI United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Reyes, Edgar School Rsk United States of America (the) |
Reynolds, Stuart Industrial medical researcher United States of America (the) |
Rhea, Rhea Personal appearance worker Waldman deluxxis.es & Waldman Ltd Netherlands (the) |
Rhodes, Phillip CEO / ?Chief Scientist Fogbeam Labs United States of America (the) |
Ribas, Luiz Phd Student Universidade Federal de Góias Brazil |
Rice, Joshua Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Rice, Iain United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Richards, Adam Machine Learning Engineer Robin Healthcare United States of America (the) |
Richoux, Florian Associate professor Université de Nantes France |
Richtarik, Peter Professor KAUST Saudi Arabia |
Richter, Craig Ph.D. BCBL Spain |
Riedel, Sebastian Associate Professor University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Riedl, Mark Georgia Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Rigaki, Maria PhD student Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Republic (the) |
Rijhwani, Shruti Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Rinaldi, Matteo Data Scientist Viome Inc United States of America (the) |
Rippa , Shmuel Research Scientist Nexar Israel |
Ritchie, Alexander PhD Student, Machine Learning University of Michigan United States of America (the) |
Rizzoli, Alberto CEO V7 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
RM, Rahul Cognitive Engineer NLP Smart Dubai United Arab Emirates (the) |
Robbel, Philipp MIT United States of America (the) |
Roberts, Adam Senior Software Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Robertson, Nathan Principle scientist Heptares Therapeutics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Robinette, Calen United States of America (the) |
Robinson , Nick AI MSc Endinburgh University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Robles, Armando Data Scientist Segurcaixa Adeslas Spain |
Rocchetto, Andrea DPhil Student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Rocha, Leonardo Data Engineer France |
Rocha Garcia, Lucas Computer Engineer Instituto Militar de Engenharia Brazil |
Rodrigues, Silvio CTO jungle.ai Netherlands (the) |
Rodriguez, Ivan FElipe Graduate Student University Of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico |
Rodriguez Arbones, Didac PhD University of Copenhagen Denmark |
Rodríguez Colina, Sebastián Machine Learning Engineer Colombia |
Rodriguez de la Vega, Ricardo Researcher Universite Paris-Sud France |
Rodríguez Gálvez, Borja Machine Learning Student KTH Royal Institute of Technology Spain |
Rodriguez-Aguilar, Juan Research Scientist IIIA-CSIC Spain |
Rogers, Thomas Senior Data Scientist Visulytix United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Rogers, Simon Senior lecturer University of Glasgow United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Rogers, Byron Performance Genetics LLC United States of America (the) |
Rogers, Mark Deep Learning Software Engineer Amazon Web Services United States of America (the) |
Rohrseitz, Nicola Switzerland |
Romano, Simone Italy |
Romero Borrego, André Sören Researcher 53165640J Spain |
Romero Ferrero, Francisco PhD student Chamoalimaud Research Portugal |
Romeyn, Marc Machine Learning Engineer Spotify Sweden |
Ronao, Charissa Ann Data Scientist ePLDT Philippines (the) |
Ronen, Jonathan Graduate student Max Delbruck Centrum Germany |
Ronneberger, Olaf Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Roos, Teemu Associate Professor, Computer Science University of Helsinki Finland |
Roosenbloom, Jake Student in Neuroscience IIT-B India |
Rosá, Aiala NLP Researcher UDELAR Uruguay |
Rosa, Rudolf Research Assistant in Computational Linguistics Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Rosario, Ryan Lecturer, Machine Learning Researcher University of California, Los Angeles United States of America (the) |
Rosasco, Lorenzo Professor University of Genova Italy |
Rose, Mark Product Manager Google United States of America (the) |
Rosemary, Rosemary Claims appraiser Rosemary & Blount Solutions Switzerland |
Rosen, Alexandr Charles University, Prague Czech Republic (the) |
Rosenbaum, J. Artist Australia |
Rosmorduc, Serge Assistant professor in computer science Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers France |
Ross, David Google Research United States of America (the) |
Rossi, Gianluca Lead Data Scientist Farfetch United States of America (the) |
Rosskopf, Joachim PhD candidate in theoretical physics Ulm University Germany |
Rostamzadeh, Negar Research Scientist Element AI Inc Canada |
Rouch, Sylvain France |
Rougier, Nicolas Researcher / Computational Neuroscience Inria France |
Rouholiman, Dara ML Reasearcher United States of America (the) |
Rowe, Brian AI Pez.AI United States of America (the) |
Roy, Julien Master Student MILA Canada |
Roy, Subhrajit IBM Research Australia |
Roy, Probir United States of America (the) |
Roy, Daniel Professor University of Toronto Canada |
Roy, Daniel Professor University of Toronto Canada |
Roy, DeWayne Machine Learning Researcher United States of America (the) |
Roychoudhury, Shayan India |
Roychowdhury, Sujoy India |
Ruder, Sebastian PhD student Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway Ireland |
Rudi, Alessandro Researcher INRIA and Ecole Normale Superieure France |
Rudinger, Rachel PhD Student Johns Hopkins University United States of America (the) |
Rudner, Tim PhD Student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Rudy, Rudy Position classifier Swinford imbuilding.kiev.ua & Swinford GmbH United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Ruffino, Cyprien PhD. Student INSA de Rouen France |
Ruiz, Hans-Christian PhD candidate Netherlands (the) |
Ruiz, Marco Student UFBA Brazil |
Ruiz, Francisco Postdoctoral Researcher Columbia University United States of America (the) |
Ruiz Macias, Eduardo Software Engineer Mexico |
Rujun, Long CEO 0101.AI China |
Runfeldt, Melissa Data Science United States of America (the) |
Runia, Tom PhD student University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Runje, Davor CTO vHealth Lab Croatia |
Rusanen, Anna-Mari Cognitive Science University of Helsinki Finland |
Rush, Alexander Assistant Professor Harvard University United States of America (the) |
S, Vaisakh Deep Learning Entrepreneur India |
Sabatelli, Matthia PhD Candidate University of Liége Belgium |
Sabol, Jeff Librarian Long Beach City College United States of America (the) |
Sadeghian, Ali PhD University of Florida United States of America (the) |
Sadhu , Arka Student Indian Institute of Technology Bombay India |
Sadri, Mehdi United States of America (the) |
Saeed, Aaqib PhD Student Netherlands (the) |
Safavieh, Ehsan PhD student University of Freiburg Germany |
Saffari, Amir SVP of AI BenevolentAI United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Saffidine, Abdallah Research Fellow Australian National University Australia |
Sagot, Benoît Inria France |
Sah, Shagan PhD student Rochester Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Saha, Rudra Graduate student Arizona State University United States of America (the) |
Saha, Saikat experienced researcher CLI India |
Saha, Ankan Staff Applied Researcher Linkedin Corporation United States of America (the) |
Saha, Aishik India |
Saha, Amit Computer Scientist India |
Sahoo, Achyuta Senior software developer India |
Saint-Jean, Christophe Associate Professor University of La Rochelle France |
Saip, Martin machine learning researcher, the youngest world champion in automated trading Kershner Trading Group, Masaryk University Brno Czech Republic (the) |
Sairamachandran, Adithya Student UMass Amherst United States of America (the) |
Saito, Hideki Engineer, Localization United States of America (the) |
Sajed, Touqir Graduate student University of Alberta Canada |
Salah, Albert Ali Computer Engineering Bogazici University Turkey |
Saleh, Shadi Ph.D. Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Czech Republic (the) |
Saleh, Adel Researcher URV Spain |
Salim, Adnan United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Salim, Rounak Student Vanderbilt University United States of America (the) |
Salimbeni, Hugh phd student Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Salinas, Jose Chile |
Salmon, Joseph Assistant professor Télécom Paristech France |
Salomond, Jean-Bernard Assistant Prof. UPEC France |
Salvador, Hector Data Analyst Capital One United States of America (the) |
Salvatori, Matteo Data Scientist Leader Spain |
Salvi, Giampiero Associate Professor KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden |
Salvi, Darshana Research Engineer Intel Corp. United States of America (the) |
Sam, Jeffin Student Karunya institute of technology and sciences India |
Samarakoon, Buddhika PhD Candidate University of Miami United States of America (the) |
Sameni, Sepehr Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Sampat, Mehul 1978 United States of America (the) |
Sanchez, Ezequiel Computer engineer Universidad de la República Uruguay |
Sanchez, Jose PhD student Institut Pascal France |
Sanchez, Sergio Public Policy Researcher United States of America (the) |
Sánchez, Jorge Preofes,sor, Researcher FaMAF-UNC, CONICET Argentina |
Sanchez-Angarano, Elias United States of America (the) |
Sánchez-Mayor, Milagros PhD student Universidad de León Spain |
Sánchez-Peralta, Luisa F. PhD Student University of Extremadura Spain |
Sancho-Asensio, Andreu Data Scientist La Salle Spain |
Sanderson, Theo AI Resident Google United States of America (the) |
Sandle, Tim Microbiologist University of Manchester United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sandouk, Ubai Lecturer Damascus University Syrian Arab Republic |
Sani, Amir Research Fellow Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sankar, Shrinivasan computer vision researcher United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sankarapu, Vinay Kumar Founder Arya.ai India |
Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Graduate student University of Maryland United States of America (the) |
Santana, Manuel PhD student Universidad de Guadalajara Mexico |
Santara, Anirban Google Ph.D. Fellow IIT Kharagpur India |
Santhanam, Sashank PhD student University of North Carolina at Charlotte United States of America (the) |
Santhanam, Gokula Krishnan Master's Student ETH Zurich Switzerland |
Santos, Joao Felipe Research scientist Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms Canada |
Santra, Bishal Budding Scientist Conduent Labs India India |
Sanyang, Liu Professor Xidian University China |
Saouma, Richard Professor Michigan State University United States of America (the) |
Saponaro, Giovanni Instituto Superior Técnico Portugal |
Sapru, Nikhil Student Unviersity of Guelph Canada |
Sarajcev, Petar PhD University of Split Croatia |
Saravanan , Vadivelu Consultant Rheumatologist Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sarawagi, Piyank CTO Contractflo India |
Sardinha, Jovan Canada |
Saribas, Hasan Statician WOMEE Turkey |
Sarin, Helena United States of America (the) |
Sariyanidi, Evangelos Postdoctoral Research Fellow Center for Autism Research United States of America (the) |
Sarker, Toqi Tahamid Bangladesh |
Sasikumar, Tarun India |
Sathya, Sai Sri India |
Satija, Harsh McGill University Canada |
Sato, Masayuki Researcher Japan |
Satyasheel, Satyasheel Data scientist Royal Holloway university of london India |
Saunier, Nicolas Professor Polytechnique Montréal Canada |
Sauter, Jake Student, Computational Neuroscience, Medical Informatics SUNY Oswego United States of America (the) |
Savenkov, Denis Research Scientist Facebook United States of America (the) |
Saw, Jimmy Postdoctoral Research Associate / Microbiology Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Saxena, Manoveg Data scientist Wps management GmbH Germany |
Sayeed, Asad Associate Senior Lecturer, Computational Linguistics University of Gothenburg Sweden |
Scaria, Arul Assistant Professor National Law University, Delhi India |
Schaefer, Michael Germany |
Schaffert, Steven Biomedical Data Scientist Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Scheibler, Robin Postdoc, Signal Processing Tokyo Metropolitan University Japan |
Schelter, Sebastian Applied Scientist Amazon Germany |
Scherer, Dominik AI Programmer Ubisoft Blue Byte Germany |
Scherrer, Chad Senior Data Scientist Metis United States of America (the) |
Scherrer, Bruno Researcher INRIA France |
Schettino, Antonio Belgium |
Schiex, Thomas Senior Scientist INRA France |
Schlosser, Todd Data Scientist LegalZoom United States of America (the) |
Schluter, Natalie Associate Professor, Head of Data Science BSc IT University of Copenhagen Denmark |
Schmidt , Sebastian PhD student in physics Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn Germany |
Schmidt, Ludwig PhD Student Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Schmidt, Victor Data Scientist France |
Schmidt, Ruben Netherlands (the) |
Schmidt, Mark Professor University of British Columbia Canada |
Schmitt, Benoît INRIA France |
Schock, Justus Machine Learning Engineer RWTH Aachen Germany |
Schoelkopf, Bernhard Director Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Germany |
Schoen, Robert Portfolio Management Putnam Investments United States of America (the) |
Schoenfeld, Edgar Student University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Schofield, Alexandra PhD Candidate Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Schönborn, Matthias Renewable Energy Germany |
Schreiber , Andreas Head of Intelligent and Distributed Systems department German Aerospace Center Germany |
Schreiber, Jacob Graduate Student University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Schreiber, Fabian Germany |
Schrider, Daniel Assistant Professor University of North Carolina United States of America (the) |
Schrouff , Jessica Post-doctoral fellow University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Schuler, Alejandro PhD candidate Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Schulzrinne, Henning Professor Columbia University United States of America (the) |
Schuth, Anne Research Scientist De Persgroep Netherlands (the) |
Schwab, Didier Associate Professor Univ. Grenoble Alpes France |
Schwartz, Idan PhD Technion Israel |
Schwettmann, Sarah MIT United States of America (the) |
Schwinn, Austin Data Scientist Exaptive, Inc United States of America (the) |
Scicluna, Matthew Masters Student Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms Canada |
Sebastian, Clint Ph.D. student Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands (the) |
Seddah, Djamé Associate Professor Université Paris Sorbonne France |
Sedghi, Hanie Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Seeger, Matthias Principal Machine Learning Scientist Amazon Germany |
Seibold, Heidi Biostatistics Postdoc LMU Munich Germany |
Seitz, Steffen Research Scientist TU Dresden Gabon |
Sejdinovic, Dino Associate Professor University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Seldin, Yevgeny Associate Professor University of Copen Denmark |
Selmi, Nidhal Student / Research Assistant Arizona State University - School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering United States of America (the) |
Selvan, Raghavendra PhD Student University of Copenhagen Denmark |
Semage, Buddhika CTO Vesess Pvt Ltd Sri Lanka |
Semenchuk, Sergei Software Engineer Belarus |
Senel, Enes MSc Student TU Munich Germany |
Sener, Ozan Postdoctoral Scientist Intel Labs Germany |
Sengupta, Debanjan Doctoral Student Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur India |
Sennrich, Rico Lecturer University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Senov, Alexander PhD Student Saint Petersburg State University Russian Federation (the) |
Seo, Ilguen Machine Learning Engineer CAFE24 Korea (the Republic of) |
Seo, Junghoon Korea (the Republic of) |
Sepassi, Ryan Senior Research Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Serafim, Paulo Masters Student Universidade Federal do Ceará Brazil |
Serrà, Joan Researcher Telefonica Research Spain |
Serrano, Jesus Ing Mexico |
Seshie, Eyram DevOps Engineer Viamo Ghana |
Seva, Jurica Wissensmanagement in der Bioinformatik Germany |
Sevcikova, Magda Computational Linguistics Charles University, Prague Czech Republic (the) |
Sghir, Ilyes CTO DeepOR France |
Shafiei, Mahdi Machine learning engineer LinkedIn United States of America (the) |
Shah, Het India |
Shah, Shital Principal Research Engineer Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Shah, Jinay Student BVM India |
Shah, Nihar Assistant Professor Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Shah, Parth Assistant Professor CGPIT India |
Shah, Ankit Parag Graduate Research Assistant Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Shahbazi, Reza Research Non-profit United States of America (the) |
Shahed, Ali Machine Learning engineer United States of America (the) |
Shaher, Ahmed Machine Learning Engineer Elves Egypt |
Shalit, Uri Assistant Professor Technion Israel |
Shalizi, Cosma Associate Professor of Statistics and Machine Learning Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Shaloudegi, Kiarash Ph.D. student Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Shams, Ayman Student Monash University Bangladesh |
Shams, Haron Imperial college london United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Shanbhag, Vidit Student MIT India |
Shankar, Anil Quantitative User Researcher Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Shannon, Matt Research Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Sharbrough, Joel United States of America (the) |
Shariff, Roshan Ph.D. Student University of Alberta Canada |
Sharma, Ravi kant Data scientist Concur Technologies India |
Sharma, Neeraj Postdoctoral Fellow CMU United States of America (the) |
Sharma, Abhishek Undergraduate Student Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi India |
Sharma, Ravi Computer Science Zaplabs United States of America (the) |
Sharma, Amit ÄI staff Arizona State University United States of America (the) |
Shashanka, Madhu United States of America (the) |
Shayani, Hooman Research Scientist Autodesk Research United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Shcherbak, Iurii Ecosystem Modeler - Sr. Data Scientist 1984 United States of America (the) |
Shchur, Oleksandr PhD Student Technical University of Munich Germany |
Sheikh, Md. Tuhin Doctoral Student, Statistics University of Connecticut United States of America (the) |
Sheikholeslami, Sina Co-Founder and CTO LPMPC, FPC United States of America (the) |
Shekhar, Saurav Masters Student ETH Zurich Switzerland |
Shekhawat, Jitender Software Developer India |
Sheldon, Daniel Assistant Professor University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Shelhamer, Evan PhD student, AI UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Shen, Yulong Professor Xidian University China |
Shen, Limin Associate Professor Nanjing Normal University China |
Shephard, Neil Statistician University of Sheffield United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sherborne, Thomas Masters Student in NLP University of Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sherman, Michael Applied AI Researcher Google United States of America (the) |
Sherry, Steven Neuroradiology fellow Massachusetts General Hospital United States of America (the) |
Sheryl, Sheryl Locker room attendant Expotransgresoras Sheryl mbH Netherlands (the) |
Sheshappanavar, Shivanand Venkanna Research Assistant Syracuse University India |
Sheth, Karan India |
Shi, Guangming Professor Xidian University China |
Shi, Tianze PhD Student Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Shi, Yonk M.Sc KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Sweden |
Shieber, Stuart Professor of Computer Science Harvard University United States of America (the) |
Shigabeev, Ilya Artificial Intelligence Engineer Yandex Data School Russian Federation (the) |
Shiraishi, Yuichi Unit Leader National Cancer Center Research Institute Japan |
Shiva, Navya India |
Shoaf, Timothy Principal Architect and ML Researcher United States of America (the) |
Shoaib, Mohammad Ceo Crisp Analytics pvt ltd India |
Shockey, Kevin President PRPIG Puerto Rico |
Shpakova, Agnessa Research Associate University of Strathclyde United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Shrestha, Prakash Software engineering student London metropolitan university Nepal |
Shrivastava, Manish Assistant Professor International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad India |
Shwartz, Vered PhD student Bar-Ilan University Israel |
Sidi, David Graduate Student The University of Arizona United States of America (the) |
Signal, Beth Australia |
Silva, Flavio Software Engineer RIO DE JANEIRO FEDERAL UNIVERSITY Brazil |
Silva, Petrônio Professor Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais - IFNMG Brazil |
Silva, Guilherme postdoctoral fellow in Neuroscience The Australian National University Australia |
Silva, Victor Graduate Student University of Alberta Canada |
Silver, Sam Deep Learning Student Georgia Tech United States of America (the) |
Siminyu, Kathleen Lead Data Scientist Africa's Talking Kenya |
Simonson, Dan PhD Candidate Georgetown University United States of America (the) |
Simpson, Michael Data Scientist Very LLC. United States of America (the) |
Sindhwani, Vikas Research Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Singh, Vikas Associate Professor University of Wisconsin Madison United States of America (the) |
Singh, Sushant Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Singh, Nidhi Germany |
Singh, Chandan PhD Student UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Singh, Dickey CEO and Chairman, Founder enchant.ai United States of America (the) |
Singh, Pranaydeep Graduate Student. (NLP) India |
Singh, Rishabh Senior Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Singh, Vijay Assistant Professor/Physics North Carolina A&T State University United States of America (the) |
Singh, Alok United States of America (the) |
Singh, Gautam Project manager Tata Consultancy services India |
Singh, Avneet Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Singh, Harpreet CTO Kvantum United States of America (the) |
Singh, Karan PhD Candidate Princeton University United States of America (the) |
Singh, Sonia Data Scientist United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Singh, Jasvinder Student CDGI India |
Singh, Sameer Assistant Professor University of California, Irvine United States of America (the) |
Singh, Vineet Data Scientist Citi Ireland |
Singh, Gurjeet CEO Ayasdi United States of America (the) |
Singh, Dilawae Graduate Student NCBS Bangalore India |
Singh, Renay Data Scientist/Quantitative analyst Upeksha South Africa |
Singh, Abhishek Software Engineer India |
Singh, Ashish Graduate Student; Computer Science University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America (the) |
Singhal, Prateek Data Scientist CK-12 Foundation United States of America (the) |
Singhal, Utkarsh Student, Researcher 1996 United States of America (the) |
Sinh, Priyanshu Technology Lead Smart Cities NEC Australia Australia |
Sinha, Yash Research Practicum Student University of New South Wales Australia |
Sinha, Samarth Visiting researcher UC Berkeley Canada |
Sinha, Subarna Bioinformatics Program Leader SRI International United States of America (the) |
Sinha, Koustuv MSc Student McGill University Canada |
Sinha, Ayushi Postdoctoral Fellow The Johns Hopkins University United States of America (the) |
Sirota, Joshua Graduate Researcher University of Alberta Canada |
Sisnett, Ricardo R&D Engineer Riot Games United States of America (the) |
Sivagnanadasan, Naren Artificial Intelligence University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign United States of America (the) |
Sivakumar, Pranav Intern, Astrophysics Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory United States of America (the) |
Sivalingam, Ravishankar Computer Vision Researcher United States of America (the) |
Sivanagaraja, Tatinati Research Fellow Nanyang Technological University Singapore |
Sixt, Leon PhD Student Freie Universität Berlin Germany |
Skerry-Ryan, RJ Software Engineer Google, Inc. United States of America (the) |
Skilton, Mark Professor of Practice ISM , Industry Director of AI Innovation Network Warwick Business School United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Slater, Michael Research Manager Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Slotin, Sergey Research Engineer Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Russian Federation (the) |
Smedberg, Magnus Sweden |
Smirnov, Evgeny Researcher STC-innovations Ltd. Russian Federation (the) |
Smirnov, Yury RSU Latvia |
Smith, Ian Graduate Student University of Toronto Canada |
Smith, Adam Assistant Professor of Computational Media UC Santa Cruz United States of America (the) |
Smith, Derek Computer Engineering Ohio Northern University United States of America (the) |
Smith, Simón C. Research Associate The University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Smith, Arfon Head, Data Science Mission Office Space Telescope Science Institute United States of America (the) |
Smith, Jason Biomedical Analysis Riverside Research United States of America (the) |
Smith, Max PhD Student University of Michigan United States of America (the) |
Smith, Noah Associate Professor University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Smith, Alexander Mechanical Engineer Canada |
Smith, Robin United States of America (the) |
Smith, Sam Data Scientist U Illinois United States of America (the) |
Snoek, Jasper Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Snyder, Jordan PhD Candidate in Applied Mathematics UC Davis United States of America (the) |
Sodhani, Shagun Researcher Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms Canada |
Sohl-Dickstein, Jascha Staff Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Soiland-Reyes, Stian Technical Architect The University of Manchester United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Soleimani, Amir PhD Student West Virginia University United States of America (the) |
Solgi, Mojtaba Director of AI Axon Enterprise Inc United States of America (the) |
Solinas, Christopher Graduate Student, Machine Learning University of Alberta Canada |
Sollich, Peter Professor of Theoretical Physics University of Goettingen Germany |
Soltan, Saleh Postdoctoral Researcher Princeton University United States of America (the) |
Sommer, Simon Graduate Student University of St. Gallen Switzerland |
Sommer, Christoph Staff scientist IST Austria Austria |
Sommer, Kent Master's Candidate KAIST Korea (the Republic of) |
Song, Kyu-ye Korea (the Republic of) |
Soni, Ravi Sr Data Scientist Soni United States of America (the) |
Sordo, Mohamed Senior Scientist Pandora United States of America (the) |
Sorensen, Reed Researcher Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation United States of America (the) |
Sorower, Mohammad Scientist Philips Research North America United States of America (the) |
Souri, Yaser PhD student University of Bonn Germany |
Sousa, Ricardo G. Data Scientist Farfetch Portugal |
Sousa, Mark Master Student USP Brazil |
Souterre, Tiffany France |
Spencer, Michael Electrical engineer Signal Processing Solutions United States of America (the) |
Spieker, Helge PhD Student Simula Research Laboratory Norway |
Spieß, Heiner Computer Science TU Berlin Germany |
Spiliopoulou, Evangelia PhD Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Spisar, Monica engineer, AI researcher Canada |
Spithourakis, Georgios PhD Student University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sra, Suvrit Machine Learning Faculty MIT United States of America (the) |
Sridhar, Srinath Postdoctoral Researcher Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Srikumar, Vivek Assistant Professor University of Utah United States of America (the) |
Srinivas, Aravind Student UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Srivastava, Brij Mohan Lal Research engineer Microsoft Research India |
Srivastava, Rupesh Senior Research Scientist NNAISENSE Switzerland |
Stafford, Kate Senior Scientist Atomwise, Inc United States of America (the) |
Stafseng einarsen, Mats United States of America (the) |
Stahlhut, Andreas data architect LKA Niedersachsen Germany |
Standvoss, Kai Master Student AI Radboud University Netherlands (the) |
Stanley, Natalie University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States of America (the) |
Stanojevic, Marija PhD student Temple University United States of America (the) |
Stanovsky, Gabriel Postdoc University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Stark, Charles Researcher National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics Estonia |
Starkey, Benjamin Mechanical Engineer Canada |
Starmer, John Director of Education Kumulus Technologies United States of America (the) |
Stefano, Ghirlanda Professor of Psychology Brooklyn College United States of America (the) |
Steiner, Renato Entrepreneur lebijou.io Switzerland |
Steinhardt, Jacob PhD Student Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Stenetorp, Pontus Senior Research Associate University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Stensbo-Smidt, Kristoffer Postdoc University of Copenhagen Denmark |
Sterbak , Tobias Data scientist Germany |
Sterling, Zane Software Engineer Google United States of America (the) |
Stevenson, Kraig Machine Learning Engineer Domino's Pizza United States of America (the) |
Stewart, Jonathon Doctor Australia |
Stibor, Ludek Czech Republic (the) |
Stiehler, Felix PhD student HHU Düsseldorf Germany |
Stober, Sebastian Head of Machine Learning in Cognitive Science Lab University of Potsdam Germany |
Stokely, Kevin Data Scientist MindGeek Canada |
Stokowiec, Wojciech Applied Research Scientist Element AI Poland |
Stone, Thomas Engineer Google Switzerland |
Stone, Thomas Rory PhD Computer Science University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Story, Evan Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Stowell, Dan Senior Researcher, Machine Listening Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Stoyanchev, Svetlana Interactions United States of America (the) |
Stoyanov, Veselin Research Scientist Facebook United States of America (the) |
Stoyanov, Stoyan CEO and lead AI researcher Berger Neurorobotics Denmark |
Straka, Milan Assistant Professor, Computational Linguistics Charles University, Prague Czech Republic (the) |
Strakova, Jana research assistant Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Czech Republic (the) |
Streeter, Ph.D., Kurt D. Cognitive Science University of Mississippi United States of America (the) |
Strinati, Quentin Computer Science Engineering Student Exia.Cesi France |
Strong, Giles PhD student CERN, LIP-Lisbon Portugal |
Strub, Florian Ph.D Student Machine Learning Inria France |
Stylianidis, Matthaios Machine Learning student KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden |
Su, Jessica Research Scientist Facebook United States of America (the) |
Su, Brian Software Engineer Wish United States of America (the) |
Sudderth, Erik Associate Professor University of California, Irvine United States of America (the) |
Sudie, Kevin Student Oakton College United States of America (the) |
Suhaimi, Nur Farahana PhD candidate International Islamic University Malaysia Malaysia |
Sullivan, Dave Software developer Self United States of America (the) |
Sülün , Serkan MSc student in electonic engineering Turkey |
Sumba Toral, Francisco Xavier Research Assistant University of Cuenca Ecuador |
Sümer, Ömer PhD Student University of Tübingen Germany |
Summerill, Scott United States of America (the) |
Sun, Chen United States of America (the) |
Sun, Pengzhong CV Harbin Institute of Technology China |
Sundaram, Rajesh Masters in Machine Learning Texas A&M University United States of America (the) |
Sundaresan, Balaji Principal Data Scientist ADP / Georgia Tech United States of America (the) |
Sundli, Kelvin MSc Data Analytics student University of Glasgow Norway |
Sunil, Allwyn Student Government Engineering College, Thrissur India |
Suri, Pranav India |
Sushil, Madhumita PhD student University of Antwerp Belgium |
Suster, Simon Postdoc University of Antwerp Belgium |
Sutherland, Dougal Postdoc Gatsby unit, University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sutskever, Ilya OpenAI United States of America (the) |
Suvakov, Milovan Institute of Physics Belgrade Serbia |
Suzen, Mehmet Germany |
Suzuki, Taiji Associate Professor University of Tokyo Japan |
Svensson, Lennart Professor Chalmers University of Technology Sweden |
Svensson, Lennart Professor Electrical engineering Sweden |
Swain, Chris Director Cambridge MedChem Consulting United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Swaminathan, Adith Research Microsoft Research United States of America (the) |
Swamy, Akash Machine Learning Engineer India |
Swayamdipta, Swabha PhD in Language and Information Technologies Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Swersky, Kevin Research Scientist Google Brain Canada |
Syed, Tariq Computer Scientist India |
Synnaeve, Gabriel Research Scientist Facebook AI Research United States of America (the) |
Sysoev, Dmitry Data Scientist Russian Federation (the) |
Syzochenko, Natalia Postdoctoral Researcher Dartmouth College United States of America (the) |
Szepesvari, Csaba Professor University of Alberta Canada |
Tabor, Chris Software engineer United States of America (the) |
Täckström, Oscar Research Scientist Google Sweden |
Tadepalli, Prasad Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Taghizadeh, Gelareh Data Scientist Glass United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Tajaddodianfar, Farid Applied Researcher Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Taleb, Aiham PhD student Max Delbrück Center Germany |
Talukdar, Partha Assistant Professor Indian Institute of Science India |
Tamang, Suzanne Assistant Faculty Director, Data Science Stanford United States of America (the) |
Tamchyna, Aleš Machine learning engineer Memsource, a.s. Czech Republic (the) |
Tan, Kai Xuan Software Engineer Singapore |
Tan, Erica AI New Zealand |
Tan, Liling Singapore |
Tanaka, Jin Bachelor Kyushu University Japan |
Tanczos, Ervin post-doctoral researcher in math and cs University of Wisconsin - Madison United States of America (the) |
Tang, Shuai Data Scientist GAC R&D Center United States of America (the) |
Tanksale, Nachiket Veritas Software LLC India |
Tansey, Wesley Postdoc Columbia University United States of America (the) |
Tanwani, Rahul Engineering Lead Tookitaki Holding Pte Ltd Singapore |
Tapia, Guido AI Manager PicNet Pty Ltd Australia |
Tapp, Alain MILA Canada |
Tapson, Jonathan Professor Western Sydney University Australia |
Tarrade, Fabien Data Scientist Switzerland |
Tatman, Rachael Data Scientist Kaggle United States of America (the) |
Tavallali, Pooya PhD Student UC Merced United States of America (the) |
Taylor, Wallace Data Scientist United States of America (the) |
Taylor, Conrad Software Engineer United States of America (the) |
Teboul, Ezra PhD candidate, music technology RPI United States of America (the) |
Teeter, John Chief Scientist People Power Company United States of America (the) |
Teguh Jay Malewa, Hermon Electronics and Instrumentation Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia |
Teh, Gim Aik Hong Kong |
Teja, Bharat Student JNTU Hyderabad India |
Tematelewo, Irené Data Science researcher Technipole Sup-Valor (Polytechnic Yaounde - Cameroon) Cameroon |
Tena Espinoza de los Monteros, Martin Adalberto Research Librarian Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG) Mexico |
Teney, Damien Research Scientist Idiap Research Institute Switzerland |
Tennant, Jon Rogue scientist Tennant Germany |
Teoh, Andrew Associate Professor Yonsei University Korea (the Republic of) |
Teoh, Cheewei Singapore |
ter Schure, Judith Machine Learning group CWI Netherlands (the) |
Ter-Saakov, Anthony Boston University United States of America (the) |
Terekhov, Alexey MIPT-magister of appl.maths/physisc MIPT Russian Federation (the) |
Terentev , Danil Biotechnology Russian Federation (the) |
Terrell, Roshawn Cognitive Scientist, Neuroscientist, Information theorist, AI Researcher EthicsNet, Exosphere United States of America (the) |
Terwilliger, Adam PhD Student Michigan State University United States of America (the) |
Terzi, Maria Researcher University of Cyprus Cyprus |
Teshima, Takeshi Graduate student Japan |
Tewari, Ambuj Associate Professor University of Michigan United States of America (the) |
Textor, Johannes Assistant Professor Radboud University Medical Center Netherlands (the) |
Thakur, Anamika India |
Thakur, Sanjay Masters Student McGill University Canada |
Thanh, Hai Associate Prof NTNU Norway |
Thapa, Sushil Machine Learning Software Engineer Fusemachines Inc. Nepal |
Theis, Lucas Senior Machine Learning Researcher Twitter United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Thibault, Yvette software engineer Twitter United States of America (the) |
Thirumalaraju, Prudhvi India |
Thitte, Sudarshan Software Engineer, NLU IBM United States of America (the) |
Thoma, Martin Germany |
Thomas, Skyler Principal Engineer MapR United States of America (the) |
Thomas, Sherin Engineering Lead CoWrks India |
Thomson, Sam PhD Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Thomson, Axel MRes Student, Brain Sciences University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Thong, William PhD student University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Thorat, Sushrut PhD candidate Donders Centre for Cognition Netherlands (the) |
Thorat, Nikhil Software Engineer Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Thorey, Valentin Engineer France |
Thorrez, Clayton Grad Student UMass Amherst United States of America (the) |
Thurairatnam, Ragavan Co-founder DeepLearni.ng Canada |
Tian, Cong Proffesor Xidian University China |
Tiao, Louis PhD Student, Machine Learning University of Sydney Australia |
Tidemann, Axel Research Scientist Telenor Research Norway |
Tillman, Clayton E. Data Scientist UCF United States of America (the) |
Timirov, Yulay Researcher Institute of Molecule and Crystal Physics - Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Federation (the) |
Titov, Ivan Reader (Associate Professor) University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Titus, Titus Gas pumping station operator Titus Titus GbR Brazil |
Tobal, Sergio Student of EHU Public University of Basque Country Spain |
Togelius, Julian Associate Professor New York University United States of America (the) |
Tok, Mehmet Sami Software Developer, Image Processing Middle East Technical University Turkey |
Tolstoy, Alexey Russian Federation (the) |
Tomar, Dhananjay Deep Learning India |
Tomar, Agam Ph. D. Candidate UCLA United States of America (the) |
Tomioka, Ryota Researcher Microsoft Research Cambridge United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Tompson, Jonathan Senior Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Tomsett, Richard IBM Research United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Tonoli, Peter eScholarship & Archival Sciences The University of Melbourne Australia |
Tonutti, Michele Data Scientist Netherlands (the) |
Topiwala, Rijul Software Developer India |
Topkara, Umut Computer Science United States of America (the) |
Torgo, Luis Professor of Computer Science Dalhousie University Canada |
Torkamani, Mohamadali Machine Learning Scientist University of Oregon United States of America (the) |
Torres, Andres Amazon United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Torres, Jonathan Brazil |
Torrey, Lisa Associate professor St Lawrence University United States of America (the) |
Torrisi , Mirko PhD student UCD Ireland |
Tosik, Melanie Computer science/NLP New York University United States of America (the) |
Touati, Ahmed PhD student Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms Canada |
Toyama, Daniel Research Software Engineer DeepMind Canada |
Toyer, Sam Australian National University Australia |
Trajkovski, Igor Professor ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Macedonia, Republic of (the former Yugoslavia) |
Tramel, Eric Senior ML Scientist Owkin, Inc. France |
Tran, Dustin Research Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Tran, An Computer Vision researcher aiq.tech Singapore |
Tran, Christopher PhD Student University of Illinois at Chicago United States of America (the) |
Trapp, Martin Researcher in Machine Learning Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence Austria |
Treder, Matthias Lecturer Cardiff University United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Tressoldi, Patrizio Researcher-Psychology Università di Padova Italy |
Trichelair, Paul Phd Student NLP MILA Canada |
Trinh Nguyen, Anh United States of America (the) |
Tripković, Boban Assistant Professor Department of archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Serbia |
Tripodi, Ignacio Computer Scientist United States of America (the) |
Trippa, Massimiliano PhD Candidate SISSA Italy |
Trivedi, Shubhendu TTI Chicago United States of America (the) |
Trivedi, Priyansh Student University of Bonn Germany |
Trudel, Martin Canada |
Truong, Hong Minh Data Scientist France |
Trzcinski, Tomasz Assistant Professor, Computer Vision Warsaw University of Technology Poland |
Tsakalidis, Adam United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Tsipras, Dimitris PhD student MIT United States of America (the) |
Tu, Tan Research Engineer Viet Nam |
Tudisco, Francesco Mathematics and Computer Science University of Strathclyde United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Tudosiu, Petru-Daniel Master Student/Future PhD Student University College London/King's College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Turkki, Riku PhD Student FIMM Finland |
Turner, Jeremy Sessional Professor Simon Fraser University Canada |
Turner, Alex Researcher Google DeepMind United States of America (the) |
Tusse , Rodrigue Software Engineer Wunderman South Africa Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) |
Tutum, Cem C. Clinical Assistant Professor The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Science United States of America (the) |
Tuwani, Rudraksh Research Assistant Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi India |
Tweddle , Christine United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Twigg, Andrew United States of America (the) |
Tzelepis, Georgios CHALMERS Sweden |
Uch, Sarath Startup Cambodia |
Uddin, Omar UVision United States of America (the) |
Uesugi, Shusaku United States of America (the) |
Ullah, Enayat PhD Student Johns Hopkins University United Arab Emirates (the) |
Undheim, Astrid Norway |
Ungureanu, Vlad Student University of York United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Urbano García, Francisco Lead Data Scientist General Electric Czech Republic (the) |
Urchs, Sebastian PhD Student Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital Canada |
Urdiales, Cristina Professor University of Malaga Spain |
Urvoy, Tanguy Research engineer France |
Usmani, Muhammad Hamza Computer Science Volkswagen AG Pakistan |
Uszkoreit, Jakob ML Researcher & Engineer Google United States of America (the) |
Vacher, Jonathan Postdoc Albert Einstein United States of America (the) |
Vaggi, Federico Senior Applied Scientist Amazon United States of America (the) |
Vaid, Muhammad MSc Student University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa |
Vaidhya, Kiran Deep Learning Researcher Predible Health India |
Vaidya, Amit Germany |
Vairamuthu, Raghunath Student Kth Sweden |
Valdenegro-Toro, Matias Researcher German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence Germany |
Valdes, Gilmer Assistant Professor UCSF United States of America (the) |
Valliappan, Nachiappan United States of America (the) |
Valstar, Michel Associate Professor in Automatic Human Behaviour Understanding University of Nottingham United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Valverde Martinez, Juan Miguel Researcher Spain |
van de Meent, Jan-Willem Assistant Professor Northeastern University United States of America (the) |
van den Bosch, Antal Professor Radboud University Netherlands (the) |
Van den Broeck, Guy Assistant professor UCLA United States of America (the) |
van der Putten, Peter Assistant Professor, Leiden University & Global Director, Decisioning and AI Solutions, Pegasystems Leiden University Netherlands (the) |
van der Silk, Noon AI Engineer Australia |
van der Smagt, Patrick Director of AI Research Volkswagen Group Germany |
van der Vaart, Aad professor Leiden University Netherlands (the) |
van der Vegt, Jan Data Scientist KLM Netherlands (the) |
van Erven, Tim Assistant Professor in Machine Learning Leiden University Netherlands (the) |
van Es, Bram Data scientist Netherlands (the) |
van Leeuwen, Matthijs Assistant professor Leiden University Netherlands (the) |
van Merriënboer, Bart Research Scientist Google Canada |
van Oudenhoven, Vincent University of Waterloo Canada |
van Schilt, Erwin Business Intelligence Netherlands (the) |
Van Vaerenbergh, Steven Postdoctoral researcher Universidad de Cantabria Spain |
VanBuskirk, Dillon Graduate Research Assistant University of Arkansas United States of America (the) |
Vanhatalo, Jarno Assistant professor in statistics University of Helsinki Finland |
Vanhoose, Bobby United States of America (the) |
Vanhoucke, Vincent Principal Scientist and Director, Google Brain Robotics Google, Inc. United States of America (the) |
Vanschoren, Joaquin Professor, Machine Learning Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands (the) |
Varanasi, Kiran Researcher, Computer Vision DFKI Germany |
Variš, Dušan PhD. student Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Varol, Gul PhD student INRIA France |
Varoquaux, Gaël Academic Researcher Inria France |
Vasconcelos Jansson, Erik Sven M.Sc. Student Linköping University Sweden |
Vasileva, Natalia Student Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics Russian Federation (the) |
Vasiloglou, Nikolaos Research Symantec United States of America (the) |
Vasiloudis, Theodore PhD Student KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden |
Vasisth, Nithin Student Montréal institute of Learning algorithms Canada |
Vasquez, Giovany Managing Director HeavenBlueWines SRL Romania |
Vastel , Antoine PhD student Inria France |
Vasu, Abhishek Graduate student NYU United States of America (the) |
Vasudevan, Vijay Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Vazquez, David Research Scientist Canada |
Veduruparthi, Bijju Kranthi PhD, Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur India |
Vega, Roberto PhD Student University of Alberta Canada |
Vehtari, Aki Associate Professor Aalto University Finland |
Veitch, Victor Postdoctoral Research Scientist Columbia University Canada |
Vela Lopez, Victor IT Architect UPM Spain |
Velayutham, Shunmuga Associate Professor Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham India |
Velev, Viktor Independent Researcher, Machine Learning Bulgaria |
Velicheti, Prithvi Scientist ISRO India |
Velida, William Graduate Engineer ASB Bank New Zealand |
Venkadesh, Kiran Vaidhya PhD candidate Radboudumc Netherlands (the) |
Venkatagiri, Sukrit United States of America (the) |
Venkataraman, Sukanya Graduate Student, Computer Science University of Wisconsin-Madison United States of America (the) |
Venkataramani, Radhakrishnan Software Engineer Google United States of America (the) |
Venkatasubramanian, Suresh Professor University of Utah United States of America (the) |
Venugopalan, Subhashini Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Verheijen, Peter JT Retired Professor Delft Univeristy of Technology Netherlands (the) |
Verheyen, Connor United States of America (the) |
Verma, Karan RESEARCHER Na India |
Verma, Vikas Phd candidate Aalto University Finland |
Verma, Saurabh Shekhar Machine Learning Engineer Verma India |
Vernade, Claire Post-doc Germany |
Vernerová, Anna PhD student in NLP Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Vert, Jean-Philippe Senior Researcher ENS Paris France |
Veselov, Vladimir engineer physicist Russian Federation (the) |
Viard, Tiphaine Associate professor, computer science Telecom Paris France |
Vicas, Cristian Software Engineer Catalysts Gmbh Romania |
Vicente, Thomas Machine Learning Engineer Spain |
Vicente López, Eduardo Data Scientist, PhD Predictiva.io Spain |
Vidra, Jonáš Undergraduate student Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Vieira, Vilson Co-founder Cod.ai Brazil |
Vigfusson, Ymir Assistant Professor Emory University United States of America (the) |
Vijendra, Prajwal Software Engineer Cerner India |
Vila Suero, Daniel Director Recognai Spain |
Villacampa, Carlos Phd student Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain |
Villani, Mattias Professor of Statistics Linköping University Sweden |
Villar, Jordi Spain |
Villegas, Ruben PhD Candidate / Machine Learning University of Michigan United States of America (the) |
Villicaña Aguilar, Adrian Surgeon ISSSTE Mexico |
Vinas Mouta, Eduardo Consultant NEORIS Spain |
Vinayak, Ramya Postdoctoral Researcher University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Vincent , Pascal Professor (A.I.) & Research Scientist Université de Montréal & Facebook Canada |
Vinicki, Krunoslav Student University of Zagreb, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Croatia |
Vinyals, Oriol Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Viríssimo, Denis Researcher Institute for Technological Research Brazil |
Visin, Francesco Italy |
Vitale, Alessandro CEO Conversate Italy |
Viviano, Joseph Canada |
Vlachos, Andreas Lecturer University of Sheffield United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Vladutu, Liviu Lecturer Dr Politehnica University Bucharest Romania |
Vlastelica Pogancic, Marin Germany |
Vogt, Guilherme Student Federal Univesity of Paraná Brazil |
Vogt, Joël Research Engineer EVRYTHNG Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Volpi, Riccardo Ph.D. Student Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Italy |
Volsicka, Vit Data analyst AppAgent Czech Republic (the) |
von Luxburg, Ulrike Professor Machine Learning University of Tuebingen Germany |
von Oswald, Johannes Germany |
Vonstad, Elise PhD Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway |
Vorontsov, Eugene PhD Candidate MILA Canada |
VS, Pradip Digital Architect India |
Vu, Ngoc Minh Quant United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Vulis, Dimitri Adjust associate professor City College of New York (CCNY), CUNY United States of America (the) |
Vyas, Saurabh Independent student researcher India |
Vyas, Aditya Undergradutate Student Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology India |
Vylomova, Ekaterina University of Melbourne Australia |
Wadia, Neha Graduate Student University of California, Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Wagner, Bobby Student Case Western Reserve University United States of America (the) |
Wahby, Riad Computer Science Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Wajid, Rameez PhD student Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Walmsley, Will Machine learning NLP researcher Whirlscape Inc Canada |
Walsh, Toby Professor of Artifical Intelligence UNSW Sydney Australia |
Walsh, Christopher Web developer University of California, Irvine United States of America (the) |
Walton, Michael Computer Scientist Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center United States of America (the) |
Wang, Ziyu Research Scientist Deepmind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Wang, William Assistant Professor University of California, Santa Barbara United States of America (the) |
Wang, Zehan Engineering Manager Twitter United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Wang, Xin Intel Corporation United States of America (the) |
Wang, Qi France |
Wang, Shusen postdoc UC Berkeley United States of America (the) |
Wang, Xufeng bachelor of engineering SJTU China |
Wang, Dong Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Wang, Renhao Undergraduate Student Yale University United States of America (the) |
Wang, Dong Student Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Wang, Qi Ph.D University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Wang, Chong Research Scientist Google United States of America (the) |
Wang, Zi PhD Candidate Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Wang, Wei PhD student University of Trento Italy |
Wang, Song Masters Student in CS Xidian University China |
Wang, Qing Prof. Northwestern Polytechnical University China |
Wang, Zihan Canada |
Warde-Farley, David Research Scientist DeepMind United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Waschneck , Bernd PhD Graduate School advanced Manufcturing Engineering Germany |
Waseem, Zeerak PhD candidate, Natural Language Processing University of Sheffield United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Waserman , Yuval Graduate student BGU Israel |
Wason, Tejbir Software Engineer Canada |
Wasserbaech, Haden Student / computer engineering Michigan Technological University United States of America (the) |
WATANABE, THOMIO PhD candidate USP ICMC Brazil |
Watson, David Data Scientist Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Webb, Andrew Research Associate / Post-doc University of Manchester United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Webber, Bonnie Professor, School of Informatics University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Weerasekera, Rivindu PhD Student University of Auckland New Zealand |
Wei, Richard Software Engineer Google Brain China |
Wei, Tianhao Zhejiang University China |
Weichwald, Sebastian Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Germany |
Weidenholzer, Lukas MSc Student University of St Andrews United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Weifeng, Gao Professor Xidian University China |
Weimer, Markus Microsoft United States of America (the) |
Weinberger, Kilian Assoc. Prof. of Machine Learning Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Weinzierl, Maxwell Undergraduate Research Student in Computer Science University of Texas at Dallas United States of America (the) |
Weis, Tobias PhD Candidate University of Frankfurt Germany |
Weiss, Martin Msc UdeM Canada |
Weiss, Ron Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Weissenborn, Dirk Research Scientist German Research Center for AI Germany |
Weitz, Marc Germany |
Welbl, Johannes University College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Weld, Daniel WRF / TJ Cable Professor Allen School of CSE; University of Washington United States of America (the) |
Weller, Marlene Student University of Tuebingen Germany |
Welling, Max Professor University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Wells, Steven Computer Scientist Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Weng, Paul assistant professor Shanghai Jiaotong University China |
Weng, Hanley Researcher Australia |
Werner, Matthias PhD Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems Germany |
Westera, Matthijs Postdoc Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain |
Westerlund, Isak Machine Learning Student Aalto University Finland |
Weston, Jason Research Scientist Facebook United States of America (the) |
Westphal, Alexander senior permanent research staff, string theory and cosmology DESY Germany |
Wetterwald , Anthony France |
White, Martha Associate Professor, Department of Computing Science University of Alberta Canada |
White, Ethan Associate Professor University of Florida United States of America (the) |
White, Adam Research Scientist; Adjunct Professor Deepmind; University of Alberta Canada |
Whiteson, Shimon Associate Professor Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Wibirama, Sunu Assistant Professor Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia |
Wibisono, Yudi Lecturer of Computer Science Indonesia University of Education Indonesia |
Wibral, Michael Professor Neuroscience Goethe University Germany |
Wicke, Martin Software Engineer Google United States of America (the) |
Wilfredo, Wilfredo Host Murciadivorcios CO KG Netherlands (the) |
Willems, Lucas France |
Willhelme, Brady Statistics UNSW Australia |
Williams, Tom Assistant Professor of Computer Science Colorado School of Mines United States of America (the) |
Williams, Chris Professor University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Willie, Willie Pump operator Cheshire AG Australia |
Willig, Christian Strategic Insights Specialist Energy Queensland Australia |
Willmott, Steven Co-Founder Timewarp Labs United States of America (the) |
Wilson, Erik Software Engineer United States of America (the) |
Wilson, Greg Head of Instructor Training DataCamp Canada |
Wilson, Samuel PhD Statistician United States of America (the) |
Wiltschko, Alexander Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Winfree, Erik Professor Caltech United States of America (the) |
Wingate, Thomas Head of Research Wavr Yech AB/Chalmers Sweden |
Winn, John Microsoft Research United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Winther, Ole Professor data science and complexity Technical University of Denmark Denmark |
Wiyatno, Rey University of Waterloo Canada |
Wolf, Christian Assistant Professor INSA-Lyon France |
Wolf, Thomas Head of Science HuggingFace United States of America (the) |
Wolf, Henry Language and Cognition University of Connecticut United States of America (the) |
Wong, Thomas Hong Kong |
Wong, Riley Data Scientist Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania United States of America (the) |
Wong, Francis Programmer Director Lingnan University Hong Kong |
Wong, Weng-Keen Associate Professor Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Wood, Jonathan Software Developer/Data Specialist Woo United States of America (the) |
Worrall, Daniel Postdoc University of Amsterdam Netherlands (the) |
Wozniakowski, Alex PhD Student Nanyang Technological University Singapore |
Wu, Qingyun University of Virginia United States of America (the) |
Wu, Eric Staff Software Engineer United States of America (the) |
Wu, Te-Lin PhD USC United States of America (the) |
Wulfmeier, Markus Postdoctoral Research Scientist University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Wyble, Brad Associate Professor Penn State University United States of America (the) |
Wynter , Dominic Student NYU United States of America (the) |
Xavier, Anish Data Science India |
Xi, Jinping General Secretary CPC China |
Xiaogen, Lan algorithm engineer HIKVISION China |
Xie, Jiaqing Master ETH Zurich China |
Xie, Weidi Postdoc University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Xie, Saining Ph.D. Candidate University of California, San Diego United States of America (the) |
Xu, Dixing Xi'an Jiatong-Liverpool Univeristy China |
Xu, Xilie NUS Singapore |
Xu, Bing Senior Machine Learning Engineer United States of America (the) |
Xu, Muwen Cloud Business Manager Alibaba China |
Xu, Jackie United States of America (the) |
Xu, Jin Student China |
Xu, Kai Ph.D Student University of Edinburgh United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Yadav, Umang Graduate Student University of Toronto, Canada Canada |
Yadav, Mohit Student UMass Amherst United States of America (the) |
Yadav, Shashank India |
Yamamoto, Takeshi Researcher Kyoto University Japan |
Yamamoto, Takenori CEO RIMCS LLC Japan |
Yampolskiy, Roman Associate Professor, Computer Engineering and Computer Science University of Louisville United States of America (the) |
Yanardag, Pinar Post-doc MIT United States of America (the) |
Yang, Shicai Hikvision Research China |
Yang, Guanqun United States of America (the) |
Yang, Kevin PhD student California Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Yang, Zhong Engineer China |
Yang, Emily Product Manager, MPhil Graduate in HCI/NLP Intralogue Ltd Hong Kong |
Yang, Bo Ph.D Student Zhejiang University China |
Yang, Hongyi Mathematics Rutgers University United States of America (the) |
Yang, Hongyu United States of America (the) |
Yanumula, Vamsi India |
Yasuura, Hiroto Vice President and Professor Kyushu University Japan |
Yasyukevich, Yury Researcher Institute of solar-terrestrial physics SB RAS Russian Federation (the) |
Yates, Andrew Postdoc Max Planck Institute for Informatics Germany |
Yearsley, Joe Machine Learning Research Engineer Kheiron Medical Technologies United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Yedavalli, Kiran Principal Engineer Cisco Systems United States of America (the) |
Yeh, Yu S CEO Selvz United States of America (the) |
Yen, Tzu-Chi Graduate Student University of Colorado Boulder United States of America (the) |
Yenigün, Yalçın Data Scientist Galatasaray University Turkey |
Yeo, Teresa PhD Student EPFL Switzerland |
Yerubandi, Kishan Lecturer American University United States of America (the) |
Yeşilmen, Muhammed Gazali B.S.C.S Turkey |
Yi Shern, Chin Data Engineering 123RF Malaysia |
Yih, Jennifer Postdoc Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Ying, Yiming SUNY Albany China |
Ying, Yiming SUNY Albany United States of America (the) |
Yoo, William Weimin Postdoc in Statistics Leiden University Netherlands (the) |
Yoo, ByungIn Principal Researcher Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology Korea (the Republic of) |
Yoshida, Naoto GROOVE X Japan |
Yosinski, Jason Research Scientist Uber AI Labs United States of America (the) |
Young, Adamo Master's Student University of Toronto Canada |
Young, Jon PhD Student University of Pittsburgh United States of America (the) |
Young, Wayne ASIC Architect NVIDIA United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Young, Adam Cryptographer Cryptovirology Labs United States of America (the) |
Young, Michael NLP Engineer Volley Labs United States of America (the) |
Younger, Nicholas PhD student (bioinformatics, genetics) MRC IGMM United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Yousefi, Safoora Phd student Emory University United States of America (the) |
Yu, Rose United States of America (the) |
Yu, Pen-Li EE Purdue University United States of America (the) |
Yu, Tian BLEX Capital China |
Yu, Ting Analyst Commonwealth Bank of Australia Australia |
Yuan, Hang Master student EPFL Switzerland |
Yuan, Xiaohui professor Wuhan University of Technology China |
Yuan, Fajie PhD Glasgow China |
Yue, Yisong Assistant Professor California Institute of Technology United States of America (the) |
Yung, Nicholas Statistics Undergraduate University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Yuping, Wang Professor Xidian University China |
Zacharowicz, Renee Cornell University United States of America (the) |
Zadbuke, Ajinkya Graduate Student University of Massachusetts, Amherst United States of America (the) |
Zadeh, Reza CEO Matroid United States of America (the) |
Zadeh, Reza Adjunct Professor Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Zafar, Hamid PhD student University of Bonn Germany |
Zafeiriou, Lazaros Imperial College United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zaharia, Matei Assistant Professor Stanford University United States of America (the) |
Zaidi, Julian AI Programer Ubisoft Canada |
Zainchkovskyy, Yevgen MSc Student mathematical modelling DTU Denmark |
Zakka, Cyril MD/CS Boston College/AUB United States of America (the) |
Zambetta, Fabio Associate Professor RMIT University Australia |
Zansasc , Marco Student Epfl Switzerland |
Zap, Sergio Russian Federation (the) |
Zarkadakis, George AI Lead Agorai United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zboralski, Anthony R&D Lead HERT United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zdeborová, Lenka researcher at CNRS IPhT, CEA Saclay France |
Żelasko, Piotr Machine Learning Engineer/Consultant Poland |
Zell, Levi Neuroscience University of Montana United States of America (the) |
Zeman, Daniel researcher, NLP & computational lingusitics Charles University Czech Republic (the) |
Zemicheal, Tadesse PhD Student Oregon State University United States of America (the) |
Zeng, Andrew I want to be an artificial intelligence engineer when i grow up Burnaby south secondary school Canada |
Zennaro, Fabio Massimo Postdoc in Machine Learning University of Oslo Norway |
Zeqiraj, Elton Assistant Professor United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zhang, Pingping Ph.D Dalian University of Technology China |
Zhang, Sen Resercher China |
Zhang, Xiang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science China |
Zhang, Jinnian United States of America (the) |
Zhang, Deping PostDoc Institute for advanced study,Tsinghua university China |
Zhang, Andrew Senior Machine Learning Engineer SLA United States of America (the) |
Zhang, Amy United States of America (the) |
Zhang, Jiayao Machine Learning Researcher University of Hong Kong China |
Zhang, Chenyu SURF London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Royal Institution United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zhang, Xiang Research Scientist Element AI Canada |
Zhang, Heng Machine learning Imperial College London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zhang, Yan PhD student University of Southampton United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zhang, Ivan Researcher FOR.ai Canada |
Zhang, Chiyuan Research Scientist Google Brain United States of America (the) |
Zhang, David CTO V.Fine Music China |
Zhao, Chao Bioinformatics Huazhong Agricultural University China |
Zharmagambetov, Arman PhD student UC Merced United States of America (the) |
Zheltonozhskii, Evgenii Reasearch Assistant Technion Israel |
Zhen, Xingjian PhD UW-Madison China |
Zheng, Jialin EE Purdue United States of America (the) |
Zheng, Kang Computer Science University of South Carolina United States of America (the) |
Zheng, Xiaoyan Professor Xidian University China |
Zheng, Yu Professor Microsoft China |
Zheng, Lei Research Assistant University of Illinois United States of America (the) |
Zheng, Rui Research scientist markable.ai United States of America (the) |
Zhong, Mingjun Lecturer University of Lincoln United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zhong, Mingjun Lecturer in machine learning University of Lincoln United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zhou, Kaiyang PhD student Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zhou, Giulio PhD Student, Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University United States of America (the) |
Zhou, Yingbo United States of America (the) |
Zhu, Xiaohu Chief Scientist University AI China |
Zhu, Xiangping Ph.D. Student Italian Institute of Technology Italy |
Zhu, Ligeng Research Assistant Simon Fraser University Canada |
Zhukov, Aleksei Russian Federation (the) |
Zi, Jun United States of America (the) |
Zia, Saalam MS University Of Gujrat Pakistan |
Zia, Zeeshan Senior Scientist Microsoft Research AI United States of America (the) |
Ziegler, Magnus Phd Candidate Linköping university Sweden |
Zientala, Przemyslaw Co-founder University of Southampton United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zier, Brian AI/ML Researcher/Hobbyist United States of America (the) |
Zimmerman, Mendy Medical Research, data science United States of America (the) |
Zinkov, Robert PhD Student University of Oxford United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zotti, Clement Machine learning in medical imaging Imeka Canada |
Zucker, Jeremy Computational Biologist Pacific Northwest National Labs United States of America (the) |
Zukov Gregoric, Andrej PhD student Royal Holloway, DigitalGenius United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Zuo, Xingdong PhD Student IDSIA Switzerland |
Демидова, Виктория Инженер-конструктор Russian Federation (the) |
Журавлёва , Юлия Mathematics MSU Russian Federation (the) |
Плющенко, Иван Russian Federation (the) |
Сухарников, Ниеолай Инженер механик Russian Federation (the) |
学楠, 张 Student Shandong University China |
杜, 康 GDUT University None China |
汪, 旭鸿 phd SJTU China |